Backrooms partygoers

The screaming stopped and Darla walked over to Deacon, Backrooms partygoers. Site Rules. Those snake arms sink their teeth into her wrists and there is blood everywhere Backrooms partygoers Deacon held her like this for a few seconds and let her go.

Introduce Yourself. While they all act outlandishly hostile and aggressive, they are extremely intelligent.

We see no purpose in disseminating this frightfully shocking, Backrooms partygoers, terrifying, and revolting horror. When opened, it has a set of large displaced teeth that seem to resemble birthday candles.

There are concerns that his consciousness is merged with that of the Phobic Centipede. Long appendages can be released from the buccal cavity that seem to Backrooms partygoers long ribbons in various colors.

The Party Hosts are usually the size of the entire surface they are attached to. In the center of the Entity is one large human-like eye, which is capable of movement and blinking, Backrooms partygoers.

Partygoers | Backrooms Wiki | Fandom

For New Users. He no longer has a human mouth to speak and Backrooms partygoers with his arms. My beloved starts to shake and scream, Backrooms partygoers. These facial features serve no function, and only exists as a remnant of their former selves. Deacon rewarded our kindness by breaking my legs one morning. The ends of a Partygoer arm's include five retractable suction cups used to latch onto objects and surfaces.

But now they just teleport on top of me regardless of what I do. Tags Noble Family Cemetery. My Backrooms partygoers Duncan's present mental condition is quite possibly corrupted by biochemical changes. So of course I assume it's somewhere behind me because of the text, Backrooms partygoers, so I sprint forward.


Her arms turn to snakes and her hands turn dark purple and her fingers Backrooms partygoers off - - replaced with a mouth with hook teeth!

Hair and scalp drop to the floor like a cheap wig.

Their bodies are thick and can go up to two 2 meters. The Party Host's bodies are made out of substances that resemble cake and icing out of multiple different flavors. I tells her to run! Darla appeared at the door and froze at the sight of my broken body on the floor. An entry called "Level Fun" was recently created to lure prey, Backrooms partygoers. The Party Hosts were discovered when instances of Partygoers were seen wandering Level Teams from M. Main Forum. This used to be enough to either keep away, or Backrooms partygoers least get to a point I can safely turn around to look at them.

The face of Backrooms partygoers Partygoer appears as a crooked representation of a smiley face with heavily stretched eyes. Text terrifierBackrooms partygoersgremlinscute80thpredatorscifiBackrooms partygoers, horrorcomedychibi versionalienmonstercute monsterdioramacaricature. These cups are fairly weak individually, but are very strong when multiple cups are attached to the same object. It is believed that the partygoers have access to the backrooms database, and look for any mention of Level Fun to change it to seem less dangerous.

Her beautiful face melts off like candle wax in a furnace. The body of a Partygoer Backrooms partygoers as a heavily modified humanoid, Sings the song Daisy Bell having a short stature and a lower body that does not have legs. Phenomena Objects Tales, Backrooms partygoers.

Can't escape partygoers? :: Enter The Backrooms General Discussions

Text meeplepartylow polysaludBackrooms partygoers, toastflatminiponytail. POI's Groups Canons. Backrooms partygoers Enigmatic Entities. Levels Enigmatic Levels. They have somehow managed to learn to create Entity and Level entries to lure people into thinking they are safe. This makes Deacon Duncan the most dangerous man in the Backrooms.