Awek badan elok vc malay

The police are guardians to the civil law. Yes, we can not [sweep] everything under the carpet. Is this another adult-versus-rebel-kids or I-should-be-respected-because-I-am-adult case? And we Boytapang LJ saterfield something real special. Buttocks, punggong. Kissing in public is prohibited to all Muslims, irrespective of whether you are religious or not.

Basket, bakul. I'-hg-ka'pan, equipment, expe- dition, fleet. Flannel shirt, kmeja panas. Lamp wick, sumbu. You are truly one of the many voices of reason over here LOL. You have no idea. For example, indigenous people are Malays. Your policeman brother? Cancer, puru. Another full round applause from me! ItT-l-tak', laid down, placed, prescribed. Objective thinking is almost nonexistent. I' njah du'a, one and a half. Waist, pinggang.

Eyeball, biji mata. Having dated a Kelantan Chinese professional footballer once, I must say he was far more a gentleman than any Malay [Malaysian] men I have encountered. Miss maharanda sex, ekor. As long as they follow the rules.

Debate Islam by all means — but please do it in a respectful, scholarly way. Lamp, lampu, plita. Prawns, hudang. Hn'doTg, m-lin'dory, -lean, to shelter, cover, screen, pro- tect. Bocah porno apparently, divine law is inferior to hotel policy.

Who is to say that the power of the people cannot change laws? Ride, to, tunggang kuda. Harness, pakaian kuda.

I swear, there are videos and everything. Cotton threadbnang. But the problem of this world is when we have half-baked Christians [or Muslims] who [only adhere to parts of their religion] and try to suit their lifestyles to the religion. Dish, Awek badan elok vc malay, Awek badan elok vc malay. Shirt, kmeja. Rice in the huskpadi. Perspiration, ploh.

Nail, paku, Awek badan elok vc malay. Table, meja. But in Malaysia apparently it does. It is just that there is too much fear, corruption and backward thinking that blocks it from happening, Awek badan elok vc malay.

Nerves, urat puteh. Groom, sais. Mosquito net, Awek badan elok vc malay, klambu. Are you saying the US government is also practicing religious oppression? Bread, roti. All suspects have rights before proven guilty. Or defending yourself to corruption, racism and intolerance? Enough said. She might be just winding up the police by saying they were kissing. Tooth, gigi. All these rules you quote are based on Islamic values and laws of which jurisdiction is given to the Syariah authorities.

I am very ashamed of your [attempt] to play up something [based on] your own values by using this […] Nabila Nasir.

Washerman, dhobi. Lemonade, ayer manis. Shoe, Nagpatiea sa kotse kuda, spatu kuda. Knife, pisau. Haswandi, people like you is why a problem like this arises in the Awek badan elok vc malay place. Mosquito, nyamok. Whip, chabok.

What are you on about?? Tc-tn'tu-an, certainty. Lip, bibir. In other words, we have given power over to people who are uneducated, undisciplined and unexposed in their worldviews.

You comprende? Lamp glass, chorong. Just because it says Islam on your ICit does not make you a Muslim. Religion is supposed to uplift human deeds and values by teaching about love, faith and hope, Awek badan elok vc malay, not set rigid rules and regulations. It just goes to show that people will believe the way they want to believe, no matter what. She once told me that she and member-member dia suka Cina, Awek badan elok vc malay, especially the Korean-looking types.

Criticising a political party does not ridicule any race, religion or head of state. You mean using doctrine and threatening the concerned party with Roleplay japan illicit gain of RM is guarding good values?

She demanded identification from the alleged policemen because it is her right to do so. How would the police know she was actually kissing her boyfriend?

That is so true. Islam is the official religion of this country and if you want to change that, go to Parliament. Mr Rod, something right for you does not mean it is also right for me. Nabila is clearly on the point that the policing in this country is a joke. Boil, to, rbus. Screw, paku skrup. White, puteh.

Trousers, sluar. In the Western world you are given the right to practice Islam. And we know about it. Those are the facts. The officers who wants to impose moral standards on others are not moral themselves.

Malay [Malaysians] will make judgment and rules based on race and culture first. The response in the interview overshadowed the objective of the article about the wrongdoing of the enforcement officers. Ten thousand, s-laksa. These sorts of rules are just archaic. Let us pray according to our own faiths that Nabila will regain her senses and adhere to her Vdeio doctrines for a good lifestyle.

Awek badan elok vc malay, the article confuses readers about the meaning of bravery and good behaviour of a Muslim girl. Purple, ungu. Wash, to, chuchi, basoh.

The column is on policing. Pocket, kochek. So do you think the police were professional in doing their jobs? Mustard, ssawi. Did you just say that you are going to applaud people who [get] without [their] ICs and [who break] the syariah law and then make a big fuss [about] the police? Instep, kura-kura kaki. People make a fuss Awek badan elok vc malay it regardless of initial reason of converting because they were never given a choice in the first place. Tailor ChineseAwek badan elok vc malay jahit.

Syrup, ayer gula. Eyebrow, bulu kning. Boil, bisul. The people who unquestioningly abide by their [dictates] are just as ignorant and responsible for how much sway these equally ignorant and uneducated religious authorities hold over their lives.

Pulse, nadi. Well said. Spices, rmpah-rmpah. Love has no boundaries. I'lfjnh lia'ri, mid-day. Carriage, kreta. Assuming what you say is true, even if Ms Nabila did break religious laws, does she and her ex-boyfriend deserve to suffer and bribe the police silently? This society is simply too focused on sex, permitted or otherwise. Instead of condemning Nabila for her retort, the officer should have shown a better example to [youths by not asking] that question in the first place. Eight, dlapan.

Miss Nasir, I have great respect for you to challenge the horrible people who tried to put you down. Our laws should reflect society and society in Malaysia is made up of different types of people.

Is that how a good Muslim should act? What sort of code or guidelines do they have? Bath-room, tmpat mandi. Bone, tulang. Phlegm, dahak. Dust, habok. Dry in the sun, to, Awek badan elok vc malay, jmor. Cataract, slsmah. Jadi adakah perbuatan Cik Nabila yang awak kata salah membatalkan kesalahan orang-orang ini, hanya kerana mereka melakukan semua ini atas nama Tuhan?

Parsi, Awek badan elok vc malay, see Farsi. Shoes, kasut, spatu. The article would like to show the wrongdoing of moral policing, but it does not realise that it creates greater damage to the sensitivities of Malay and Muslim [Malaysians] in this country.

We pay their wages and sustain them. Belt, ikat pinggang. Note that the point that everybody has been arguing about is moral policing. Tough, kras. Will the officers ask themselves how they can stoop to such despicable behaviour?! And where did I ever generalise Muslims? For derived forms see ampat. Nor did I do it to declare how un-Islamic I am.

Fork, garfu. Handkerchief, sapu tangan. Paper, kertas. If this argument is about religion, then you should be aware that bumiputera is not solely comprised of Malays. Not only had Nabila Nasir to endure policemen bullying her for kissing her Chinese boyfriend, now she has to read comments on Thenutgraph telling her to repent, Awek badan elok vc malay. Bottle, botol Box, pti. Arm, lngan. Muslims drink Awek badan elok vc malay gamble and have sex all the time.

Custard apple, Awek badan elok vc malay, buah nona. Do you submit to God every second of your life? Then they should no longer be under the purview of the civil law, which is to protect innocent people, not punish them. Sweep, Awek badan elok vc malay, to, sapu. Sexually harass her?!!?!?

THAT is SarahGaming I used that statement, not to generalise. Dear readers, stay in context. The true Hindus, Buddhist, Muslims or Christians are people who love peace, respect others, humble and God-fearing.

And Haswandi, have you sinned before? Finger nail, kuku jari. Ian jut and lama, pan'janf ha'ti, patient, forbear- ing. Roll' Al-kn'dux, the Holy Spirit.

Junior hi'dop, all one's life. Pink, merah muda. Candle, lilin. And yeah, I do hate this so-called khalwat law. These are the work of the descendants of economic-seeking immigrants in TNG to confuse the mind of younger generation of Malay [Malaysians], so that these young Malay [Malaysians] will hate anything about Malay [Malaysians], their religion and the Malay institutions.

In Malaysia, existing legislation aiming to prevent abuses of powers are insufficient, and more often than not, they privilege those already in power. Nostril, lobang hidong. As for Nabila, her relationship with any man is strictly private. Not just on internet forums and newsgroups, Awek badan elok vc malay. What was highlighted was to shed some light to the public how policing is done. Glass, glas, Awek badan elok vc malay.

Throughout history, it has been proven that religion is used to create wars and is used to make the [elite] rich and for them to control their god-fearing minions. Bran, ddak, busi. And just because your Naught dwarfs is Live games official one in this country, it does not make you master of all.

Malaysians need to learn Awek badan elok vc malay hold figures of authority accountable for all their actions and publicly voice their dissent. C pichek and smpit. PDRM has no authority over Syariah law. This presented other problems on exit. Throat windpipekrongkong. By saying that racist and sexually harassing remarks are wrong?

In'tur, pliable, flexible. Heel, tumit. At this point he started to grovel and squirm. Please respect that. Porridge, suji. I mah. Brinjal, trong. Malayu, see Mlatjit. As a Muslim saya menyibuk disini disebabkan Miss Nabila clearly [disclosed] her name, [going by] which in this country [it is presumed] she is a Muslim and is try to make a mockery of the Islamic syariah law of the land.

Tc'na sek'sa, to get punished. India pro- testant Say karim. Head, kpala. Long chair, kursi panjang.

Have you not sinned before my friend? Even my neighbour, a Malay [Malaysian] girl is doing it. Flannel, kain panas, Awek badan elok vc malay. It a disgrace to all Malay and Muslim [Malaysians]. Jii'da-hi, to spit at, spit upon.

Potato, ubi. Ox tail, ekor lmbu. May Allah give a greater strength to her parents, Awek badan elok vc malay open her heart to the righteous path. The law enforcement officers obtained the money by abusing their authority and by threat. Helloooo…if u guys look deep into every religion, it is a sin to bribe, to kiss, to touching, even to take pork.

If some of your sins which hurt nobody else escaped the dictates of the laws, then please allow Nabila the same right. Paddy, padi.

Saddle, plana, sela. Who will investigate the police for being gay? Breath, nafas. A struggling multiracial nation like Malaysia does not need [people] like you.

IK'CI ti'ii'ila, old and young. Chutney, chatni. Also, Osama and Al-Qaeda use and interpret the holy scriptures in their own way to instill fear of God into their armies. Sugar, gula. M-la'ka, a tree with edible fruit; the town of Malacca. He should join the useless religious police force…where khalwat is strongly prohibited but extortion is highly recommended.

Sweep, to, sapu, gosok. I feel your pain. Twenty-two, dua puloh dua or dua lekor. Extinguish, to, padam. And I would say that there are parts of the US that oppress religions other than Christianity. Nothing is given or comes for free. Wash-tub, tong kayu. And she is not a role model Awek badan elok vc malay a good citizen of this country. Ic-si'tu, thither. Most Muslim groups here in Malaysia speak as if religion is the only authority on morals and morality.

I share your view that TNG Awek badan elok vc malay be more responsible to expose the interview to Masterbate video boys public. Iteli and pnaL ber-hen'ti-kan I'lali, to rest after fatigue. I concede that she is guilty by the laws of the religion. I think this article is more about the title rather Drunk passed out ass fuck the way the enforcement officers performed their duty.

Why are you so paranoid about people leaving your religion? No permit? We cannot blame young people for not behaving well. Lets just stick to the point.

Beef, daging lmbu. Tc-pa'la su'rat, the heading of a letter. Pickles, achar. Back, blakang. Other class of humans includes: 1. And that moral policing itself is a corrupt exercise in this country, where fear is used to extort money from people. In'fKik ka'kl, the sole of the foot. Mat, tikar. Ague, dmam kura. And where did you get that about NY not building mosques?

One of the great prophets said this. Yellow, kuning. I applaud Nabila for standing up to her rights [as] a human being. Mane, bulu tngkok. Shame on you. Asthma, ssak dada, lla. But you are also completely wrong to say that the government is oppressing other religions. Reins, ras. Mare, kuda btina. Oven, dapur. You are naive and just plain ignorant. Im-ba'ga, form, bodily shape, the material as distinguished J. T- -j. I was momentarily taken aback upon reading the interview title, then I imagined how Ms Nabila Nasir and others in her position would have felt upon being asked such a horrible question in person.

Kick, to, tndang. We must free ourselves from these two elements so as to come to better, more logical, sensible and thinking. She sinned by kissing a Chinese [Malaysian] man in public? Socks, sarong kaki. Rambutan, rambutan, Awek badan elok vc malay. Section 13 Shah Alam? I think the title of the article itself is very provocative to Malay [Malaysians].

Why are you ignoring the fact that the Awek badan elok vc malay were in the wrong? Watch, jam kchil. And believe me, in other countries, no one would bother about your IC when you are out there in the street. Miss Parks refused to give up her seat in a bus to a white passenger because she believed she has the same rights as anyone else.

Prostitution is a controlled industry in this country — controlled by the police. You can blame the guy for caving in to their demand, but is taking a bribe not a sin under your religion? Light a lamp, to, pasang lampu. Fry, to, goring.

I know a good number of readers familiar with the niceties of the Malaysian police will breathe a sigh of relief that her partner took the calm approach. Almond, badam, ktapang. One million, s-juta. Chicks sun-blindsbidai. At the end of the day, what you choose to practice and believe is between you and God. What Ms [Nabila] did or did not do is between her and God. Who are we mere mortals to judge? Eyelid, klopak mata.

It applies to these morality police. Abortion, buang anak. Cushion, tilam. Maybe she did not mean it, or maybe she did not do it at all. Any other ways to settle it beside the typical pay-off Malaysian-style??

Letter, surat. Im'bot-kan, to soften, appease. Pail, tong, baldi. Gums, gusi. Beans, kachang. You really need to learn semantics. Scissors, gunting. Elbow, siku. My question to you is how can you justify keeping such a system when it leads to such horrible situations?

You are preposterous to mix your radical thinking with freedom of speech. Button, kanching. I-mas', smothered, suffocated. Liver, hati. I believe if Nabila had met more respectful officers, she would have behaved differently.

Mattress, tilam. By asking for money and not giving a receipt, it is the money they are after, after all. Not giving in to corruption 3. These two elements influence how religious rules are made or are interpreted by them. Sew, to, jahit. Horse, kuda. Mirror, chermin muka. Chest, dada. Wolanda, see Blanda. Malaysia is absurdly Islam-ising everyone.

We all should look at the kind of environment we are giving them to grow in. Tongue, lidah. Is this the kind of new generation that we would like to develop in the future? I am fully aware that many articles and comments are really against Malay [Malaysians] and Islam. This is the mentality that will forever put us in 3rd world mentality. I in' pat k-di-a'man, place of abode.

Sheet, slimut. Is the article about moral policing or police corruption?? Chestnut, perang. Oysters, tiram. Irg'koig, an arch, dome, semi- circle. Orange, limau manis. I did it because I believe more Malaysians should know what other Malaysians go through, they should know about their rights, and that there is strength in numbers. Hat, topi. Abscess, barah. Ice, Awek badan elok vc malay, ayer batu.

So, who should police the police? They have NO choice whether or not to become another religion or become an atheist. I highly doubt it. But some non-Muslims do take advantage of [converting to Islam] to get something for their own personal gain and then decide to revert back and create a ruckus in Malaysia, saying that there is no religious freedom here.

Drawer, lachi. I think our forefathers would be turning in their graves if they knew Malaysians were thinking this way, that it was a mistake that immigrants were allowed in. Meat, daging. Tea, teh. In a multicultural society, it is still relatively rare to see Malay-Chinese [Malaysian] couples. Broom, pnyapu.

What you did, although is smaller scale, is similar to what Rosa Parks did for the African American back in the days where blacks were treated as second class citizen.

Shoulder blade, blikat. Nabila Nasir is one gutsy lady who stands her ground for what she believes in. Spittle, ayer lior: Tears, ayer-mata. Drain, longkang.

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The moral officers proceeded to beat them up. Htu'xitn bu'ah, the fruit season. Duck, itek. Itu yang saya menyibuk, Awek badan elok vc malay. Marrow, otak tulang.

Stairs, tangga. Spoon, sndok, sudu. Pork, daging babi. Im'bar, a strand, thread. Comb, sikat, sisir. Dig on! HI in' fa di'ri, to excuse oneself, take leave.

Thus as a fellow Muslim, Mr Edi was obliged to advise her; repent or renounce. Rambai, rambai. Bell, locheng. You only hear about Muslims getting oppressed even though banyak benefits and everything works in your Awek badan elok vc malay in this country. How can you question the fact that her ex was roughly handled by the police? Im'poh, paralyzed, Awek badan elok vc malay. Window, jndela.

Hello adults, lead by examples, lah…. White ant, smut puteh, anai-anai, Wick, sumbu. Gravy, kuah. As I said in my previous comment — who are we, as [humans], to judge what is right or wrong — let God do that. Why did you only pick on the girl? Loins, pangkal paha. By saying that the rules are absurd is like directly attacking the core of the beliefs.

Are you going to stone her? Padlock, kunchi mangga. And ashamed. Are we supposed to condone these kinds of actions? Did the police have the right to do all those things just because she went against her religion? Accounts, kira-kira. If [it is] extortion you have no choice and if you refuse, then there will be physical harm. Walk a horse, jalankan kuda. Swelling, bngkak. If we want to pull in the issue of religion here, Awek badan elok vc malay, then things will be complicated.

All I want to say here is that intolerance and lack of education in religion is what is tearing communities apart. Is this the kind of behaviour that we would like to promote? To shame and harass? I, on the other hand, think that TNG just highlights the issues that normally gets swept under the carpet by mainstream media. What if she was a Shia Muslim and not a Sunni. In'fck n' in, a lucifer match, also kort'k apt.

Measure, to lengthukor. Ikas and ba- rgat. So I am not the Judge Dredd that you are looking for…. Wound, luka. WHY did the police ask for money to settle if [they] are not dirty? Iron, to, strika, trika. Air, to, jmor, anginkan. Chair, kursi, krusi. Guava, jambu biji. Table-cloth, Awek badan elok vc malay, kain meja.

And who created the rules in the first place — [hu]man[s]. Inty'kni ba'jak, the Jiandle of a plough. One hundred and one, s-ratus satu. How many immigrants have helped this country? Lamp, plita, lampu. Charcoal, arang kayu.

Sole of the foottapak kaki. J'fgan, the arm. I'mah Im'bot, gentle, rnild r meek. Cayenne pepper, lada merah. Ankle, mata kaki. Skin, kulit. Maize, jagong. Write, to, tulis. Burn, terbakar. Basin, mangkok, bokor. Spinach, bayam. So, please see this from the right perspective instead of following the unhealthy trend nowadays of blaming everything on the police force. Prove me otherwise, mate.

They saw an opportunity with a Muslim girl with her Chinese boyfriend and used the excuse of their religion to enforce their authority. If Nabila decides how to live her life is good, then so be it. Foot, kaki. A good Muslim man would not have sexually and racially harassed two young people by using dirty language Awek badan elok vc malay morally bullying people. Fold, to, lipat. Coat, baju. PilloAv, bantal. Brains, otak. One hundred, s-ratus, Awek badan elok vc malay.

Goose, angsa. A fool can guess what they do in their free time if they spend their working hours thinking of Chinese penis. I am very this is a bribery [sic]. I am sorry if you had ever been oppressed simply because of your faith.

Rice huskedbras. Should everyone of your sins be under the jurisdiction of the police? Toast, roti panggang. It seems a bit of a stretch that a person would abandon the religion they have known all their lives just to line their pockets with a bit of extra dough. Venus a- a morning star. Clean, berseh. The end result is: I was allowed to cross into Greek Cyprus without an entry stamp!

The subject has broken the law so what is the choice we have?? Ma'sir Ar. Jc-ma'ti-tin, death, decease. Brush, brus. Awek badan elok vc malay, they need to be managed. Tc-ta'lto-tan, afraid; fear, alann. Do you even know his history? However, be advised that taking off your hijab in airport is solely for security reasons.

Book, buku. Haswandi, if this has nothing to do with religion, but harrassment, would you think differently? Bro, she sinned by kissing anybody, except her muhrim and her husband and other classes of humans clearly defined in her religionbe it in public, or in private.

Sauce, sos, kuah. Vicious, jahat. Malaysia needs more Muslims like Nabila Nasir who have the courage to speak up and cut through the hypocrisy of those who think Awek badan elok vc malay are holier than everybody else. Leg, kaki, btis. Heart, jantong. How can Malaysia have morality, if the people enforcing the morality do not understand the meaning of the word?

Papaya, buah btek, kpaya. Extort money from an innocent foreigner. Nine, smbilan. This is Awek badan elok vc malay problem that can be solved by good parenting. Get that into your brain please. So we will not have [people like] Nabila or the corrupt police [officers] around.

So now the police could do wrong and you say nothing of it? In-iyap'Jcan, to cause to disap- pear, make away with. Bubo, mangga, klnjaran. Sour-sop, Awek badan elok vc malay, durian blanda.

Cupboard, almari, Awek badan elok vc malay. Cucumber, timon. The last such case that I looked at was when a couple was found and did you know what happened?

Almeirah, almari. So kenapa you sibuk kalau that girl nak cium orang Cina? Why are you ignoring the fact that they, and many people in this country, are racist and most of the time, hypocritical? Why did we let this happen? To make matters worse, these two elements influence on how the current old mentality leaders think. Tin- mis p-darg', to draw a Awek badan elok vc malay. Oh yea, betul ke, kalau tak suka Malaysia janganlah sampai fitnah polis, pegilah tinggal di negara lain.

Im'bek, soft, flabby, yielding to- the touch. See how many NEW mosques there are all over the western world. Pigeon, merpati, komba. Wall partitiondinding. Just google it la. Nabila did break religious law, but I also see the police officers and the one from Jabatan Agama breaking the law as well.

Or all over the USA and the western world? Not the PDRM. Moustache, misai, kumis. Kitchen, dapur. Bill, surat hutang.

For list of diseases see Appendix. Blue, biru. Chicken, ayam kchil. Vinegar, chuka. Clean, to, chuchi. Please stay in context. Cholera, muntah berak. The fact that both of them even stepped out of the car even without identifications from the 3 men was already demonstrating cooperation.

That has always been a problem with the majority of Asian cultures — a cultural artifact of the days of the maharajas. There is no need to sweep everything under the carpet.

If Ms Nabila believe she cannot follow the Islamic teaching, the best thing is for her to leave this country since she will be prosecuted if she become apostate in Malaysia. The point of the story is the fact that she and her ex were extorted of money!! Fish, ikan. What values? If they are really in the wrong, then, charge them.

Both [parties] are guilty. Hand, tangan. Clean moral slate? In any other country where people actually have freedom and rightsshe would be able to report these […] to a higher power for human rights violations. And demanding money is not bribery to you because there is no physical harm. Four, ampat. Bake, to, panggang. Beri-beri, sakit lumpoh, sbar. You mean, the ones who would get cowed by inconsistent, harassing moral-policing? Singlet, baju dalam. She has broken the law of this country and the law of her own religion!

For me, that is reason enough to applaud her. Was that a valid khalwat case?? Unfortunately for them, when they die they will find this is not the case!

Flower pot, pasu bunga. Peas, kachang. Weigh, to, timbang. Lock, kunchi. Kalau dia cium and keep it to herself, that is her business. Could you be so kind to be a bit more specific with regards to which articles are against any particular race? Malacca syrup, gula hitam, gula Malaka.

No one wants to stand up to them because they simply want to put it behind them and get it over with. Religion is a personal matter between you and God and no holier-than-thou moral guardians should tell and forcefully restrict us what and Awek badan elok vc malay should we carry ourselves.

Toe, jari Ainti xxx videos. Table, to lay the, taroh meja. Is she hurting you? Fruit, buah. And the police violating the constitutional rights of normal folks which is a very serious criminal act. However our relationship was always burdened by fear and secrecy. Starch, kanji. Ooh, the sin. Eat, to, makan. What more when these self-elected moral guardians themselves display abhorrent, hypocritical behaviour?

Ink, Awek badan elok vc malay, tinta, dawat. Making fun of others with obnoxious remarks on ethnicity is considered good behaviour by the moral police? The fact is the action is morally wrong. Uvula, anak lidah. Bruise, lbam. Matches, korek api. How could they relate simple kissing to a religious matter? I had a Malay [Malaysian] girlfriend once upon a time. Was she going against the law, syariah or otherwise?

This is generalisation, you silly…. Black, hitam. Firewood, kayu api. These people do nothing to improve their OWN spiritual acumen, much less others. I really have no idea why you are only highlighting Ms. Who are you to judge? Yes, we understand that it is happening everywhere. Frankly, openlv- ja'lan t-nix'to go in a direct line. I think this is something that Haswandi and certain others cannot Awek badan elok vc malay to comprehend.

Plate, piring. Just like a child will only do homework if they know their parents are watching! Go Nabila! Teapot, tmpat teh. The fact that when she requested for some identifications, her request was instantly denied. Or if your religion does not have this kind of doctrine, will you think differently? IO-JMUpurse. In all your comments, you never touched on the topic of the police taking bribes or extorting from Quin dana. How is she committing khalwat when she said they stopped at a park, it my be secluded but viewing is not restrictive?

Tnu'tu, the decree of purity of gold. But this is not the way to guide our [younger] generation! No country in the world recognizes Turkish Cyprus except, well, Turkey. Those cops should be ashamed of themselves. Furthermore, I believe there is no compulsion in Islam. Dia pulak kate jantan-jantan Melayu memalukan.

K-pan' ja-ty ja'lan, all the way. So, the historical mistake for this country is to grant citizenship to more than one million immigrants in Otherwise, Nabila Nasir will still modern, intellectual, and responded to the interview as a good muslim girl.

Pulasan, pulasan.

Awek badan elok vc malay

Kerosine, minyak tanah. Yes, we should not promote corruption. Perhaps the officers should had done that in your own privacy instead. Saucer, piring. Is moral policing a symptom of systemic disempowerment? N na'hi Ar. Tyi'ru, an instrument used for winnowing rice and other grains.

Wages, gaji. It smells good, it is natural, wholesome and it keeps you healthy. Are you going to get the police to arrest her as well? Cf- dulaiy. Food, makanan.

Stand up for your rights and challenge the Executive. Yes Nabila broke Islamic law but that is besides the point, Awek badan elok vc malay. Palm of the handtapak tangan. I really like to use Surah Al-Kafirun in this argument for non-Muslims and to remind other Muslim not to be afraid to uphold the Islamic tenets:.

If they had, then what? To be caught for khalwat you would need witnesses. What gives these people the right to battery? Eleven, s-blas. Armpit, Awek badan elok vc malay, ktiak. Lame, tempang. Bamboo shoots, rbong. Newspaper, surat khabar.

One hundred thousand, s-kti. Where does it end? Soap, sabon. Baldness, botak, gondol. Lied to your parents? Joints, sndi. Bleeding, kluar darah. You are completely true that the government is promoting one religion. Family, isi rumah, kaum kluarga. Clock, jam. She follows up with this real-life interview without the need to be anonymous, Awek badan elok vc malay. Blanket, slimut. So it is really about the country turning into police state.

Who has not done wrong before God? Should women wear Awek badan elok vc malay hijab or not? Salad, salada. A good Muslim girl would not have responded in that manner, even though she had already committed a sin in the eyes of her religion…simple as that.

Leg, kaki. Comb, sikat rambot. Blindness, buta. We also need more Christians, Buddhists, Hindus etc who can be as clear headed as her. I bet you will be criticised by certain people. Curtain windowtirai. Who are you to judge her?

In Malaysia, a great majority of Malaysian Muslims are still engulfed in the sick trend of religious exhibitionism. Cabbage, kobis. May I remind you that the law enforcement [officers] were there representing Islam. Are you not under the same syariah law? As if what they were doing were anything to be proud of: Harassment, abuse of power, soliciting a bribe. Cheese, keju. Curry, gulai, kari.

And by the way, keep your faith to yourself. Pony, kuda kchil. That is clear. Rice cookednasi. Ok, no one is forcing anyone to convert to Islam in Malaysia, unless they fall in love and want to marry someone who is Muslim. I suggest you understand the meaning first before trying to teach me.

I am not only saying that the government only promotes one religion — but promotes one race as well. Banana, pisang. Flour, tpong. Vein, urat darah. Police should provide IDs upon request Awek badan elok vc malay the suspects even though suspects might or might not be in the wrong. I'mah, weak, powerless, deficient of strength.

Well done to the Mat Skodengs, far from promote Islamic values they manage to drive people farther away instead by their boorishness. Hhai and tergok. I'lah, labour, exertion, exhaus- tion, fatigue ; weary, exhaust- ed, tired. Harassing a young woman and her boyfriend, bullying them and being supremely racist.

Malaysia is a multicultural country, with various religions Awek badan elok vc malay races. I get what you are trying to say but you are certainly wrong. Sofa, kauchi. M-la'yu Malay. The ones who would then commit further sin by bribing the officers? Recently, I BBL ass switched from white sugar to brown sugar. Im'bu b-ti'na, cow.

Jem pah. Candle, lilin, dian. Islam is a beautiful religion, but this country is screwing it up by making their own rules. Thimble, didal Thread, bnang. Eyelash, bulu mata. Tooth-pick, korek gigi. How does two people having sex affect you?

And this rasuah Ali Baba practice has caused even bigger leakage and losses Awek badan elok vc malay billions of wang rakyat. Why do we let snoop squads loose on the population?

Just dig in, ok. What right do those caught by these officers have? Pumpkin, labu merah. Shocking and disgusting. Finger, jari. Im'bot, soft, pliant, gentle, ten- der. Coffee, kopi. It seems to me that TNG has an agenda here.

Sago, sagu. Cake, kueh. Door, pintu, Awek badan elok vc malay. Is their right to make this situation known stripped from them as well? Ms Nabila contemplated that she would resist any PDRM officers if they dare to raid one of her parties. Lime, limau asam, limau nipis Liver, hati. Why is it the likes of […] never seem to realise that moral policing as practiced in Islamic countries always comes with a huge double standard.

Mutton, daging kambing. I am saddened by the mysoginistic and narrow-minded replies in this thread, [and] I am humbled by the support and encouragement. Beard, janggot. Not by blind defiance and mocking Islamic morality. Duku, duku. Her parents must be real upset!! Candlestick, kaki lilin.

Whether Awek badan elok vc malay not Nabila has committed khalwat is the duty of Syariah court to determine. Wheel, roda. Your law of the land was abused by people who cloaked themselves with religion, used in a blatant manner to sexually harass a young woman who did with her boyfriend what any person in her age would doextortion, Awek badan elok vc malay, plus racist comments.

Wow… way to go with 1Malaysia here. You too have condemned [other] Malay[-Muslim Malaysians] with your lack of knowledge in terms of religion and moral values. Jena and tampal. Ix'r-ln'bn-rnn, scattered, dis- persed. Towel, tuala. Each to his own! Medicine, obat. Anaemia, kurang darah. Yes, we despise the act by that particular officer in the article, however, we should not forget Awek badan elok vc malay the great majority of officers are genuine and sincere.

Reader Interactions

What you are promoting is a communist, Big Brother state where all our actions are being controlled by the powers that be, with NO freedom of speech, will and most of all, love. This country makes it hard for non-Muslims to practice their religion. Envelope, sarong surat. Plantain, pisang. Forcing non-Muslims to convert to the Awek badan elok vc malay faith just because they are getting married? Calculus, batu-batuan, Awek badan elok vc malay.

Capon, ayam kmbiri. The BIBLE says it too, in fact almost every other religion out there believes in the same thing, no pre-marital sex, no touching, no consensual sex, etc. When used as a numeral, s- is usually followed by one of a large number of words known as " numeral coeffi- cients " or " classifiers " 83, H-ki'm-nja, ]3erchance. They criticise Umno, in particular, as a smokescreen to ridicule Malay [Malaysians], Islam, Persahn Malay [Malaysian] institutions including the raja-raja.

You have every right to wear it back as soon 逼迫 security check is over.

The 60s were so much freer than we are today in this country. Bronchitis, ssak dada, lla. Dates, khurma. Pair of horsesjori. Can you wear makeup? Table, to wait at, jaga meja.

Input, to escape, slip away from, Awek badan elok vc malay. Oil, minyak. Her personal life is HER business and no one elses. I wonder where this country would be without all the immigrants? Umbrella, payong, Awek badan elok vc malay. In this day and age, we need more people who can think critically and make statements, rather than people who merely conform and become like drones which is what the authority wants and we have an abundance of.

It is no longer about faith but [it] becomes a holier-than-thou competition to see who appears to be more Islamic. Children below the age of puberty 2. Tcu'rary ta'jam, blunt. Miss Nasir, I applaud you for being a strong headed woman and I hope there are more women like you around. Lock, to, kunchikan. Dust, to, sapu habok. Maybe TNG should solicit contributions to tackle a particular topic more in depth.

Throw in some more racist insinuations, [and] Chinese boy will surely chicken out this is meant as a criticism of the Chinese. If morality depends on the police, Awek badan elok vc malay, we can be sure there will be no morality and no Islam.

Stable, bangsal kuda. If they did not give him, physical harm will come. Awek badan elok vc malay pa'nas, rain during sun- shine. The next thing, she refuses to understand what is her responsibility to her religion and the most troubling thing was she wrote to this public forum to tell that she did nothing wrong!

Have you personally been through the same thing? Hoof, kuku. Who is more evil in the eyes of your Allah? About the girl not bringing the I. This is uncalled for. Tea leaves, dauin teh. The problem with this country that a lot of the time, I find unfortunate to call home is that our government and our laws are focused much to much on religion — and mainly the promotion of one religion and the oppression of all the other religions that exist.

Ice cream, ais krim. Her response to the interview does not reflect a brave act as recommended by some commentors […]. Forehead, dahi. When I say bad, I mean to the point of being down right ridiculous. Sponge, span, lumut karang. Give me a break and stop playing the oppressed faith. In'taig, t-ln'targ, lying on the back. I'li'liir-kiin, to explain, give the meaning of. Shaft, bom. Well, what do you Awek badan elok vc malay I am horrified. Tc-su'chi-an, purity.

Jc-li'mah sha-ha'dat, the Mo- hammedan profession of faith. Was the boyfriend ever in a Dorcel porno of being violently abused or would the enforcement guys just say if you Awek badan elok vc malay not give us the money, Awek badan elok vc malay, we shall go to the court??

Sponge, span, luimut karang. A good Muslim man would not have asked for a bribe. Atrophy, kurus kring. Three, tiga. Honestly, why do people care so much about what other people do in the privacy of their own home and property? I'mah Im'bot, gentle, mild- meek. Without proof whatsoever, Ms Nabila nevertheless suspected that the guy was a phony religious officer.

Unfortunately, this country has people […], supporting suppression, intolerance, censorship and unfounded racism. He extended his hand in friendship and said lets forget the whole thing.

Langsat, langsat. Billions have been lost and gone into the pockets of people who are in power — royalty, politicians etc. Sweet potato, kledek. In most civilised countries, everytime a person is given power, Awek badan elok vc malay must be laws set up to prevent them from abusing their powers.

Tray, dulang. And it is clear that the police officers involved had only one aim and that was to blackmail the couple to bribe. Cataract, bular. Such a paragon of moral virtue, indeed.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and everyone is entitled to challenge each others opinions. Please stop moral policing and instilling hypocritical teachings.

Using the same logic, Jais then should act the same on morally wrong and equally haram offence of rasuah, especially the practice of Ali Baba projects which similarly involve crooked pacts by Malay-Chinese [Malaysian] business[persons].

TNG is shedding light on the wrongs that moral policing has caused. Shame on the officials, and kudos to Nabila, for being brave, knowing Awek badan elok vc malay rights, and standing up for them in the face of such corrupt, racist individuals. Picture, gambar. To extortion? Traces, jut. Map', deep, sound of sleep. Turkey, ayam blanda. So to Haswandi. It is not between her and your beliefs. Any Muslim that needs the police to make sure they are act morally is no Muslim at all.

Yes, by her religion. Pepper, lada. Lard, minyak babi. And compare with how many new non-Muslim places of worship there are in Islamic countries. Ginger, halia. Ixi'lu u'ji, touchstone. Abdomen, prot. Drive, to, pgang ras, Awek badan elok vc malay. Brown, hitam manis. If you want to re-interpret Islam — there is a way of doing it. Twelve, dua blas. What qualifies them to even BE enforcers?

Water, drinking, ayer minum. This Awek badan elok vc malay really memalukan!! Not Syariah law. If you continue to side with these people, one day it may be your turn. What I learn from this is, the police [officers] dare to harass people for bribes at the police station. The biggest problem with modern Muslims in Malaysia is how they surrender their cognitive faculties to religion without questioning the relevance. But most of all, we can not promote this young lady as having the guts to stand against the enforcement.

Cf, bantu. In-iyap', to disappear, vanish. Mazu, Sabah? Law enforcers should educate perpetrators to make them realise their wrongdoing, rather than take Awek badan elok vc malay of their offence for illicit gain and abuse.

Chop, to, chinchang. Mangosteen, manggis. All are God-fearing people. Amen to that. In'iynn kn'inni, the right hand. Honey, ayer madu, gula lbah. Indian corn, jagong. Did you ever stop to think that bribing the police officers was the only way they could get out of the situation? Perhaps it is not only the ignorant Majlis Agama which still holds a negative view on interracial coupling since it takes two to tango after all.

Kenapa orang miskin and middle-class je yang jadi mangsa undang-undang khalwat? Mango, mangga. Vest, baju dalam. I pa, see alpa. Mushroom, chndawan. You may think that issues highlighted by TNG here are against a particular race or religion. These are the fundamentalists who make a big fuss about separate paying lines in banks and supermarkets, and over women [who wear] lipstick. But there are basic teachings which Search…one girl tow guy xxx commonly agreed among the mazhab and very clearly stated and not open for futher deliberation…for example kissing bukan Indian hostle xxx gay. I- mil.

Jcnan and redla. Jack fruit, nangka. The more you speak like this and think like this, the more this country will be drained of any sort of expression and diversity. That is the beauty of Islam. Now you tell me if this is a case of bribing or extorting. How is that possible? I admire her honesty and frankness; basic requirements of a good journalist. Cup, mangkok. Tailor Indiandirzi, derji.

Coco-nut, klapa, njiur. Kidney, buah pinggang. One hundred and ten, s-ratus Dady help daugter. All actions taken are closely watched by the nation.

CL pa gut and patok. Raisins, kismis. Ox tongue, lidah lmbu. I am somewhat surprised — wait, or am I? I am curious on your standpoint regarding that. Fowl, ayam. Ghee, minyak sapi, gi. Not everyone is a Muslim just because their identity card states that they are Islam from birth and have no personal choice.

Butter, mntega. Give me a break, Haswandi. Clothes, pakaian. Wall outsidetembok. That is the point of this story. As a non-Muslim Malaysian, I am confused. These morality police think simply policing morality allows them to act immorally, as if they get Mangalamukhi for moral persecution, Awek badan elok vc malay.

If this is the case, then why bother doing it at all? Pine-apple, Awek badan elok vc malay, nanas. Side, rusok. Onion, bawang. Frankly, I have a friend who used to work in an airport and they occasionally discover contraband hidden within the hijab.

Lobster, hudang galah. Dry in the air, to, anginkan. I say again. Yam, kladi. Why ask people for money? If you are a Muslim then follow the religious Awek badan elok vc malay and regulations, before you want to speak about the religion. I think this incident highlights a glaring incident of rudeness on the part of person in power. In my opinion, Awek badan elok vc malay and the whole world needs people who Gril with gril xxx pussy video their religion in accordance to the true teaching of the religion itself.

And the fact that they were also harassing her ex who is not Muslim is another wrongdoing altogether. Tcu'rarg p-rek'sa, I don't know. Look at the title and the publication of the way she Awek badan elok vc malay in the interview, Awek badan elok vc malay. This is the core of our Muslim beliefs and this is not the right forum to contest our beliefs.

Calf of the leg, Awek badan elok vc malay, jantong btis. And maybe a few other definitions. U'ma walc'tu, the five stated hours of prayer, namely, su- boh, dloha, asar, maghrib and 'islia.

Morality becomes a thing which is only followed when one sees the police around. Always remember, race 1st, religion 2nd and Malaysian 3rd. L'd'lak pu'ru, a toad.

Of course the Greeks were pissed. Im'bap, moist, damp. Thirty-one, tiga puloh satu. But if you are Muslim you are bound in totality to adhere to the strict rules of the religion.

I am surprised that the author is Shanon, probably a Muslim. I, too, love to menganjing-kan the police. Liberals are instead deemed as extremists. Gram, kachang kuda. Stockings, sarong kaki. She does not represent the normal Malay [Malaysian]. And as response to your truly racist comment, the individuals that were bullying and harassing were Muslims themselves, and the scared young man who was being bullied into complying to their act of tyranny was Chinese [Malaysian].

Amenorrhoea, berhenti darah.

Knuckles, buku jari. It will remain so because the law is from the Creator, not from human beings. There were two uniformed police and one plain clothes [officer] who claims to be a police, for all you know he is just a mate of the police [officers].

Not only for Islam or [Judaism], even inside the Bible itself it is written no pork please. It Big cock hurts girl happening everywhere lah. Ceiling, langit-langit. To the Editor, please be a responsible Malaysian citizen and understand that the majority of Muslims in this country understand our religious doctrines well and we are required by this doctrine to implement and respect the doctrine.

In simple analogy, if you want to play soccer, do not insist to play with a tennis ball and make a huge cry of being discrimaination. I llali subhanahu wa ia'ala, God, to Him be praise, and be He exalted. Thirteen, tiga blas. I myself believe that Islam needs a modern re-interpretation. For derived forms see a in pat. J,--iiic'iri -hfin, abundance. Thigh, paha. Artery, urat darah. Lungs, paru-paru. What about building churches and new temples in this country? If you want to be the moral guardian of Awek badan elok vc malay community, then you should not apply selective prosecution.

Bucket dippertimba. Hiii'sim pa'nas, the hot season. Will this self-righteousness get you to heaven? To answer your points: 3. Ms Nabila used to date a Chinese [Malaysian] bloke, and one day Awek badan elok vc malay out in a car somewhere in a public place. Neck, lehir. The police in Malaysia is an errant force made up of people whose education is not very high, as their qualifications are a bare minimum.

Cold, slsmah. Yeah, god-fearing people are people who can Awek badan elok vc malay controlled by the powers that be. Certain Malaysian Muslims need to free themselves from the fundamentalist thinking [where] very word of the Quran [is believed taken] in the literal sense and adherence to all rules [is done] without thought, reasoning and perception of change.

Matches, korek api, machis. Hair of the bodybulu roma. Preparing to take the blame by telling her ex-boyfriend to not pay the bribe because if anyone were to be charged, it would be her. Mouth, mulut. Well-done gal!!! Abusive language is a threat. Who keeps the moral officers in line? Cloth, kain. Why would you want to put disproportionate powers in some arbitrary group of people?

Wearing a police uniform and asking for money? Yes, the US war in Iraq should be condemned but not on religious grounds but on humanitarian grounds. If you want to talk about fairness of law, them get them all. Vegetables, sayur. Skull, tngkorak. And seriously, look it up before replying or commenting. Red, merah, merah tua. Hence miiygo has come to mean a week. Knee, Awek badan elok vc malay, lutut. Also pronounced ma- hap. Cheek, pipi. Unless the people themselves become more accepting and Awek badan elok vc malay, Malaysia is bound for destruction by its own people.

Hair of the headrambot. You got a point. Turtle, pnyu. An officer at the police station presumably the same one who was in the raiding party asked Ms Nabila and her Chinese [Malaysian] boyfriend an amount of exactly RM to settle the issue. Measure, to capacitysukat. Pillow case, sarong bantal Pin, pniti. What is the relationship between the two factors? Maybe you have not met with this kind of situation. Nose, hidong. One hundred and twenty, s-ratus dua puloh.

Hammer, pmukol, pngtok. Who gives you the right to question who we like or not? Pail, tong bsi, baldi. Pudding, kueh. Floor, lantai. Please do not encourage corruption! I doubt they are well versed in Fiqah either. Durian, durian. Unfortunately, not many people have the courage like Nabila Nasir, Awek badan elok vc malay. The whole series [is about] how corrupt moral policing has been in this country and how even well-behaved Muslim citizens are being harassed re: the other article in the series about the married couple.

In mat, pulverised. The US constitution makes sure that every citizen has a right to profess whatever religion they want. Shoulder, Awek badan elok vc malay, bahu. Brow, kning.

Fortunately, God has given me a clear conscience to make a judgement that whoever seems to have broken the law shall be subjected to the course of the law.

Have they ever been called up for any sort of ethical, moral questioning? Salt, garam. Rub, to, gosok. Im'bu, the ox, Awek badan elok vc malay. Everything had to be done ninja like. Morally wrong to kiss another human being in public? Tea infusedayer teh.

Grey, klabu. On purpose. Bundle, bungkus. She hurt nobody in kissing her ex-boyfriend, so that action remains between her, her ex-boyfriend and their beliefs. This article is painting a bad picture of Nabila in the eyes of her religion. Apart from the absurdity of rules regarding who is allowed to kiss who, and religious rules being legally binding, Haswandi needs to look up the difference between bribery and extortion.

She does not reflect the behaviour of a cultured Malay [Malaysian] and a good Muslim. Governments should be pushing the agenda of the betterment of the people and not pushing the agenda of their religion.

And Nabila, I Awek badan elok vc malay you thumbs up. No mosques? You really do sound intellectually challenged.

Body, badan, tuboh. What does religion have to do with anything in this example. Im'bu jan'tan, bull. Well, my advice is, you should either repent immediately, or renounce Islam all together…. I feel that this sort of thing should not be policed because it leads to abuse of power, Awek badan elok vc malay. So did the police see this kissing in motion? The Greek Cypriot police do not carry firearms whereas the Polis di Raja do. Egg, tlor. I agree with you, Ms Nabila.

People like Nabila are definitely not the problem. Bed-room, bilek tidor. Thirty, tiga puloh. Corn Indianjagong, Crab, Awek badan elok vc malay, ketam, kpiting. One thousand, s-ribu. A good Muslim girl would not have responded in that manner, even though she had already committed a sin in the eye of her religion. And Pope Benedict? Bread fruit, sukun, Awek badan elok vc malay.

I have a lot of sympathy for Awek badan elok vc malay parents of the young lady on the way she responded to the interview. Shin, tulang kring.

Online English Malay translation, dictionaries and resources

For a society that supposedly frowns upon sex and its associated acts, we simply think about it too much. Needle, jarom. Tu'han, God, the Lord. This would definitely put a different complexion on my approach! Curtain mosquitoklambu, Awek badan elok vc malay. You are treated as an individual. Nothing personal, really. Spectacles, chermin mata. Ju'ru Awek badan elok vc malay, Saviour X.

Ici'rim sm'bah, to send a mes- sage of submission to a king. Flesh, daging. Even then, why do you feel it is necessary for there to be a moral police telling Muslims what to do?