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In Egypt, the interventional study conducted by Mostapha et al. Similarly, in Jordan the social functioning scored the highest and emotional functioning, body image and future perspective scored the lowest.

Arabic big boobs girl womenshare a set of different cultural, norms and beliefs and studies have shown that patient-based outcomes could be affected by cultural experiences and ethnic backgrounds [ 1213 ], Arabic big boobs girl. Characteristics of the studies are shown in Table 2. Google Scholar. Among functional scales, high scores were reported onsocial functioning in Kuwaiti, Lebanese, Bahraini and Jordanian patients [ 19232628 ]. Calendar of festivities Find here all the important dates and festivities.

Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria.

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The results highlight the need of a holistic care and the importance of taking into consideration the cultural and religious specificities in the treatment of Arab women with breast cancer. Consistent with other international studies conducted in Australia and Sweden [ 3435 ], the findings of our review showed that breast Arabic big boobs girl and its treatment affect the QOL of patients in physical, psychological and social domains. Eur J Cancer Care.

Fareeha bahir from Arab countries on breast cancer vary according to region Arabic big boobs girl country, Arabic big boobs girl. Studies conducted among Arab women with breast cancer have identified socio-demographic and clinical factors associated with QOL. As a result family history of cancer, Arabic big boobs girl, menopausal status, presence of metastasis, time since diagnosis, symptoms, disease stage, presence of side effects and type of treatment received were significantly associated with QOL [ 18222326 ].

Every effort was made to provide a comprehensive and systematic review of the literature. Br J Haematol. However, Arabic big boobs girl, the results indicate that research into the QOL of breast cancer patients is poorly developed in Arab countries. Certainly, the reviewer studies were very interesting and provided a working basis for further studies.

Future research should test intervention to assist Arab women to increase their personal Arabic big boobs girl, reduce symptom distress and enhance coping strategies. PSD collections. Our review paper focused only on breast cancer and have included both qualitative and quantitative papers. The aim of the present review is to collect and examine publication that have appeared in English and French biomedical journals. Slidesgo Free presentation templates.

Collections Discover incredible Arabic big boobs girl curated by our authors. The physical, functional, psychological and social problems that women live may affect their quality of life, Arabic big boobs girl. Most factors identified in these studies were monthly income, payments per month for medical expenses andeducational status. However, it is possible that some studies may not have been captured in the search and screening process and other did not meet inclusion criteria [ 52 — 58 ] Additional file 1.

The triple modality of treatment predicted the worst QOL [ 17 ]. Furthermore, we excluded studies and information published only as abstracts.

The experience of patients is usually influenced by the spiritual and religious context characterized by the solidarity and support. Patients receiving chemotherapy might experience several side-effects and symptoms that negatively affect their QOL [ 9 ] and patients who underwent mastectomy indicated lower body image and sexual functioning than those who did not [ 9 ]. All were published between and The first study was conducted Arabic big boobs girl while the second until The other eleven studies all published in Shcools last six years.

Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, et al. Domains with low scores were general wellbeing and physical functioning. The social domain had the highest scores among QOL subscales. Statistics show that breast cancer is by far the most frequent cancer among women in the world, with an estimated 1,67 million new cases diagnosed in [ 7 ].

Pikaso New Sketch to image with Ais water hot AI drawing. After an extensive literature review, we have identified only 13 articles that met inclusion criteria.

We excluded studies that did not pertain Arab women or reported on all types of cancers and did not specify the breast cancer. A study of patients with lung cancer. Ann Oncol. The initial search identified a total of papers; among them manuscriptswere excluded due to duplication.

In addition, the most distressing symptom was fatigue, followed by hair loss as the most intense symptom [ 26 ]. A total of Arab women with breast cancer were studied in these investigations. European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer breast cancer- specific quality of life questionnaire, Arabic big boobs girl.

The interventional study conducted in Egypt aimed to improve the QOL of affected patients and their families. Intense level of symptom experience was hair loss [ 19 ]. Wilsoff F, Hjorth M. Health-related quality of life assessed before and during chemotherapy pre-dicts for survival in multiple myeloma. Indeed the population under the study vary in terms of time since diagnosis, disease stage, treatment received and the questionnaire used might contributed to the observed differences.

Hair loss cased the worst symptom [ 28 ]. The study revealed the important role played by the family and husband in treatment decisions and the importance of spirituality and religion to cope with the disease [ 16 ]. But no difference was found between the patients who underwent mastectomy with reconstruction and those who had mastectomy alone [ 24 ]. Similar themes to other studies emerged in terms of impact of socio demographic factors on QOL [ 3940 ]. The quantitative studies included in this review focused on the impact of breast cancer and its treatment on QOL and analyzed the influence of socio demographic and clinical data [ 1719 — 2628 ].

Only the study by Sawsan Ba-Khubaira et al. Among the quantitative studies, one was an interventional study [ 21 ] and eleven were cross-sectional studies [ 17 — 19 ], [ 22 — 28 ].

Followinga thorough review of the full text,thirteen articles were eligible for inclusion.

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Flaticon Free customizable icons. Article PubMed Google Scholar. Article Google Scholar. Measuring quality of life in oncology: is it worthwhile? Cancer remains a taboo in most Arab countries [ 11 ].

The reference lists of all identified publications were checked to retrieve other relevant publications, which were not identified through of the computerised search. On the other hand, the studies conducted in Yemen, Lebanon and Jordan have highlighted the association of some sciodemographic factors and the QOL of patients[ 222328 ].

Part I. Meaning, purposes, and controversies. Ten articles focused on the impact of breast cancer and its treatment on QOL of women with breast cancer and analyzed the influence Arabic big boobs girl sociodemographic and clinical data [ 17 ], [ 19 — 26 ], Arabic big boobs girl, [ 28 ]. Studies were included if they described aspects of the quality of life or health quality of life in Arab women with breast cancer, and presented the results on the quality of life evencross- cultural adaptation studies.

The quality assessment of selected studies are shown in Table 1, Arabic big boobs girl. This may be referred to effective social support system in the Arab communitieswich plays an important role in reducing the pressure and improving health.

Age-adjusted standardized incidence rates ASR were reported to vary from 9. Although the results of other studies have shown the relationship between age and the QOL of breast cancer patients [ 3948 ]. The intervention was conducted through communication by phone calls, health education messages, restorative rehabili-tative therapy for needed cases, social and financial support [ 21 ]. In line with other research on QOL of breast cancer [ 38 — 41 ], the findings of studies conducted among Arab Arabic big boobs girl have shown that clinical and socio demographic factors were associated Arabic big boobs girl QOL.

The most clinical factors studied was the type of treatment. The objective of this study was to review published research into QOL among Arab women with breast cancer; analyse the characteristics of these studies and the main results reported. In Denmark, Peuckmann and his colleagues [ 45 Farebi Yaar Part reported that poor QOL was significantly associated with short education.

For the quantitative studies, both observational and interventional were included. Twenty potential articles Arabic big boobs girl identified based on the relevance of the abstracts. The most identified in our review were monthly income, payments per month for medical expenses and educational status.

The best domains of QOL were cognitive, social and sexual functioning. The findings will constitute an evidence base for the cancer control programs in Arab countries and may reveal findings that will ultimately require a specific approaches for assisting Arab patients according to the specificities of their culture and religion.

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The inconsistency of these studies may be explained by differences in population background, source of subjects and sample size. Thousands of AI-powered images Go beyond the limits of your imagination with high quality images generated by Artificial Intelligence. Many studies supported these findings, Arabic big boobs girl, Hebert et al.

Within the functional scales, the worst scores were for emotional functioning, body image and future perspective [ 19232628 ]. Among Bahraini patients, social functioning scored the highest, whereas emotional functioning and sexual Arabic big boobs girl scored the lowest. Wepik Edit your Freepik templates. In the Thirteen studies, only one study was qualitative [ 16 ] and the remaining twelve were quantitative studies [ 17 — 28 ].

Despite the general recommendation to include QOL as an outcome in clinical studies involving breast cancer patients [ 29 ]. For instance, studies conducted in Bahrain and Jordan evaluated the QOL of Arabic big boobs girl cancer survivors, while PNG central aroma researchers in UAE evaluated the QOL of patients under treatment, and studies conducted in Kuwait and Tunisia were carried out among patients under chemotherapy.

This is partly due to the increasing number of patients. The findings call for the institution of a psycho-oncology services to address psycho-social outcomes, Arabic big boobs girl. Part II. Experiences from the treatment of cancer. Our findings indicate that studies on QOL in Arab women with breast cancer are very scarce.

Freepik for Figma Images for your Figma projects. Two of the studies reported validation or cultural adaptation of QOL questionnaires [ Hot step sister virgin tight pussy monster fat cock cum inside27 ]. The qualitative study conducted in Bahrain explored the experiences, beliefs, perceptions and attitudes of women with breast cancer towards their QOL [ 16 ].

On the other hand, through early detection programs and more effective treatments, Arabic big boobs girl, more women with breast cancer are surviving longer [ 8 ]. Moreover, illiterate women with low income are less likely to be screened for breast cancer, would delay seeking care in the presence of symptoms and were diagnosed in later stages of the disease [ 22 ].

Quality of life in patients with early and advanced carcinoma Arabic big boobs girl the breast. Moreover, the studies conducted in Yemen and Egypt have used other types of questionnaires and thus the difficulty to compare their results with the other studies remains. AI tools. High scores were reported on functional ability, medical care, spirituality, and relationships for Lebanese women with breast cancer and the most common symptoms were nervousness, sadness, lack of energy and pain [ 23 ].

Patients who underwent mastectomy reported lower levels of emotional, cognitive functions, more side effects of treatment and arm symptoms than patients who had undergone lumpectomy [ 18 ]. The same findings were also reported by Esbensen and others [ 46 ] who showed that poor economy was associated with low QOL.

The family income was significantly influencing the overall QOL as reported by Pandey et al. Lung Cancer. While the qualitative study conducted in Bahrain explored the experiences, beliefs, perceptions and attitudes of women with breast cancer towards their QOL [ 16 ]. Storyset Free editable illustrations. Hardcore scene Indian, the physical, functional, psychological and social difficulties of the women treated for cancer can compromise their QOL.

The QOL studies in breast cancer patients reported that anxiety, depression, Arabic big boobs girl, pain, Redbone tiffany detroit freak, and arm morbidity were the most reported symptoms [ 9 ]. They also are subjected to too much pressure because of the burden of working in different fields in addition to the commitments of their roles as mothers and housewives. The literature using the EORTC QLQ-C30 indicates that comparison of data should go beyond the Arabic big boobs girl presentation of mean scores and significant differences [ 30 — 33 ].

We use the term quality of life to be synonymous Arabic big boobs girl the expression health-related quality of life. Whereas the emotional functioning scored the lowest in Jordanian and Bahraini [ 2628 ].

Indeed, among the 22 Arab countries, only 09 have conducted studies in this field Fig. Figure 2 shows the flowchart of the systematic review process followed. It is worth noting that the majority of studies were cross-sectional and had a small sample size and thus the findings could not be generalized to all Arab women with breast cancer.

Also, the difference of the base populations and the questionnaires used to measure QOL does not allow a comparison of QOL between Arab women. AI image generator Turn your words into oh-so-incredible images.

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This study investigated for the first time published research on QOL among Arab women with breast cancer even though insufficient information is available on QOL in Arab women with breast cancer. Mockup generator New Customize mockups online using Dorcel gros culs own assets quickly and easily. Arab patients with breast cancer had average to intense symptoms experience and intense level of symptom experience was hair loss [ 192628 ].

Therefore the mean scores of QOL varies from The lowest mean score was recorded among Kuwaiti Patients Nonetheless, Arabic big boobs girl, we must be cautious in comparing data from these Luoponography. A strong relationship was also found among Egyptian patients between QOL and type of treatment, disease stage and presence of secondaries [ 21 ].

However, there is a pressing need to support more research and publications to improve QOL of Arab women with breast cancer in Arab countries where the breast cancer incidence rates have increased during recent years, Arabic big boobs girl.

Explore AI images. Predictors of quality of life in newly diagnosed melanoma and breast cancer patients. This is supported by many studies which indicated that increased QOL scores were significantly correlated with increased education and better socioeconomics status [ 223840 ], [ 42 — 44 ]. In Kuwait, findings showed that patients were optimistic about their future health. BMC Cancer. Were included both qualitative and quantitative studies in this review. One of the reasons for having pooremotional functioning may be related to the fact that women Arabic big boobs girl breast cancer have to deal not only with the trauma of disfigurement but also with the fear of rejection by their partners and loss of femininity [ 36 ].

The score obtained for Lebanese [ 23 ] was The study conducted by Mostafa et al. The impact of socio demographic characteristics was far different between Arab countries. API Solutions to enhance your enterprise. Qual Life Res. Quality of life in patients with lung cancer: as an important prognostic factor.

The study conducted in Tunisia showed a significant deterioration in physical, cognitive and social functioning among patients undergoing treatment [ 20 ]. This may be explained by economic differences and health policy especially the implementation Arabic big boobs girl early detection and treatment programs of breast cancer.

Storyset for Figma Illustrations for your Figma projects. Photo editor Customize photos easily without any additional software. Recently, healthcare providers in Arab countries have started looking at the QOL of women diagnosed and living with breast cancer and the QOL is receiving more and more attention from researchers, Arabic big boobs girl. Eur J Surg Oncol. The results of the two studies conducted in Yemen [ 2225 ] were different regarding the relationship between age and QOL, Arabic big boobs girl.

The qualitative study conducted in Bahrain explored the experiences of women who have survived breast cancer Garo blue flim their perception of QOL after diagnosis. The possible justification for this findingsis the ability of the educated women to understand the nature of the disease and to comply with the therapeutic regime more than the uneducated. Many psychosocial and medical Arabic big boobs girl, like age, patient education, spousal support and employment status, financial stability, disease stage, have been reported in the literature to predict the QOL of patients [ 110 ].

The findings for the association of age with QOL are conflicting; some correlated poorer QOL with increasing age [ 4950 ], while others found that younger age Arabic big boobs girl had more physical wellness and better overall QOL [ 51 ].

Estimates of the cancer incidence and mortality in Europe in Quality of life in patients with breast cancer before and after diagnosis: an eighteen months follow-up study. Flaticon for Figma Icons right on your Figma canvas. International Agency for Research on Cancer.