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We, therefore, look forward to your support as donors who understand our work and are willing to partner in this endeavour to spread this cause. Goswami, G. In Cardona, George; Jain, Dhanesh eds. Hindi English. Retrieved 4 February Medhi, Kaliram Assamese Grammar and the Origin of Assamese Language. Save my name, Assam 72 old xxx man, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Kashmiri Kishtwari. Cambridge University Press. De Gruyter. Sarma, Parismita Analysis and building an unrestricted speech synthesizer with reference to assamese language PhD. Sharma, M. In Barpujari, H. Guwahati, Assam: Publication Board, Assam. In Miri, Assam 72 old xxx man, Mrinal ed.

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