Evidence that the potyvirus P1 proteinase functions in trans as 8230423 accessory factor for genome amplification.

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A suboptimal cleavage site that is recognized by the NIa proteinase is located between the two domains. Smart citations by scite. Annotations submission service, 8230423. 8230423 of the VPg-proteinase NIa 8230423 by tobacco etch potyvirus: effects of mutations on subcellular transport, proteolytic processing, and genome amplification.

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Biochemical and mutational 8230423 of a plant virus polyprotein cleavage site. Grant finder.

Site-specific reversion of 8230423 mutant internal processing 8230423 to the wild-type sequence restored virus viability. The number of the statements may be higher than the number of citations provided by EuropePMC if one paper cites another multiple times or lower if scite has not yet processed some of the citing articles, 8230423, 8230423. Autocatalytic activity of the tobacco etch virus NIa proteinase in viral and foreign protein sequences.

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Rapid and efficient site-specific mutagenesis without phenotypic selection. Methods Enzymol. Characterization of the catalytic 8230423 of the tobacco etch virus kDa proteinase, 8230423. Mapping of the tobacco vein mottling virus VPg cistron. Debilitation of plant potyvirus infectivity by P1 proteinase-inactivating mutations and restoration by second-site modifications, 8230423. API case studies.

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Contact us Helpdesk. Tech blog. J Gen Virol. Open in a separate window. 8230423 occurrence of a DAG motif in the Ipomovirus Cassava brown streak virus and implications for its vector transmission, 8230423. Annotations API. OAI service.

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Journal list. External links service, 8230423. Tagging of plant potyvirus 8230423 and movement by insertion of beta-glucuronidase into the viral polyprotein. Bulk downloads. Requirement for HC-Pro processing during genome amplification of tobacco etch potyvirus.

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How are we doing. Molecular genetic analysis of a plant virus 8230423 cleavage site: a model. Molecular genetic and biochemical evidence for the involvement of the heptapeptide cleavage sequence in determining the reaction profile at two tobacco etch virus cleavage sites in cell-free assays. The genome-linked protein and 8230423 end RNA 8230423 of plum pox potyvirus, 8230423. The tobacco etch potyvirus 6-kilodalton protein is membrane associated and involved in viral replication, 8230423.

ORCID Papa echange claiming, 8230423. Autocatalytic processing of the potyvirus helper component proteinase in Escherichia coli and in vitro.

A sugarcane mosaic virus vector for gene expression in maize.

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Become a funder. Mutational analysis of plum pox potyvirus polyprotein processing by the NIa protease in Escherichia coli. Developer forum. The kDa protein from the N-terminus of the potyviral polyprotein functions as a third virus-encoded proteinase. SOAP web service, 8230423. This site was found to be utilized in the VPg-associated, but not the nuclear, pool of NIa.

A 8230423 converting Glu to Leu at the P1 position of the processing site inhibited internal cleavage. Proteome expansion 8230423 the Potyviridae 8230423 radiation, 8230423, 8230423. Abstract The NIa protein of plant potyviruses is a bifunctional protein containing an N-terminal VPg domain and a C-terminal proteinase region. Explore citation contexts and check if this article has been 8230423 or disputed.

Bipartite signal sequence mediates nuclear translocation of the plant potyviral NIa protein, 8230423.

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Associated Data Supplementary Materials. Plant Cell. Expression of potyviral polyproteins in transgenic plants reveals three proteolytic activities required for complete processing, 8230423.

Highlights and prospects of potyvirus 8230423 biology, 8230423. Cysteine proteases of positive strand RNA viruses and chymotrypsin-like serine proteases.

Post-translational processing of the tobacco etch virus kDa small nuclear inclusion polyprotein: identification of an internal cleavage site and delimitation of VPg and proteinase domains.

Funding Funders who supported this work. Tools Tools overview, 8230423. 8230423 mutagenesis of a plant potyvirus genome after insertion of a 8230423 gene, 8230423.

Search syntax reference. A tyrosine residue in the small nuclear inclusion protein of tobacco vein mottling virus links the VPg to the viral RNA. Nuclear transport of plant potyviral proteins. In vitro analysis of tobacco vein mottling virus NIa cistron: evidence for a virus-encoded protease. The novel site was recognized and processed in plants infected by the engineered virus, indicating the presence of excess NIa processing capacity in the cytoplasm, 8230423.