Battery sister

Smarter batteries for Europe. Copyrights Battery sister the pictures are owned by the project partners. A K Mukherjee Director 3.

Exide - Subsidiaries

Avik Kumar Roy Director 5. Mona Ninad Battery sister Independent Director 4. Your message. The aim was to foster synergy between self healing and sensing technologies for future batteries Read more in the news…, Battery sister.

Surin Kapadia Independent Director 7.

Project Coordinator Gerhard Domann gerhard. What We Do, Battery sister. Development and integration of sensors that monitor and report the condition of the battery in real-time. Why did you choose to get into science? A K Mukherjee Director 4. By utilizing advanced sensors and cell management systems, SPARTACUS aims to reduce charging Battery sister by up to 20 percent without compromising the reliability and service life of batteries.

Development of regenerative components that extend battery life and improve safety.


A K Mukherjee Chairman 2. Data Protection I have read the data protection notice and by sending the form I agree that my data may be processed and used by the parties mentioned in the data protection notice for the purposes Battery sister and that I may be contacted via the contact channels mentioned, Battery sister. Partners from industry and research. Arya Kumar Choudhury Director 3.

Battery sister

The consortium comprises 23 partner organizations and companies from 14 European countries. We are proud to have had Battery sister us so many renowned speakers!

What’s new?

Arun Mittal Director 4, Battery sister. Battery sister N Desai Independent Director 6. The project aims to develop a multi-functional sensor array technology for various types of batteries. Meet us at Battery Innovation Days ! Sandip Bendre Director 5.


Dissemination Battery sister Marie-Luise Righi marie-luise. Subir Chakraborty Chairman 2. Take anytime a look for project and partner news, press realeases and future events.

What We Do

The workshop report is now available in the download area. Board of Directors Battery sister No. Name of the Director Designation 1. Read more in the current press release…. For further Battery sister and cancellation instructions, please see the data protection declaration, Battery sister. Technologies SPARTACUS will feature smart battery cells with affordable sensor solutions in order to detect degradation and failure mechanisms, intentionally before loss of performance takes place to eventually unfold the full potential of LIB.

Partners and Stakeholders The consortium is composed of 4 research organizations, 1 university and 2 industrials covering all relevant expertise needed.

The workshop report is now available in the download area.

The SPARTACUS project supports this goal by maximizing the performances of the battery in terms of fast charge and cycle life to increase first and second life use, and therefore duration of stay in material cycle, Battery sister. Avik Roy Director 4. Surin Battery sister Kapadia Independent Director 5.

What needs to be done to get more women into the field of battery research? Download area. Arun Mittal Director 3. Application Areas The SPARTACUS project supports this goal by maximizing the performances of the battery in terms of fast charge and cycle life to increase first and second life use, and therefore duration of stay in material cycle. SPARTACUS will feature smart battery cells with affordable sensor solutions in order to detect degradation Battery sister failure mechanisms, intentionally before loss of performance takes place to eventually unfold the full potential of LIB, Battery sister.

The consortium is composed of 4 research organizations, Battery sister, 1 university and 2 industrials covering all relevant expertise needed. Now the individual components can be combined into a complete system. Read more. Thamotharampillai Sanakan Director 7.