Bahauddin zakriya university girls

BZU student rape case: Six accused sent on physical remand - Pakistan -

The University through different phases has made tremendous progress, but some recent developments are remarkable. Zahid Hussain. A large number of buildings are under construction.

Violence against women. Mahir Ali. Masood Lohar. Soman Ul Haq. It is essential that COP28 cuts through the red tape, ensuring that the fund serves its purpose efficiently and equitably.

There has been significant enhancement in students' enrollment. On DawnNews. The University offers a wide range of programs: M. Phil, Bahauddin zakriya university girls, and Ph. Additionlly, in recent years, the University has taken a lead in introducing 4-Year Undergraduate programs in Science, Commerce, Business, Pharmacy, Engineering, and English Literature and Linguistics.

Dawn News English.

The University has implemented semester system in almost all Bahauddin zakriya university girls departments and organizing international conferences and seminars has been a routine academic activity.

The Bahauddin Zakariya University is the fastest growing public university in Pakistan, and it will continue to play a vital role in the development of the country.

BZU girls clinch 9 out of top 10 positions

Various short-time courses and diplomas have become popular with the general public and are offered from time to time. The University is widely known as an institution of strong performance and high ambition because it has continued to make excellent progress toward its goals. These buildings will provide better facilities to the students, Bahauddin zakriya university girls.

Our generation of witnesses will know why and how Gaza City was razed to the ground.

It plays a significant role in developing indigenous human resources through its highly productive achievements, both in sciences and humanities. Rafia Zakaria. The University started functioning in in rented buildings with 8 departments. Latest Stories.

To promote the activities of art and culture, Multan College of Arts was established in In order to cater to the needs of textile industry, which is a major industry of the area, the University College of Textile Engineering Bahauddin zakriya university girls established in Steps have been taken to establish the University's linkages with the community and Industry.

The main Campus is spread acres of land.

The University has a fleet of 45 buses and 3 coaches which provides transport facilities to students and staff. To ensure quality in academics and research, Quality Enhancement Cell has been established.

The University is located at a distance of 10 km from the city center. Read more BZU teacher among six held for rape, Bahauddin zakriya university girls. A significant number of faculty members have been awarded post-doc research fellowships. Out of its faculty members, hold doctoral degrees and among its around students, half are female.

Multan has maintained its central position and centuries old cultural heritage and therefore suited ideally to become a center of learning. Most Popular Must Read.