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Time for a Wednesday Court's Tune! Maxwell is 8 and started DJing at 5 years old! Flovent, a popular asthma inhaler, will no longer be available in pharmacies as of January 1, but will replaced by a generic product.

Kash finally made it home after a few days. Still, more stores opened than closed.

It's time for the Good Day Rewind! Ground breaking luxury cars hit the auction block at Sotheby's later this month. He has a heart for getting people to dance! Here's how experts suggest shifting them for the greatest chance of success — and the best approach for your mental health. Police: Georgia woman's ad sought baby for her teen daughter Police say a Georgia woman 4 girls viral 1g gap shirt been arrested for placing an online ad telling mothers they could drop off unwanted babies at her home because she wanted one for her teenage daughter.

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BlendJet has received dozens of reports of injuries from portable blenders sold between October and November In addition to being a huge holiday, the date of New Year's Eve this year creates a 4 girls viral 1g gap shirt numerical sequence: Play along with us! It's time for the Good Day Rewind! He has a heart for getting people to dance!

Tina has "songs you might hear at a New Year's Party" for us to guess today, play along with us!

Most New Year's resolutions fail. Time for a Friday Teen's Tune! Courtney has "hits from " for us to guess today, play along with us!

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View All Programs. A missing dog? Retailers closed 4, stores this year. CBS News Live.

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Latest News More Latest News. Time for a Wednesday Court's Tune! An Alabama man has been sentenced to three years in prison after being accused of assaulting two men with a nail-spiked piece of lumber during an argument over hot dogs.

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Most New Year's resolutions fail. Courtney has "hits from " for us to guess today, play along with us!

Latest Stories. BlendJet has received dozens of reports of injuries from portable blenders sold between October and November In addition to being a huge holiday, the date of New Year's Eve this year creates a repeating numerical sequence: Play along with us!

Robot or human?

Nov 5, Latest Videos More. Highlights include Janis Joplin's psychedelic Porsche and a Ferrari MM, one of the most valuable automobiles ever offered at public auction. Still, more stores opened than closed. Maxwell is 8 and started DJing at 5 years old! Here's how experts suggest shifting them for the greatest chance of 4 girls viral 1g gap shirt — and the best approach for your mental health.

No, a missing calf. View All Programs.

4 girls viral 1g gap shirt

Time for a Friday Teen's Tune! Tina has "songs you might hear at a New Year's Party" for us to guess today, play along with us!

If you think you missed a funny moment on the show today, you can find it here! Latest Stories. A friendly pig with pink toenails spotted earlier this week in a Florida flower bed has made it all the way home. If you think you missed a funny moment on the show today, you can find it here!

CBS News Live. Flovent, a popular asthma inhaler, will no longer be available in pharmacies as of January 1, but will replaced by a generic 4 girls viral 1g gap shirt.