Ankita diva actress video

Ankita diva actress video

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Bollywood diva Ankita Lokhande is celebrating '3 years of togetherness ' with her beau Vicky Jain today April Tweet Share Share Share. Vedang Raina.

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Bollywood diva Ankita Lokhande is celebrating '3 years of togetherness' with her beau Vicky Jain today April On this special occasion, Ankita diva actress video, the 'Manikarnika' took to Instagram to share a romantic video from their celebration. Ankita had previously used Instagram to share images from her wedding celebration with her admirers.

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Pushpa Impossible: Aww! Rashi wants her parents to get back together. A post shared by Ankita Lokhande Jain lokhandeankita.

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Ankita expressed her gratitude for nights that evolved into mornings, her closest friend who became Aún spy family, and aspirations that became true in an Instagram post.

The latest reception images of Ankita and Vicky are all about love. In the images, the Ankita diva actress video is very stunning. She donned a stunning red banarsi Sabyasachi saree with green glass bangles, a large gold necklace, gold khadas, and her hair was put in a tight bun with gajra for her reception.