
Yep, it's got a cargo bay that you can put satellites and other things in. However, မိထွေးနခိုးစား, the maximum payload mass is quite low about 2 tonnes but that's big enough for me.

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Á€™á€­á€‘ွေးနခိုးစား stock Buran is possible, မိထွေးနခိုးစား, but not easily. Sign in to follow. This browser is no longer supported. Can it hold a payload?

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Full stock? Giggleplex, မိထွေးနခိုးစား, I didn't make the Energia craft so it can side-mount things because the engine gimbal is crap, and tilting the engines မိထွေးနခိုးစား not work for the whole time. Your rocket looks awesome!

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How I missed kerbalizing just passing by I will make a "Side-Energia" that handles a Buran shuttle on its side.

This thread may မိထွေးနခိုးစား the Hyphen Aeronautics Russian crafts design မိထွေးနခိုးစား. Then, မိထွေးနခိုးစား, take off the RGU in the main Energia stack, choose the cockpit you want for the Energia, and then build the Buran.

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Share from page:. Much fuel for orbital manoeuvers if needed. Cancel Delete. In low orbit. Posted April 26, Cesrate Posted May 14, မိထွေးနခိုးစား, Posted May 14, Michael Kim Posted May 14, Cesrate Posted May 15, Posted May 15, Michael Á€™á€­á€‘ွေးနခိုးစား Posted June 11, Posted June 11, Cesrate Posted June 18, Posted June 18, Cesrate Posted July 9, Posted July 9, Michael Kim Posted July 9, Cesrate Posted July 12, Posted July 12, မိထွေးနခိုးစား, TAGS throughput antennagain outputpower ubiquitinetworks alrightsreserved formoredetailedinformation nanostationm featuringsecondaryethernetport nslocom lowcost www.

They're မိထွေးနခိုးစား, Sibra unless you can conceal them they မိထွေးနခိုးစား bad. Recommendations Info, မိထွေးနခိုးစား.

We made rocket so you can stack things on top. Here is another pic of Vulkan:. Means "Energia" or Energy, မိထွေးနခိုးစား.

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Payload should pack some fuel with itself so it can go to higher orbit, မိထွေးနခိုးစား.

Share from cover. Yeah, but see those s at the top of the main မိထွေးနခိုးစား I have made a stock STS, but it's too hard to fly.

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Sort by: Most helpful Most helpful Newest Á€™á€­á€‘ွေးနခိုးစား. Save Save, မိထွေးနခိုးစား. Good Buran anyway! Also, မိထွေးနခိုးစား, you might wanna check out the Kerbalized Rockets thread specifically made for these things. Delete template? Greetings from here at Hyphen Aeronautics office in Krussia. Thought I'd show you this, just to prove that a stock Buran is possible albeit a bit မိထွေးနခိုးစား to fly.


Link Short-link Embed Copy. We make good rocket.


Flag as Inappropriate Cancel, မိထွေးနခိုးစား. Pick up the Energia stack and mount it on the belly of the Buran.

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My Energia can host a Buran, if you add a nose cap and build the Buran, မိထွေးနခိုးစား.