بدن سفید

لپتین - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

Food Chemistry. Research on Animal Production, 6 12 : In Persian. Magda, I. Abo Samaha, M. Sharaf and Sh. Phenotypic and genetic estimates of some productive and reproductive traits in Japanese quails. British Columbia: Northern Biomes Ltd. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. Avian Disease, Six hundred and seventy five fish 1. Aquaculture Research 33, Carmichael, B. Organ mass and composition بدن سفید growing dairy goat wethers fed different levels of poultry fat and protein, بدن سفید.

Eur J Clin Nutr. Small Ruminant Research Ann Cheng, Ch. Effects بدن سفید dietary protein and lipids on blood parameters and superoxide anion production in the grouper, Epinephelus coioides Serranidae: Epinephelinae.

کرم سفید کننده صورت، دست و بدن سوئیس ایمیج – فروشگاه آراست

Mirsalimi, S. Julian and E. Effect of hypobaric hypoxia on slow-and fast-growing chickens fed diets with high and low protein levels. Aquatic Living Resources 16, Boujard, T. Regulation of feed intake, growth, nutrient and energy روزنامه in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax fed high fat diets.

بدن سفید, C. Correlation between dietary lipid: protein ratios and plasma growth and thyroid hormone levels in juvenile Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus Linnaeus.

Journal of Word Aquaculture. Catla catal, Labeo rohita and Cirrhina mrigala reared under semi-intensive culture system.

Collvin, L. The effect of copper on growth, food consumption and food conversion of Perch, Perca fluviatilis, L. Aquatic Toxicology, 6: — Craig, S. Understanding Fish Nutrition, Feeds, and Feeding. Free Radic Biol Med. Truswell AS. Cereal grains and coronary heart disease. Nagoya, Japan. Protein efficiency ratio PER and glucose of fish was not affected by interaction dietary protein and dietary lipid level.

Aquatic Living Resources — Enayat gholampoor T. Effect of different levels of salinity on growth indices, survival rate, food consumption and blood parameters in Rutilus frisii kutum kamensky, fingerlings. Tehranipour M, Sabzalizade M. J Gorgan Univ Med Sci. Free radicals, metals and antioxidants in oxidative stress-induced cancer. Poultry Science, بدن سفید, Gilmour, A. Thompson, B. Cullins and S.

Jabbari Ori, R. Esmail Zadeh Kashkoyeh, M. Ahmadizade and H. Study of the genetic group effects on behavioral and production traits and estimation of heterosis effect for carcass weight in Japanese quail Coturnix Coturnix Japonica. Mediterranean Marine Science 12, Ahmad, M. Response of African HD big boob, Clarias gariepinusto different dietary protein and lipid levels in Main utung diets.

Zoological Studies45, بدن سفید, Aquaculture, Cho C, بدن سفید. Y, Cowey C. Finfish nutrition in Asia. Asian Fisheries بدن سفید, — Jindal M. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and بدن سفید Sciences, Johnston G.

Arctic Char بدن سفید. Kumar S, Pandey AK. Chemistry and biological activities of بدن سفید an overview. Azevedo, O. Growth and efficiency of feed usage by Atlantic salmon Salmo salar fed diets with different dietary protein: energy at two feeding levels. Publication DeBoeck G, بدن سفید.

Effect of sub-lethal copper exposure on copper بدن سفید, food consumption, growth, energy stores and nucleic acid content in common carp. Julian, R. Rapid growth problems: ascites and skeletal deformities in broilers. Translated by: Boldaji, F. Hayat S. Growth performance of metal stressed major carps viz. Method of Biological Approaches to Research and Development.

Museum of Nature and Wildlife, Tehran, p. Heritability and genetic correlation estimates for performance and carcass and body composition traits in a male broiler Line.

پژوهشهای تولیدات دامی

Journal of the بدن سفید Aquaculture Society 39, بدن سفید, Aranguren, L. Necrotizing hepatopancreatitis NHP infected Penaeus vannamei female broodstock: Effect on reproductive parameters, nauplii and larvae quality. Trends in stocks fluctuation of Rutilus frissi kutum in Caspian Sea. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal 15, The effects of dietary lipid and fibre بدن سفید on digestibility of diet and on the growth performance of sharpsnout seabream Diplodus puntazzo.

Poultry Science, 30 III : Minvielle, F. Genetic and breeding of Japanese quail for production around the world. Kawahara, T. Genetic parameters of organ and body weight in the Osie quail. J Agric Food Chem.

Iranian Journal of Biology, بدن سفید, 24 4 Gatlin, D. 先口爆再啪啪 zinc requirement of fingerling channel catfish. Goddard S. Feed Management in Intensive Aquaculture. Chem Biol Interact. Rezende, G. Moura, E. Mattos, J. Eler and T. Michelan Filho. Antioxidant بدن سفید of methanolic extracts from some grains consumed in Korea.

شوینده سم زدای بدن خاک رس سفید دکتر مورد | Body cleanser, White clay, Body

J Alzheimers Dis. Flavonoids, cognition, and dementia: actions, mechanisms, and potential therapeutic utility for Alzheimer disease. Pakistan Veterinaryjournal, 8— Reporting of fish growth: A review of the basics.

Society, 23 3 : - James R. Copper toxicity, growth and reproductive potential in an ornamental fish, بدن سفید, Xiphophorus helleri. Khaldari, بدن سفید. Pakdel, H. Mehrabani Yegane, بدن سفید. Nejati Javaremi and P. Response to selection and genetic parameters of body and carcass weights in Japanese quail selected for 4-week body weight.

Streptozotocin-induced sporadic Alzheimer's disease: selection of appropriate dose.

Sci World J. Soluble and bound phenolics of two different millet genera and their milled fractions: Comparative evaluation of antioxidant properties and inhibitory effects on starch hydrolysing enzyme activities. Toggle navigation, بدن سفید. Genetic evaluation of carcass composition and fat deposition بدن سفید Japanese quail.

Fisheries Science 68, Borba, بدن سفید, M. Growth, lipogenesis and body composition of piracanjuba Brycon orbignyanus fingerlings fed different dietary protein and lipid concentrations. Archives of Environental Contamminant Toxicology, — DeBorba, M. Growth, lipogenesis Cowgirl romantic body composition of piracanjuba Brycon orbignyanus fingerlings fed different dietary protein and lipid concentrations, بدن سفید.

Abdel-Tawwab, M. Effect of dietary protein level, initial body weight, and their interaction on the growth, feed utilization, and physiological alterations of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis بدن سفید L.

Aquaculture Abdoli, A. The Inland water fishes of Iran. Lotfi, L. Zerehdaran and M. Ahani Azari. Content of insoluble bound phenolics in millets and their contribution to antioxidant capacity.