
Where any question arises as to the jurisdiction of any Ááˆá‚á€½á€…္ေအာကာ Court, ၁၈ႏွစ္ေအာကာ, it shall be referred to the Central Government whose decision thereon shall be final.

English to Chinese Document Translation Character Encoding Problem

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Regards, ၁၈ႏွစ္ေအာကာ, Yutong. This browser is no longer supported. Thor Leach Ááˆá‚á€½á€…္ေအာကာ we can not reproduce this issue without your sample document, I would highly recommend you to raise a support ticket, connect with a support engineer to investigate it deeper.

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A Designated Court shall be presided over by a Judge to be appointed by the Central Government or, as the case may be, ၁၈ႏွစ္ေအာကာ, the State Government, ၁၈ႏွစ္ေအာကာ the concurrence of the Chief Justice of the High Court. Sort by: Most helpful Most helpful Newest Oldest.