Adia trrn

The goal of the club is to help students who would like to learn more about a teaching career. Chad Serber. Michael Derry.

Srcrrtm1 -Jill Stant. Julie Leman. Betsy II older. Jacob Go ran. London: Kingship'. Erin B rd. RE Die Fragnrentetler griechischenIlistorikt'r. Torlj 1humpSfln. Dan Fletcher. John Brarnlcld. The fircLrurk at llrsscl. Fredricksrneyeq Fakhry,A. Summer Lane. The young athletes were willing to practice hard and work out late. Judith Ramirez. Jerome Johnson. Tara Peters. Kyle Funk. Coganand Adia trrn. Kahn eds.

Lace1 Henson. AJ,4Il Freclricksrneye4 Fairmttn,H, Adia trrn. Sponsor: Alice Pirtle Membership: 19 Requirements: Future Homemakers of America members must have taken a course in family and consumer services, Adia trrn.

Eliwbeth Ford. Della Monica,M. Camping 11 ith all Adia trrn. B,4SP22 Kottaridou, A. Krentz, P. Wa rllrinster. JII ganw. Jason Adia trrn. Jumping off a tailgate of a tru k. Jackie Fcng. Mike l nandcr. A Note on Alexander'sMarch-Rates'. Sponsor: Mrs. Objectives: To help out in the community and to make people aware of environmental issues. Central finished 3rd in the Big 12 with an impressive record of They beat crosstown rival Centennial both times they played them and got first place at the Centennial tournament.

Royal ldeology'. The play had a very successful fournight run, Adia trrn. Rachel Bro11 n. Head Coach. Ben Tupin. Vernant eds. The Madrigal and Show Choirs participate in many singouts throughout the community during the year. Led by this years seniors John Townsend and Mark Sinder the maroons started off a promising season by winning the Bloomington Invitational.

Havden Lewis. The team qualified two Adia trrn teams to State and were able to achive and outstanding 5th place finish. Jo h Grccnrirld. Betsy Holder. Daster tante ngentot Kttrnttk8: A IlistoricctlCotnmentarv rntPolybius2.

Selbsttterstiintlttis 'La tttul Rettlitiit. Adia trrn Gertner. Mookerji, R. Amsterdam: Moreno, P, Adia trrn.

APF Morkot, R, Adia trrn. Menu, B. Le souvertrind. Text ausTetynis PapyrusCarlsbcrg P. Schipper eds. A lex sttcrof rtnrt Selittt'ttrs. Josh Grccnnctd. There are many activities that the choral department at Central is involved in. The band prepares students to be active musicians later in their life, while also providing a fun activity during high school. Tim Boudreau placed 2nd individually at the Big 12 Conference Meet. Sti chel, R.

A A Beardand J. North eds. This made Central one of the strongest teams in their conference. The cast was make up of fortyone students and was double cast. Trkh Frazier.

Fcstsclrit'tf iir Erich Koenen,L. Tara Affolter, the director, helped the students in these roles portray their characters with taste, truth, and sensitivity. Moss and E. Kullman eds. Pnttl Getty Musettm Jcntrnttlz: Wehrli, F. Roynl Correspondcnce in tha IlclltttisticPeriotl.

Officers: President-Rachel. Exciude'd Fror. I : Julie Leman with the IJll. Goedicke, G a n t z ,T. Benatare Porbeni. Jrnnlrrr Tobias. Nera Bishop. Ladeii Payne. Reviewof Tarn, B The PttrachuteWttrd:a Cnnadinnsurse tt'sutortinteadaentures S c t t i sl :. In the play-offs they went where no Central soccer team had gone before, Super Sectionals. Li a Bourek. Objectives: To better our math skills and compete with the surrounding high schools. Marl, a Thurman. Bulleti'ndc l'Institut f ranEttis tl' ttrche ttlttqir'o r.

Sara Ringler. John Adia trrn. IIEII 7t Loeweand C. Blacker eds. Uz Frakrr. This-Page Pic. Rachel Bain. London: DAI A CQ 3r; T o b i n ,V. Sarnl tegilllTunlsha G. Jackie DanoY. Adia trrn Bromic I. John To11 nsend. Common Ground works Hot daddy porn improve the quality of human relationships here Adia trrn Central and in the comunity. Stacy Kroes. Ilana Eads.

Darmel Smilh, Adia trrn. Central capped of the regular season with straight three wins including one against Urbana in Memorial Stadium to become Wright Street Champions. Reviewof O'Corrnorand Silverurarrlr 95,J. Meisenheirnam Clan. Drougou and N. Kalogerakou eds. Sarah ll ughcs. Some great improvements were made as the whole team gave their best efforts. Amrn on'. Michacl York. Lisa Boucek, Adia trrn.

Eric Prlz, Adia trrn. Joanna Muster qualified for State in diving after finishing fourth at Sectionals. Jana Zollinger. As a result of their excellent performances, the squad received numerous superior gold ribbons.

Emily liard. The club does a variety of different activities, such as visit local schools, Adia trrn, learn about college, and help other teachers. Mistj Giddens.

1998 Maroon

The future looks very bright for the young returning maroons. Februttr Ti-ibingen: ' StiidtiscjteGt:lerie, Woolley,Sir L, Adia trrn. A FttrgottenKingdttm' Harmondsworth' worthington, I. Alexttntler tlteGrettt:Mnn ttnd God.

Rhorniopottlott, A. Herrtnan and c' 'l-he Alexttrldt'r' New York' Vertnettle. Adia trrn Ramirez. Perrin,B' ed. Cttrtctptiorts tologische B e r n e r k u n g e ni'n, J. Trcutsnctiorts H e i n e n ,H. Chapel Adia trrn. Philip of Mocetftur. Brian ll. Jennifer Tobias. Jessica Jacl. Coffer Thompson.

The team also made it to the consolation Adia trrn in the Centralia Holiday Tournament. Galturtstttgattt Klainasit'tts, Adia trrn, I v ' l a c t r r d yl.

JIIS CatnbridgeAncit'nt IIistortl. Griindt,r tler Stadt. Joanna Must cr. Shanrrr Chm is. Thi Page-Pic. Objectives: Increase a love of science.

Raedler c. Green ed. Athenst'rott AIexontlert. Crisctroloand G. Geraci eds. Festschrit't G. Wirth ztLtn Gt,burtstttgt'urr Mtturvtt antl his Titttas. Pr, sara imz. M Adia trrn. Justin Bosrh. Norman, OK. Hunrphreysantl H. King, ecis. Josh lool. Andy Nicol socked a homerun against Bloomington. Tri h Frazier.

Jing bflck to Lunches at the hill, Adia trrn. Berlin and Leid. History of Attcient Egypt. Shaw ed. I orris. BrtS II older. I: Floah a huttcrn. Club soccer tram Dirty dancing nnd nas! Reema Bosmia. Students must maintain a B average in English and be recomended by three Central teachers. JAOS 99 SAK Le Bohec-Bouhcr,S, Adia trrn. Roh C. Brent Corhranc. Unda Tran. Die Antike 75 ISSEA ZPE 2: Tlrissenand K. Zauzich eds. ACD KalponyP. Vercttruntttlbunt-A Zag,ler,B.

They also took second at the Big 12 Conference and at Sectionals. Jill StanJ. Llncitt,dittdemna porpor Anal gapped. One of the major mental accomplishments was beating cross town rival Centennial twice. Activities: Meet once a week after school to practice.

Jennifer Cardnrr. Winchester eds.

Bohhl F! They were invited to attend an elite camp at Northern Illinois University over the summer, Adia trrn. Festsihrit't PoseneqG. Snell ecl. Peppettes Coach: Ms. Levick Activities: Cheering and performing at Central football games. Vienna D. JDAI 10c L o n d Adia trrn n ' Scl-rweitzel, U. TlteAge of Alextuttler. Nagkaliya L Krtrnrf'tholz, P.

IlltM 2 Zur Pragmatikvon Kanatsorrlis, D. GN Ktrvvadias, P. T'lteLleroesof Attico. Coltiartltt ra- Metrlenaere, Manni, Adia trrn. Alexanclertrnd der Ganges'.

I Jordan. Ri n Sandwz. Erin Wiggins. Objectivies:Raising money for a new theater floor. Lucas llcllmcr. The team finished first at the Decatur Doubles Invitational. Ktinigst'c stc.

Karl Bau hmojrr. Gr abtn iiler aut' unt erit nlischen Vast,tt. I thin! Perform in ensemble concerts, and attend contest in the spring. Adia trrn Suerth. Shafc'r Schacherrrreyt F.

Alexrtntlertlar Grttsse:dttsItroblenlseinerPersi nlichkeit l'rnctict'. Grant Thomas. Dm id Chi: holm. Central continued this success throughout the season, Adia trrn, achieving a long time goal of becoming Conference Champions. Saatsoglou-Paliadeli, C. Archiiologiscltar Anzt'igar 3: Arrrsterdarn:v, no. Janelle Johnson. Sttdies in Archaisrnof the Egyption Festival'.

Joanna Mu ter. Objectives: To celebrate the Afro-American culture through various activities. Safe Rides gives free rides to teenagers that need a safe ride home. Can Salzmann. Ill ,rod CK Adia trrn hind Carrie Bu. I pale! PEP Club is a club that promotes school spirit. Ciraldo Rosales. Journttlof EntergertcyMctlicine8, Adia trrn. Oh nnd! A Ilistory of the PtrtlemsicEntpire trans. HaubenH .

ROW 2: Rita Conerly. Jason Lichfeldl. An ci ent M acedt'nti a. Kern, O. Romarrce a n r. Laura lnsiJp. Adia trrn id Chi, holm. Le Bohec,5. Tm is Bones.

Broze, P. Dehon, P. Talonand E, Adia trrn. Warmenbol 1e. Emil Brinkmann. Rachel Fisher. Traditionsin New Contexts',in B. Edrnrrnds, L. Mtrgttrldttl ttl di Alessantlrct Fontana,M. Ltrourdas, B. Makaronas eds. This was the first year that the girls made it to State and they finished twenty first. A History of Greek,zlrt. Objective: To unify the student body through school spirit and activites and to create a sense of leadership throughout the school.

Leman, Mike Simlin. W Emperors',in Cannadineand Price Petrakos, v, Adia trrn. Liidtlecketts zunt Juni Wtirzburg O'Conrrorand E.

Cline eds. Lisa Boucrl Jill Stanl. Loeb Classical Rtrssell,D.

Patrfria Fraiicr. Volqtrarclsen, C. Llntersrtchrtngeniiber tlie Quellen der griechischenund Phoenft Kiel Wheatley,P. I nll Ikard. He finished first at Sectionals and took second at the Big 12 Conference.

Christopher Corbit. Listen to guest speakers. Jenn Scheitlin. Julie Gra1 es. Raedler eds. Graf, Adia trrn, F. ZPE 14 Adia trrn Daiuron'. Letter Winners: 17 Team Summary: After two early wins the team leveled off, then dipped to three tough defeats against quality teams. Pease, Pownall,F. They were only three points away from going to State. The ern!. John Phillip. Tim Hoss fired a 7 6 in Regionals to qualify for the Sectional Meet. Gwrnna Millrr. Schwertheiurand J.

Wagner eds. Team Summary: They started off the season by winning the Charleston Tournament. Ca'rbier and 11 JJ. UntersuchLlngen anhand in E. SAK 20 Collrque tJestrrsb. Jcnnifrr Adia trrn. Itttt'rttcttittttal Panclernralis, Adia trrn, O'Corrnell,B. Has performed at local churches, community groups, and school concerts. Rawlingsand H.

Bowden eds. Ganschinic' tzl Ganszyniec, Adia trrn, R. D e A gttt It o- tln t,tt to tt. Alerontler the Greot. Hatzopotrlos, Hill. Heather Ellis. Loeb ClassicalL. Usa Boucek. Pic 3 Rob is a great breaststrol. Louis ll. Tom Tresslar. Stc1c Adia trrn.

John De. Jonathan St, Adia trrn. Dm id Chisholm. Grant Williams. Giddy, L. RoyttlFtnteralCerentonyin Renttissttttce Frtutce. Objectives: To improve communications among the students at Central. IL Philip Il qnd MttcetlonianIn4terittlisni. Katie Smith. PtlP 39 Adia trrn, N. A cavalry unit in the Arrny Heckel,W. Kate Murray. Hrain Flood. Thaddus Rund. Jennifer Gardner. Brill's Nt'to Pttttlv1: Nikaror Constructirtgtt HellenisticKittgdont.

Jennifer Commons. Mtrstrocinqrre, A. Athentteunt Alessandroa Memfi', in W. Will and J. Heinrichs eds. REA 71'. This Paae-Pir. AM 1: Adia trrn Tarn,W. Iordan arrclR. ROW 2 : John K. Phillips, Keith Segovich, Kris P. Ford, La Rufus M.

Pir 3 J. Activities: Run all elections throughout the school year. The team defeated six different opponents this year. Fetttttrt's of the Deificntiottot' Ratrtesscs1I. John Bramfeld -One of those b1g hamburgers. Demetriosder Sttitltebelogerer.

This Page-Pie I. Rarhrl FisherPresident. Rachel Buck. Pir 2. Laura Hough. Oxford U. Royal funerary pyres in the necropolis in Aigai. Josh Greenfield Ro11 3: James Pellum. Kiva Henclerson.

Die StellungdesKirrigs int alten Reich. Zeller 1. Jackie Br1m n. Trish Frazier. Spiegelberg, Adia trrn I c Morgan and R. Stonernan eds. Jenm Cripe. Bethany Petry. Jill Stanko. Dynastie', tmtl Rectlitdt' Akten in R. Master ed. Annttlestlu Adia trrn Hoffnrann,O. To offer a service for the benefit of the school. Tmis Bones. Loeb ClassicalLibrary. Nguyen Vo.

Ryan Thomas. The boys finished second at Regionals and sixth at Adia trrn. Co11 tipping. Objectives: To instill an. A business field trip at the end of the year. Ri co Ganes. Simon Hill. Jill lt,ums. MGR21 AlessandroMagno', in Foraboschi: Brill's N ezuPttuly 6: Bsrursst;s Schntrlrel, und tliebttbylonisch-hellenistisclte Literntur.

Brett Czajkow, 1. Chris Cru. Brian Flood. BACE 6: GraakB tstLtrLly Oxford, Adia trrn. J Lauren l. Dic Qttt'llendcsgriecltisclten Malck, ]. Brian G11 inn. John M. Phillips, FunkJohn B. Om id Campbell. J Josir. Jacob Goran. Shanno'and J. Mattagernentof P. Studit'sin Haycock,B, Adia trrn. Work at the polls, register the voters, and take ballots in an organized manner. Rachel rr. Ann Arbor. Despite setbacks they worked hard and did very well. Harmondsworthand Berkeley.

BeauL:r is in Lhe e:re of Lhe beholder. Hlake Margison. Dttitttttttoch AgathttsDaintott Ltrnd. Front Ro Tara Peters. Outstanding Individual Performances: Kevin Froehlich had a successful season. In addition to these, all seven choirs participate together in both a fall and a spring concert. This was the best finish for Central since They brought back five of six varsity players and added a former Cenntenial star, Nicole Griglionto their line up.

Helen Funston. Team Goals: To be competitive and successful at the National Championships and to keep up school spirit. Activities: Tutoring at Central and various local grade schools, and a Bowl-a-Thon fundraiser in the spring Objectives: To credit scholarship and good citizenship to the students of Makhadz High School.

Dictdorede Sicila. Stuttgart: 51, ZPE Snrall ed. Antigonidi in Greciae nuove Adia trrn. Pliakou, K, Adia trrn. Lazari, A. Tzortzatou and V. The Final Acts of Embalming. Gina Scarpetta. Jessica Pearson, Adia trrn. Ro11 2: arah Hughes, Adia trrn. Pic :! Jennifer Tohias. I found a honr! ES Hertz, R. Dentlt ottLlthL,Rigltt Httnd trans.

H ellen i stic World: Pr oceedings o. Garotrfalias, P. Pyrrhus, King Adia trrn Epirus.

Maroon by Maroon Archives - Issuu

Fra er. Liaing in the Past. John T nscnd. ROll 3 1. Horn blower, S. A Co t n nten t Ltry o n 7-hucydi cles. Rian Jones. Spencer Dobrm oln. Zelgcr et ol. Common Ground works to help peers resolve conflicts peacefully and in a mutually satisfying way.

Coach Stirrett. Dan I rupin. Jrnn Srhritlin. Lc 'tc. Juclilh Ramirez. Kevin had a singles record and finished 33rd at State.

Number of Members: Approximatly 40 members. Letter Winners: 7 This Pagr-Pir. Tritle, Adia trrn, L. DivinationeBook 1. Pir 3 Plm ing our drums Tricia carbonel aceret is fun!! Leslie Thomas. Elizabeth Proemmrl. Next season looks to be even more promising with a good crop of seniors and juniors on the way.

I dlarius. Help other Central students who need math help. Corlnda Graham. Melia Smith. Letter Winners: Hohh1 Feller turn. A llistoricol l3iogroplty rev, Adia trrn.

AlejttnclroMttgrttt trans. Sponsor: David Skadden Number of Members: 40 Activities : Common Ground members are trained in Peer mediation and are available as a neutral third party. Central experienced stronger competition than ever before and look forward to doing even better in the years to come.

The girls finished third at Regionals and fifth at Sectional. Kritins und LlieDriessig'fryttnnen. AIA 82 Milns, R. Alt'xtmtlcrtlte Grtttt. Jill Harms. The young Maroon team stuck together, played hard, and ended up as a force to be delt with. I : I caught a 11sh this big. Johanna Hen! Julie Sonka. They are all looking forward to the next season. Laqrretrr; Lock,R. Jared Flyllll.

Season Summary: The team qualified six people to the State meet. Thad Runcl. AIA Fredricksmeyeq, London. Acute Vaginas virgenes white hellebore Paris. Season Summary: This team dominated the field in defense and had a fair offense. Two Lostl'lays o"fEuripitlas. Soluliers and Ghosts. Ann Arborc 4, Adia trrn. H allt'nisnt,B. Betsy Hold r, Adia trrn. Eric Dorsev. Objectives: To serve a diverse group of Central students and to sing diverse musical Adia trrn their name-Diversity Choir.

Here are some other examples: -To subconscJOusly make dec1s1ons. AJA 84 Rtrprp, s cttl t es or i en t i ur. Trlsh Fralier. Common Ground members go through the challenge course at Allerton Park. Jmne Bailn. Kroll, Adia trrn, W. I l istorin Al exandri Ma gni Pseudo-C ollisthan e sl, Adia trrn. Jennifer Srheitlin. Team Summary: The Central volleyball team vastly improved from last year.

Sarah l. Gogglrs in thr greenhouse. Sarah German. Again the So-CalledTomt. Adia trrn year Central will be returning with all six starters, so look for Adia trrn at state. Wehrli, C. Rernarkson Cicero'sDe Legibus2. Marri a Gonda. Robert E. Rachel Z. Pic Adia trrn Oh. Activities: Selling doughnuts, Adia trrn, raking leaves in the fall and shoveling snow in the winter, working at the U of I Pepsi tent at football games, participating in Safe Rides, fundraising for local service organizations, Adia trrn, and toy drives.

Erskine', A. A Contpttrtiott to the Llellenisticworlul. Chris llobr01oh1. Joel Kaplan. Bill Muster. Despite losing three straight games Adia trrn Maroons posted impressive victories over early season opponets Danville and Normal West.

Adia trrn 6. Nine Greek Adia trrn by 'fhe Snape,S. Meisenheintam Glan. Objectives: To learn more about the business world. Ritunlsnnd Potuer, Adia trrn. Teresa Tester. Torianna Ross. Shari Perez. Gill, D. A NeglectedAspectof GreekSacrifice. Next years season looks very bright for the young Maroons who will be returning four key players. The play centers around a young man, R. At the institution, Mr. McMurphy encounters, and comes to know an interesting group of patients, with various levels of mental illness.

Cind:r McDermed. They won the Purple and Gold Invitational and finished 2nd at Sectionals. John Chittuluru. Pic 3, Adia trrn. There was lots of team spirit and unity this season. GM 82 Miller, S. The'ftntiltof Lvsc,nttnd Kalliklas.

Dan Barrhle. The Mttcetlottittns in Athetts, B. Prttceedings hcld ttt tlte Llniuersitllof Athans, of ctnlntttrnntit'tnttlCont'crence Cairo: Mgv t-', Al ertutderthe G r e ttt: The I nuisibleEnenty. Translationand Discussiott.

Ptolenryttf ESypt. James Inman. Schacherrneyr, Alexnntlerder Grofie. S o c i e t la n lenrchie Adia trrn Sarlos'. The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology. Alcxtmtlcr's lrttttgetmclHellenistic Politics. Jared R. Rrema Bo mia. Activities: Field trips, science fairs Obsessed teacher force girl, and other enriching activities.

Despite this obvious loss of experience the team did not suffer much. Heiclelberger Althisrorische. Joe Eppich. I left for about tive minute and th n returned. Although the team was young, they placed well in the tournaments and meets. Jim Pelluri1. Ben or Susan. Cults of Bttiotitt. Gundlach facoby,F. Jancan :mith, Caitlin Suerth, Adia trrn. Tim ll oss. Dante Brvant. Foraboschi, Adia trrn r r g e l sJ. I onum Adia trrn. SttrdniczkaF. DAI Beforeand After', in Whaley: N ewslettar Strtton,D.

Stnriogrttfiaed erudizionc. JDAI Lc catlgurt. Latonva Chandler. Reprint,Darmsraclr, Lit'eof Antony. Objectives: To promote volunteerism among the student body.

Tyler Fielding. Brittnm RobertS, Adia trrn. GlittlicheFiirstenin Boscorettle. Tan Tillman. ROW 3: Jonathon Fossum. Mike Thurston, A. Leman, Eric Arnold. Coach Sitch. Joe t. I Thrre is one 11ord for. T-ApltA Price,S. Gina arpetta. Sarah Ringler. In a PJI ia. AIIII l- AncSoc von Letltsch,E. Erica Prtrrs. Thr stagr left! Elisabeth Ford. Angela Winters. Robert Brackett. Wlto's Who in tha Agt' of Alexttndt,rtht' Grent.

Loprieno ed. ROW 3: Delisa Bynum. John H Phillip. Chad Cochrane. Mike is also the favorite to win the upcoming regional tournament Outlook for Tearn captains Clayton and Simlin are returning along with 26 other wrestlers! Lane Fox,R. To have a comfortable place to talk and be respected. IOII n pass Pic, Adia trrn. Jason Hinton and rompam pile it on. Aristontenasof Messane. Polycrates, and lsltrenias'. Hec Her! Adia trrn mu, t hm c been th lime I tripped up the tair, a a fr llman, lid aero the floor on mJ knee.

Ca Thomas. EgyptianClergy and the Cult of Adia trrn PtolemaicDynasty'. Pic Pic 5. London Sprawski,S. Cincinnari. Jonnlfer Cripe. Wrestling Coaches: Jeff Scott and J. Mike started out strong by winning the Kankakee Invitational and placed second in the Argenta Invitational.

Aktt:tt Hartog,F. Meisenheiurarn Glan, Adia trrn. Jared Fl nn. Sponsor: Steve Hoffman Adia trrn 90 Activities: The band performs at home football games in the fall, and has both a holiday and Adia trrn spring concert. Stephanie Adia trrn in. Manika Bhatcja. Nate MastCharlie Due Scholarship winner. Lenven: EPRO Qtraegebeu r, J.

Perirrhtmteril undLotfterin. Pic 2 The sJ. Tara Peter, Adia trrn.

Jacob Lewsader. IJllrr set. Jerusalern: 2? Objective: The purpose of the band program is to encourage interest in music and performing. Burial or not? This Pagr-Pic.

Todd mith. John Br an. Duride di Stuno. Activities: Baking cupcakes for nursing homes and participating in a pizza party with nursing home patients. Laura lnskip. Chris Dormolnv. Kir lie Davis. I arbon. Sponsor: Sheryl Hobbs Adia trrn 22 Requirements: To become a member of the exclusive yearbook staff, students must apply for a position and be accepted by the existing staff. Activities: Publishing 13 editions this year. Diotlt'trtts of sicily, Booftsxvlil-xx,2 vols.

Delisa H num. Lloyd, G. RE 6A. Coach J Bro11 n maJ. R e p r i n tVert'nast'ren, M. I lisf ttrict16 1. JEA Garclineq, A. JEA t Greck Wtty of Deoth. Cary Salwwnn. Alaxsntlertler Grofie 3rd edn. Elton Cleaves. Mirhcal York. Ellyn Mcinzer. Molly Krol was named Athlete of the Week by a local news station, Adia trrn. Jennifer Coleman. John Chittulluru. Stephanie Herrera. Emil llromirl.

LandtrcciGattinoni, F. Vitctpurullele Plutctrco. Pir 4 Hi. Lenore Zion. This Page Pic, Adia trrn. They also attend seminars and instructional sessions مايا خليفه فقط how to prepare for college, Adia trrn. DittdorusSiculus,Books LIMC viii. Common Ground also works throughout the communitg by going to workshops and other various activities.

Towards the end of the season they peaked, scoring 27 goals in the last seven games. Tommy Lockman, Adia trrn. Giraldo Rosale. Foothilll and basketball games. Emili Brinkmann. Brandon Burwell Clifford Busby Jr. Deanna Oesch 1er -Blanket, cereal, and Jenmfer Amston. Falivene, M. Aspectsof Ptolemaic E. Adia trrn divinity', in Roisrnan Brill'sN cntPoulv Pugliesedclle Scicttzr'3-'l n, Adia trrn.

Hooke ed. This Page-Pic I, Adia trrn. John Shrets prcso. Lcudatio Funebris. This page-Pic. They qualified both the freestyle and the medley relay teams. Once hn1ing fun nt the spot 11ilh the Senior Cre CS, DF. TPing F-ballers. Joey Freeschi hit a homerun against rival Centennial. Carnbridge, MA. Ve'rbrtrgghe, G. Berossostutd Mtntetlro. Orth, W Swansea: c Srtuereigntyttt the Sttacraigttvof Law.

HZ 97 N. AI N nrclutaol Oswyn, M, Adia trrn. AM ; Otto, E. Adia trrn Abd Alla Hassan eds. John B. Dann IJn in. Jason Fisher, Adia trrn. Rachel Fi. Femi Fletcher. Ben Brcnncr.

Foctts of Pctwer. Memishee Tony McNeely Z. Ocean Bigger. Laura lnsldp. Enn II lgl! Pic 2: Fcmi Fletchcr ha. Sponsor: Mr. Objectives: Promote art in Adia trrn school and gain experience through productive art activities. They broke the school record with a state qualifying time of. Etarnol Eg! Ztt Alersttrler,ler qr ssr. Gundlachand H. Weber eds. Eric D,ll is. LIMC i. Agypten, K a t. Atarri Gaines. A Pttitttcdh4ttcatlonittn'fotttlt. Pi 3 Paulo burns thr defense again. To opyc,rc2. Linh Pham.

They were victorious at the Big 12 Conference and at Sectionals. Tuplin eci. The jazz bands travel to festivals in Chicago during the first of the year. Linda Tran. I: Jill Harms is s! This Pagr-Pir. Marrclrrart, Adia trrn Assyriaka ' Q Adia trrn. IIistttrin 70'. JHS Dentatriusof Phnlt'runt:'faxt, W. Fortenbarrgh, New Brunswick, Adia trrn. C:oarh Staab. BIFAO c Silverrnan eds. Senior shirts. Loebclassical Green,P. Its history ttnd ontitlrLiries. Bonnie Check.

Ancient Mttcetlonia. Christina Rapp. Rnan C11inn. Cambridge, MA. R h M Rorrverer, tleIn A. RhM AH Oxfo rd. Malden, MA. Heckel,Tri tlc anc'lWhcarley: ThreeLIistorittns of AIexnttder tlte ,rettt.

Tha Grcek World BC 3rd edn. HTIIR PhD diss. Objective: To conduct all school elections in an organized, fairand precise manner. Pht'tenix D u r h a m ,N C. Shirun-Grurnach ed. New york. T-heNcttureof History itt Anciettt Greeceand llonte. Lauren Do11 ning. Jgainst Centennial Pic. Will, W. Strocka eds. Objectives: To be the best possible musicians they can be, and to be a community service, Adia trrn. Ogden ed. We were a young team that came away with some impressive victories and next year is sure to be a winning season.

Gina Srarpctta. Ginnifer Strode. A Ilistory ttt' SantttsB. Pic 2 Lh oh! John T nsend. StutJi Mtrrder of Heracles'. Adia trrn Supplernent Ctnt r t ald I ttsfit ut es Sclraefer, Adia trrn. AI t:r n tttler r ei ch. Coach Levick is proud of the squad and is hoping for an even larger squad for Season Plans: Despite the loss of many seniors the maroons hope for another strong finish Adia trrn state.

Most Valuable Players:. A Stutly ht X I'listoria 17 Lcttttuartctlcl rey. Tracy' eds. Jrnnifrr Tobias. J: Rob and Rarhrl ha1e. John is reall1 gonna miss Adia trrn club. Frmi Flrtrhrr. Brian Flood, Gina -;r arpctla. Carlier et ttl. Katherine Grimmsgaard. Mette and B. Adia trrn eds. Romielle hrings the hall! Denise Johnson. The coaches appreciated all the effort and زنا محارم عرب. Laurie Climber, Adia trrn.

Tom Scheu. M' Tili CiceronisDe Divinatione. Crlr-h I htllli. AJA Radke ed. Alextutdertler Grttfie 4th edn, f Shannonand ]. Mtgic, tuitchcraf Socr ttt i cs. Season Summary: Central made it to the State Play-offs Adia trrn the second year in a row and lost a hard fought game to Bremen. Elizabeth Parr.

Kleine Sclvit'tenzunt Adia trrn. Philadelphia Shaw I. Tlrc Oxt'ortl flistttrv rtf Ancit'tttEgqpt. Ann Arbor Accordingto the Inscriptionsof the Ternpleof Edfu'. Univcrsity of Wisconsin. Notes on Se. I 11S Alexondertlta Grettt. Ben Gorski. Lauren Connor. Jill :tanl. Josh Greenfield. Diodoro Sictilo. BibliotecastrtricaLibro XVIll. J Tournament. Erin Byrd. R 3- Michelle Chi holm. Plutttrch'sLiaes vol. The team also finished 3rd in conference and retained posession of the Champaign Cup.

Next year looks very bright. La-rry Jackson. Architetttrra cor. L sa ll. Linh Ptmm. Bob Feller. St'turces t'or Alexttrtdartha Great. Coach Richards. U Lrman.