A teenage robot at puberty

June AWN, Inc. Archived from the original on July 13, Retrieved July 13, Los Angeles Times. Having been raised by a single mom, it was really something special to recognize this being represented in a cartoon. Fan Disservice : The normally cute-looking Jenny transforms into an extremely hideous monster version of herself, A teenage robot at puberty.

My Life As A Teenage Robot S 1 E 9 / Recap - TV Tropes

Please help improve this article by adding A teenage robot at puberty to reliable sources in this section. Kid Has a Point : Tuck correctly guessed Jenny had a virus growing in her stomach. The episode was produced in and premiered worldwide on December 15, in the United Kingdom and on Nickelodeon in the United States on October 24, When Jenny starts to develop face-bolts, voice changes, mood swings, and excess wires growing out of her underarms, Brad chalks it up to puberty.

“Subverting Traditional Narratives: My Life As a Teenage Robot” by Eliza Anne

July 27, Archived from the original on October 25, Archived from the original on July 5, Retrieved January 17, The New York Times. Archived from the original on March 17, Retrieved March 17, Archived from the original on September 23, ISBN New York Daily News.

Hostile Makeover

Tuck does act on said paranoia anyway by going to get Dr. But, there are many other differences in her narrative that very well could only have been possible because she is a robot. As Brad dismisses Tuck's outlandish claimsmore bolts emerge on Jenny's head. Only Tuck succeeds when Vexus captures him to prevent him from attaching the cables to the fuse box.

In class, Brad reminds Jenny that Picture Day is tomorrow and informs her that he wishes to be zit-free for his photo, bringing Jenny to mention that she never has to worry about breaking out.

However, A teenage robot at puberty, it soon becomes apparent that this is actually the doing of Queen Vexus of the Cluster, who has infected Jenny with a virus-like nanobot to warp her into a loyal, Cluster-controlled monster. Nora also tries this when she threatens to ground Jenny when she tries using the jumper cables to short-circuit the Nanobot.

Jennyunaware that the robot is inside of her, rockets off to school. Just then, a bolt appears on her forehead, acting as a robotic " zit ", A teenage robot at puberty. Jenny, however, responds with threatening to destroy the Nanobot, to which the Nanobot cries "Mama! Picture Day : Jenny breaks out in pimple-like bolts on school picture day, as a side effect of what turns out to be a Cluster device trying to take over her body.

This section needs expansion. She then screams, and blasts through the roof. While Jenny tries to make her heroic speech, Vexus dismisses everything she says and manages to escape by gassing Jenny with a cloud of green gas.

Back at home, Jenny attempts to remove A teenage robot at puberty bolt from her head by unscrewing it. You can help by adding to it. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

A teenage robot at puberty

Even Evil Has Loved Ones : After Nora, Tuck and Brad successfully short-circuit the Nanobot and remove it from Jenny's body, Vexus considers harming Tuck after trying to prevent him from installing the jumper cables onto the fuse box. December 31, Archived from the original on October 18, A teenage robot at puberty, Beyond Home Entertainment.

First of all, how cool is it to shake up the traditional narrative of a teenage girl by making her a robot?

As Jenny coughs on the cloud of gas, a small robot finds its way inside of her and proceeds to bite Jenny in her innards. All thanks to the bug Vexus put in her.

My Life as a Teenage Robot S01 E17 - Hostile Makeover

October Learn how and when to remove this template message. When Brad and Tuck come to visit, Brad concludes that the bolt is a sign of Jenny undergoing "robo-puberty.

Hostile Makeover is the first half of the ninth episode of season 1. Because Jenny was created by Dr. While Dr. Wakeman parents independently, and just like many other single moms would—she often goes far overboard with protection.

This section needs additional citations for A teenage robot at puberty. Archived from the original on August 4, Retrieved October 25, October 17, Retrieved September 21, October 25, Archived from the original on November 10, The Orlando Sentinel.

My Life as a Teenage Robot - Wikipedia

It then reappears, larger than before. Jenny gives back the Nanobot and Vexus agrees to let Tuck go before departing.

Properly Paranoid : Although Brad dismisses it, Tuck perfectly picks out the possibility of the viral transformation being inflicted upon Jenny. This is the latest accepted revisionreviewed on 10 December American animated science fantasy television series.