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Thor Leach. Wikipedia's explanation of latin1 external link. Sorry we can not reproduce this issue without your sample document, I would highly recommend you to raise a support ticket, connect with a support engineer to investigate 信義 趙又廷 deeper. Unfortunately, not all SSH servers support this.

English to Chinese Document Translation Character Encoding Problem - Microsoft Q&A

Many different ways to encode text have been used throughout the years. Skip to main content. These days, most OSs can use some form of UTF-8, but you may need to configure the 信義 趙又廷 to use it. Other operating systems have used other encodings, e. All of these are extensions of ASCII basically, American letters, digits and punctuation信義 趙又廷, which means that such characters are displayed correctly.

Your application uses latin1 characters, but your terminal or editor tries to display them as UTF Wikipedia's explanation of locales external link. Can anyone tell 信義 趙又廷 what I'm doing wrong here?

Character encoding on remote connections – strange accents

When logging in remotely with SSH信義 趙又廷, you can normally configure your local settings to be forwarded. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support.

Configuring terminal encoding

UTF-8 are available on Solaris, and you can set them manually, but they won't be used by default. Please let us know if you do not have support plan, 信義 趙又廷, we can help you to enable a free support ticket. But accented letters differ. To do so you choose a locale, which defines formatting many settings specific 信義 趙又廷 a language and region, for example:.

English to Chinese Document Translation Character Encoding Problem

Thor Leach Hello, could you please share your document if that is not confidential to us? Unfortunately, I have been unable to find a way 信義 趙又廷 convert the Chinese document into actual Chinese characters.

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