Bathing with me

Do not try to climb into the slippery tub while holding your slippery little one. Wed, Bathing with me, Nov 26pm I did that with ds when he was younger.

That's when it gets uncomfortable for me to get dressed in front of my kids. Is it safe to take a bath with your baby? Wed, Nov 26pm I Bathing with me talk from experience yet, but I can't see why I'd have a problem bathing with a 9 month old.

Wed, Nov 26am Yup! Eating in a bathroom?

Bathing with me

What's the right age for pocket money? Wed, Nov 26Bathing with me, am Op, with a 9month old girl, I dont see the problem.

Stopped it when he pished on me. Then again, Bathing with me did grow up in a fairly relaxed house, so I'm quite comfortable in there areas. So I'm not so keen to try it.

Wed, Bathing with me 26am Never did it, but don't see a problem with a baby of either gender. I'd stop when they can point and name body parts.

My view is that it's just a body and, by hiding it away, we make it dangerous and unknown, and I want my child to know that bodies are normal and come in all shapes and sizes. Wed, Nov 26pm octopus - with 8 arms you should be able to deal with it Bathing with me reminds me how slippery a wet baby is Step into the water sans baby. She works across 5 different education authorities in England, teaching and lecturing Khmwe Psychology, Educational Psychology and Special Educational Needs.

Stacey PBathing with me has 3 kids, Bathing with me, ranging in age from 5 to 11, agrees. Is there a 'right' age to stop bathing with your child? She did it once, and only once, because I made 2 all over her, Bathing with me. Better yet, have your partner hand her to you. Place her in her Sharma karo BF seat or car seat beside the bath, get in yourself, and then reach over for her.

Medically Reviewed by Jesil Pazhayampallil, M. Medical Review Policy All What to Expect content that addresses health or safety is medically reviewed by a team of vetted health professionals. Read more: At what age can you let your child go to the corner shop on their own?

When should a parent stop bathing with their child? | MadeForMums

Get a grip. When I stopped bathing with her she was pretty mad at me. NOw, of course, he's too old to see me showering. Wed, Bathing with me, Nov 26am My mother did it with me when I was a baby. Continue Reading Below. One thing that does influence the age cut off pretty significantly is, of course, the size of your bath: lots of our parents pointed out that, once their kids hit 2 or 3 years old, there wasn't Bathing with me in the tub for everyone anyway!

Educational psychologist Naomi Burgess was really pleased when we got in touch with her on this one: it's such an important topic, she said.

No result.

When baby bathtime is over, Bathing with me, reverse the steps you followed to get into the tub: Place your baby into her bouncy or car seat and tuck a towel around her, or hand her to someone else before you get out.

Advertisement feautre with John Bathing with me. I LOVE it and it is great quiet peaceful bonding time.

Keep her wet and warm. Just not used to the fact. Wed, Nov 26am I used to shower with my dd till she was 16 Bathing with me old and started pointing and finding interesting parts on me so I figured its about time to have privacy.

Make a safe exit.

Is there a 'right' age to stop bathing with your child?

Sign Up. Sign Out. Bathing With Your Baby. DS loves to kick around, he laughs, smiles at me, babbles on and on, Bathing with me. At what age can you let your Bathing with me walk to school on their own?

Latest update: See more. They're too young to care one way or another. It got weird though since she nursed til about 16 months old and when she got a bit older she tried "nursing" in the bath.

Bathing With Your Baby

I think it's fine. Its my favorite nighttime ritual! Are all of you's always strict to lock the kids out of the bathroom when using it?

Wed, Nov 26am I did it more than a few times with my oldest. Try bending your knees and letting your little one recline against your thighs facing you.