Addis abaaba sex

Lucas, Rachel.

Sex, sexuality, and the meaning of AIDS in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Language of materials. Dissertations and Theses Ph. View Item.

Addis abaaba sex

Type of safeguarding this relates to. Prevalence rates and the unmistakable presence of AIDS at every level of Addis abaaba sex notwithstanding, limited effort has been put forth to understand the sexual behavioral factors driving the epidemic, and to link issues of sex and sexuality to HIV, Addis abaaba sex. This dissertation examines young Ethiopian men's and women's sexual attitudes, sexual behavior, and their perceptions of HIV risk within the broader context of their social relationships and within the framework of their lives in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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Some features of this site may not work without it. The focus of this research is on never married men, agedand women, aged The results suggest that there is conflict between normative values and the reality of sexual behaviors; that is, while young Ethiopians' attitudes toward sexual matters are conservative, Addis abaaba sex, the behavioral reality is that young people are increasingly having premarital sex.

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Casual sex-debuts among female adolescents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This collection. Research Collections.

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Addis abaaba sex is an exploratory study examining a number of issues relating to premarital social and sexual relationships, mate selection, marriage, and sexual risk. Log in. Sex Work in Ethiopia Link to document.

Casual sex-debuts among female adolescents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

It also shows, how the level of tolerance may limit reporting of observing such incidences by staffs. Type of document. Search Deep Blue.