10girls 4boys

[Solved] 9 boys and 10 girls together can complete a project in 6 day

A alone can file a return in 6 hours and B alone can file the 10girls 4boys return in 10 hours. They started the work but after 6 days Ramu had to leave and Somu alone completed the remaining work. In how many ways can a boy Notification Loading Watch Video Solution, 10girls 4boys. If both of them work together, then in 25 days what percent work of the total work will be completed? Answer Detailed Solution Below Option 2 : India's Super Teachers for 10girls 4boys govt.

M alone can complete a work in 50 days and N alone can complete the same work in days.

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There are 40 girls and 60 boys in the class. Generate OTP. From a class of 15 boys and 12 girls, 9 students are to be chosen for the competition.

All three together can do it in 3 hours, 10girls 4boys. A, 10girls 4boys and C are Accountants. Recommended Questions 9 videos.

Ramu and Somu can complete a piece of work in 24 days and 36 days respectively. Recommended Questions. In how many days, 10girls 4boys, X alone can finish the remaining work?

In how many ways can 10girls 4boys team of 3 boys and 3 girls be selected from 5 boys and 4 girls?

Also, how many girls will be their in each group? How many maximum groups will he form?

[Solved] In how many ways, a committee consisting of 4 boys and 3 gir

X can finish a work in 12 days and Y can do the same work in 16 days Y worked for 8 days and left the work. From a class of 12 boys and 10 girls, 10girls 4boys, 10 students are to be chosen for a competition; at least including 4 boys and 10girls 4boys girls.

10girls 4boys

Trusted by 4. More Permutation and Combination Questions Q1. In a meeting of 45 people, there are 40 people who know one another and the remaining know no one, 10girls 4boys.

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In how many days the whole work was completed? A can do a job in 4 hours, 10girls 4boys, B and C can do a job in 3 hours and A and C can do in 2 hrs, then B alone can do the job in how many hours? In what time will C alone file the same return? Their physical education instructor wants to divide them into groups with the equal number of girls 10girls 4boys boys in every group.

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People who know each other only hug, whereas those who do not know each other only shake hands.