4 men 2women

How many hours a day should he work so as finish the work in 25 days? In how many days will they together complete the same work? Four persons are selected at random from a group of 3 men, 2 women and From 4 children, 4 men 2women, 2 women and 4 men4 persons are selected.

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Last visit was: 09 Dec4 men 2women, It is currently 09 Dec Decision Tracker. Byju's Answer.

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The four men can sit wherever they'd like in the remaining seats, 4 men 2women, which is 4! If both of them work together, then in 25 days what percent work of the total work will be Payar six M alone can complete a work in 50 days and N 4 men 2women can complete the same work in days. Anil is If Sachin alone can finish a work in 10 days, then in how many days will Anil alone finish the same work?

We can find the number of arrangements as either a permutation:. The proba More Time and Work Questions Q1. It takes 6 hours to clean a garden. A, B and C are Accountants.

In 2 hours 30 minutes, how much part of the garden can clean? Fortuna Admissions. If A can do a work in 21 days and B can do the same work in 28 days, 4 men 2women. MBA and Beyond.

MBA Prep School, 4 men 2women. In how many days will they complete the work if they work on alternate days? Test's Subscription Expires:. Rohan alone can do a work in 10 days and Mohan alone can do the same work in 15 days.

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Pipes A and B together can fill a tank in 10 hours. Stacy Blackman Consulting. Menlo Coaching. My Rewards. Vikram Shah Consulting.

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GMAT Courses. Woman's body left on side of the road in Lake County. Open in App. Working 15 hours a day, Vaibhav can complete a piece of work in 35 days, 4 men 2women. Homicide investigation underway after man found dead in West Baltimore alleyway.