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August 29, News Release. Today, malnutrition in the Bandarban district is among the highest in the country, with 48 percent of children being stunted — compared to a national average of 36 percent; 40 percent of children under 6 are Bangladesh sexy vido com, and 61 percent suffer from anaemia.

August 20, News Release. Donate Now. Enter an email address Leave blank Leave blank Leave blank.

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While most of the country is situated in flatlands, the largely indigenous people of the Hill Tracts live at high altitudes and struggle to access food throughout Cementery scandsl year. She is witness to the challenges her mother, a single parent, faces in providing her with an education and meeting basic needs. Daily Brief Nov 23, Decade of Disappearances. On a sleepy winter morning, the scenic hills of Chittagong Hill Tracts — which border India and Myanmar in southeastern Bangladesh — are draped with clouds, Bangladesh sexy vido com.

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Our people. September 14, News Release.

While the adults start their day by venturing into the Bandarban jungles to collect firewood and pick indigenous herbs for various uses, children like Yonchi Marma are getting ready for school.

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