سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش

The rest is just talks to fill newspapers. There exist Roman documents in the Vatican ancient archive underground vault that back that Jewish claim. It is a very difficult question because it will take what amounts to a book to answer, but I will try to make it short and sweet.

In the majority camp, the tendency is to consider the words of Assad as those of a man who still holds the reins of power and is determined to move forward with reforms, provided they do not sell out the national sovereignty. Ghufran said the regime is the problem and a regime change is the solution. They made notes of information Bengali green bed by their hosts on terrosism and armed gangs.

They know who we are, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. Has there been a demonstration that was not massive? They dont have many christians or jews, but tribes and the innertunesian regions are bitterly poor compared to the rich coastal area. A dictator is psychologically programmed to believe that he basks in the adoration of his people.

You will feel better. His reporting shall be professional and objective: The perpetrators سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش armed terrorists! He left his family with a Search…با مادر long pain of loosing a child.

The ripples of delusion spread outwards from the leader: if he believes he is fighting a gang of hired traitors, so will many of those who serve him. They are commanded by a 3alawi mob. It is now screaming loud and wide its frustration for being stuck there. Hence the uncertainty and confusion in which the region is immersed. But believe me, it is not Bashar who is stubborn, it is his community and their brothers-in-faith in Lebanon, Iraq and Iran. I do not like that all the enterprises in Syria are owned by the president and his clan and those that are not owned by them are forced to partner with them.

I am amazed by your analysis. In the US, Anthony Shadid and Nir Rosen have tried to cover aspects of the uprisings that are not covered in the mainstream press. The regime was given 11 years to usher in change and reform and came out wanting. Bashar al Assad is not a senile man like Mobarak or Ben Ali or a retarded hippie like Qaddafi and contrary to all these, he was an relentless ennemy of the US and the West and already under sanctions.

They are now begging the western countries for bread. The most striking feature of this mental state is its consistency. Islam was doing what besides NikaH and navel gazing under the years of Ottomans, and before and after?

But in his speech, Assad suggested he would not change tack — while again appearing to deny reality. I guess you better limit yourself to the other blog that you are promoting where the commenters are all on your level. So the dictator-at-bay eases himself into the next source of reassurance: his interests and those of the nation must be one and the same. Mere humans have no business in godly matters.

How much have we been served as readers by the coverage? It is a country that is half ruled by Palestinians and that Palestinian lady ruler did nothing to help her people. And why do Western media toss out all token adherence to minimum standards of professional journalism when the coverage targets an enemy of the US and Israel?

On one hand, the Syrian regime still enjoys broad popular support and has its entire state apparatus intact and on the other, its regional support Iran and international Russia allow it to hold on and withstand many more months. Norman, You have asked and I shall oblige. Agreed, but Palestinian Salafists must have Syrian citizenship, and also, if we agree to resettle Palestinians in Jordan, you must pay compensation to families of victims of Sabra-Sjatila, Karantina, Tal el Zaatar from Lebanese funds and Baathist confiscated properties.

I bet he will remain quiet as there is nothing to say. But the readers are not being served. Egypt may yet serve as a model for what happens in Syria. This would be very interesting to see who would come out and I think there are more Salafis than traditional Ikhwan or Sufis these days.

That is all I want to tell you about this. A reality check for all concerned. Islam is not one uniform entity. Who is feeding you Islamic nations Mr Uzair8, who came to the aide of Somalia and the famine that infests most Muslim nations? The answer is that he must do, for this is part of the dictator mindset and the alternative — dealing in hard reality — would amount to surrender and shame.

It is time to leave Syria for Syrians and Syrian Nationalists to put the nation back into the track of destiny after a whole Millennium of abuse and Cek profil. At this level, the regime thinks it has the upper hand but I doubt it very much, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. The SNC should lobby the Americans and the Europeans to get some sort of advance technology so the defectors can remain connected and not intercepted by the mafia.

The adoption of Western economic theory and practice will not help us in achieving our goal of creating a happy and contented people, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. The moment when the regime started to shoot at the سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش this was the moment i started to demonstrate with the people my friend from Karthage said.

Feed the mouth so the eyes oblige! The regime has stayed in power thus far, at great cost to the Syrian people. But Gaddafi-style, he also sounded seriously deluded. For the circles close to Hezbollah, the Syrian track is not a simple question of reform and popular protest, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, but a field on which is played the new confrontation between the American power and its detractors.

Probably it creates solutions on a personal level when one person is looking for peace and finds it through Islam, but, Islam was never able to provide any solutions for economic issues, for example, especially those we encounter at this day and age.

A thousand years. Chechnya was under Russian Orthodox Christain domination for years and Soviet pseudo-atheist domination for 72 years,yet it is one of the most Islamically inclined and religious regions in the World. South Korea and Japan also depend on Iranian oil and are negotiating with Washington in an effort to keep supplies flowing.

Jad I hope I am not reading too much in your post about Bashar speech,are you ready to convert and agree that Bashar is not doing his job as president and that Syria will be better off with a transitional government? Interference is coming from two locations in Iran, one west of Tehran and the other near the northwestern city of Maraghen, the document showed. They are tolerated by the international community under the leadership of the superpowers.

Leave the state for the community especially if this community includes people from many religions. It is not to سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. Seen in this way then the opposition is relatively strong and getting stronger. For those that advocate sitting down and talking I would say the following: a Is the head of the fourth division part of this nice chat? I do not like him ruling the country like his private farm.

Harrini should provide financial support to the FSA. Erdogan should turn blind eye to weapon smuggling from Turkey. Mina sorry i do believe that we are responsible until now, and i dont mind that we pay retribution to nazi victims, i think that the least we can do. When they here [Islamists], will teach them that a word is worth more than a thousand swords.

As for Al Homsi, yes I have heard what he said and I think he should be ashamed of himself. In reality my dear Darryl all religions Achilles heel are us humans, we have corrupted and hijacked whatever goodness they might offer. But we do have some conditions:.

They are tolerated or condoned by the AL representatives of the Arab regimes. The only concern, is that Islamists are illiterate, exceptionally dim witted, even more than Ayatollah Khemenei of Iran, more like the reptilian god Allah SIN they worship, but not as much as those training and funding them, the backers are even dumber, stupid as hell, and that is the problem, they are not going anywhere but backward.

No, you have no right to the mount area that has always been دخترکی owned, Jewish Land and Jewish property.

But all this can collapse overnight like a house of cards on the condition to find the element that could cause this fall. Thank you very much for سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش the link to the interview of the observer who withdrew from the mission.

Those three men went on to shape the world, as did Mohammed, Khayyam, Ibn Battuta …. Obviously his tactic succeeded as we see that the opposition got increasingly divided and سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش and the international community is quietly changing its opinion about the near future of the regime.

As in usual war there are no casual approaches. For Syrians to remain part and parcel of Syria the definition of a Syrian has to be broad based, unequivocal, and most importantly it has to supersede any other affiliation: Arab, Kurd, Ethnic X, Religion Y etc…. This is my Syria.

العراق وتراث سهل نينوى Ii ج1

Atassi said :. So far, the figures that have done it were secondary positions and could not be considered as vectors of opinion. In that speech Mr Jinnah criticises the western models of politics and economy and proposes Islamic models to present to and save mankind. Things are simple. Uzair8 Amateur 3 some a big joke that Syria was always antiisraeli. Its problem included aviasupport rendering to the American armies in Iraq, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش.

The clock is ticking, the script is unfolding. Did my question expose the hypocrisy of spreading violence while someone is staying safe behind their computer screens preaching for people to hold weapons against their brothers and sisters? At this stage i am much more concerned about the islamophobia we face throughout Europe sincegiven that those populistic right wing parties even form european governments nowadays, that i find scary.

If he ever stops clinging to that vital reassurance, then his regime really would be a criminal enterprise dedicated to plunder and self-preservation.

There are attempts at telling the truth. They Assads did protect it while at the same time wanting to play Sunni which led to the mushrooming of Islamic trends like سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش Read Nabil Fayad article about them and thousands of mosques and Islamic schools. Not once, have the media stated that a particular demonstration was not massive, or that protests this week were less intense than last week, when protests—naturally—go through ups and downs.

Sometimes we see that Antisemitism is declared by some groups as an knockout argument over an debate or discussion. But the story about Syria is not being told. Darryl I am not defending Islam because I might think it happens to be correct, or the better, or … because for every good thing I can point out I am sure there is a negative you can shed a light on, and I am sure I can reciprocate towards your faith the same sentiment; however I will not because I understand your faith is what is right for you, it is what you believe to be correct and who am I to say other wise!

I am obsessed so to Quren qawan in your terms because i do see in Syria my second home, i have never felt this way for any other country before, and dont worry when i was in Minsk i was talking the same way i talk about Assad about Lukashenko, and there were people like you who told me all is fine in Belarus.

Public display of affection should be reserved to lovers only not to slaves and master. The region is overwhelmingly Sunni and Druze — communities that would likely come out on top in a post-Assad Syria. Why paving them an easy way by offering more transitional chaos? If there is a real opposition and parties in Syria the Islamists would win like 30 percent on their best day. That you can not speak your سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش without risking humiliation or even death.

One told me that this revolution could have easily slipped into an civil war. We need to understand that. I wonder how Mr, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. Christian Wulff is doing theses days. This will — remember, when they [Muslims] had the technological ability to fight us, they did, for a thousand years.

Let them go for it with gusto and the ballot boxes will finally take good care of Syria. Mr Uzair8, can you please explain the following things per you post and a previous one linking Sheikh AlQarney:.

Not a single ambassador defected. January 11th,am. If outsiders are the cause of all the trouble, it must follow that their aims go wider than the downfall of a particular leader. Sure its fine as long as you shut up and dont cross the سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش line.

He left them with one dream; Justice for their child. Mina i dont think anyone of us has a cristal ball just this weirdo who spoke in Syrian state tv that Assad will stay in power to predict the outcome of the revolution.

We are going into WW2 and WW1 drama and atrocities with difference it is played on slow motion on the hands of Mia alfath have no human feeling. The coverage is largely lazy: the unverified claims and wild exaggerations of the pro-Saudi Syrian Observatory for Human Rights basically fill in the space in all Western articles on Syria. He was not nice to SNP and most likely will treat Syrians with contempt just like he treated Hamas when they got wacked in Gaza, who needs Half-men like that?

The Western world, in spite of its advantages of mechanization and industrial efficiency is today in a worse mess than ever before in history.

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Was Islam not ruling the Islamic world at the time? Without tourism the regime still has the oil for revenue. To what extent has the Arab Saudi and Qatari media converged with Western media? But the morning after, it slowly dawns that nothing much has really changed. So the comfort blanket of universal popularity must remain immovable, and the facts have to be adjusted accordingly. Dale Andersen said :. The sources of the March 14 recognize that the case is not yet fully completed, but it it is well under way and, so, Hezbollah would be deprived of the card of the resistance it wields with Hamas and that gives it a great popularity in the Arab world, surpassing its own community.

What he said is absolutely deplorable. There is no stability with this regime. Syria has suffered enough for six decades from these crappy idiots who all they cared about is self interests and or self enrichment.

We should regain Ninevah from the non-moslem SOFA Shiaسي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, they have no use or respect for it, they wants Karbalah, they can have that dump. If Assad would have wanted to really reform that would have been the time to implement meanful reforms. Islam created more problems than solutions. But, would one expect any better from the Saudi and Qatari regime media? Where is their dignity now? There are 1. The guy does not get it,and his circle sees this crisis as a personal challenge that they must win while the truth is clear: the regime is the problem and a سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش change is the solution.

The point of the two comments above by Aldendeshe and SNP is very clear, enough is enough.

The economic system of the West has created almost insoluble problems for humanity and to many of us it appears that only a miracle can save it from disaster that is now facing the world. I read your earlier comment and A.

I came across a forum thread elsewhere which I think is related to this issue. According to sources from March 14, it would be a matter of weeks. The dispute threatens to add to irritants in U. Cui, one of the top officials in charge of relations with Washington, said Beijing supports nuclear nonproliferation efforts but believes Iran is entitled to develop peaceful atomic energy.

It is in Syria that it all happens, but the game is far from over. Pretty CV! Regardless of the bashing report, denying the weapon smuggling and the armed militias while many TV channels and Newspapers documented that in details even before his team visited Syria and the same point was clearly mentioned in the first report his team submit to the سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش is an obvious political lie, his account on torture sounds right though, I think that his interview will be answered by his own team soon.

There is also limitation to human suffering and to human pain. I do not like that our educational system is horrible.

You see the problems in the regime and you see the problems in the opposition, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. The most important next step is to establish connection between the army defectors so they are not operating independently. Iran, for it is a Persian Shia country and now Sunni Islamic parties will take the lead 2. Mina if all is so great why do Christians of all denominations flock out of Syria? And at that time, the fall of the Syrian regime would have the effect of an earthquake in Lebanon.

Any chance of the oil lifeline being targeted? The biggest reason why people leave Syria and the whole region are the poor economic conditions, and i think that Christians care a lot about private schooling and therefore they might be better educated, but thats just a guess from observations in Syria. Syria and the Syrians had Mazot, electricity, affordable essentials until your Friends the ones you call opposition decided that they want to take power by force and convinced Arabs سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش non Arab countries to impose sanctions only so they can hurt the Syrian people and push them to hate the president, tell honestlywhich part of the Syrian president policies you do not agree with economic, political, PalestineArab rights, which onethere are no policies that i do not likethe only reason that you and others want to take power by force because he is an Alawi, look at the flag you useit is the flag of the separation between Syria and Egypt, i rest my case, there is no way 4v1 gangbag sa ilog you can take power by force so join the political system before you lose everything you would have gained for the Syrian people but i am not optimistic, Arabs are known to miss opportunities time and time againسي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, because of greed.

And those who march against him deserve the harshest treatment.

South Korea obtains up to 10 percent سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش its oil from Iran, while Japan gets nearly 9 percent.

Wonderful, after the Christian Zionists who want all the Jews in Israel to become Christians to get a chance to see the Messiah live, now we have the Tlass US sect, who want every eastern Christian to become protestant. Washington is pressuring Tehran to abandon what Western governments say is an effort to develop nuclear weapons.

We know we are all humans and we know too that crime might be pay for sometime but not for all the time, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. We are in a war, and theology is its basis. But I would not think they would get more than this like their showing in Egypt. He rejected suggestions that anyone who does business with Iran is providing money for nuclear programs.

Anyway,I agree with the main message in your post. Assad also says they are getting assistance from abroad, a claim that is difficult to verify. Assad attempted to offer reforms at start and it was received with more demonstrations and protests. I am an observer who loves Syria,provides material help to Syrians but unlikely to return and not interested in playing a politician.

Please ask Mr Uzair8 to contribute to your answer and tell me how Islam is going to solve the above opportunity problem since it has not managed to do it for the last years? Furthermore, Western media rarely covers demonstrations in support of the regime: and those protests have often been rather massive, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. For the people close to Hezbollah, this scenario is part of the chimeras transmitted by the March 14 and its Arab Neu pron vidiyos mia kalifha 2023 Western allies, and shows the inability of the enemies of the Syrian regime to get it to fall after 11 months of the outbreak of protests in Syria.

That you can get to any university you want by parachuting from a plane, while others study so hard and get nowhere. Throughout history you see normal people rising up against the established norm, a prime example of that although he is by all means not just a mere normal man whatever your faith might be would be Jesus rising against the established practices of his time whether Roman or Jewishor Martin Luther nailing his 95 Thesis to a Catholic Church door, or Galileo when he predicted that the earth was not the centre of the universe.

Being in an operative range of the fifth operative fleet of Naval Forces of the USA, the group aircraft carrier will render aviasupport to NATO armies in Afghanistan, will take part in doctrines and joint operations with allies and regional partners, is told in the message. Alawites originated from Iran, while Alevi are natives to the land of Syria and Anatolia. By the way, the ummah is by no way homogenous, so do you intend to start new ridda-wars to convince the different trends that you follow the only good one?

Hitler fe killed more than half of the members of Parlament, many members of the socialdemocratic party the oldest we have were imprisoned and killed. Chief of staff in Israel has just saidif Assad fall he expect his supporters to run to Israel as refugee, and he is preparing for that.

I do believe that Assad has lost his grip, he had a chance to reform but has shown now that the regime has no chance left to recover, the question is no longer if but when it will collapse. There is no room for dialogue let alone negotiations when there is ongoing violence. Divisions, political amateurism, indecision, incoherent strategies, internal dissensions, ego issues, it offers a very depressing spectacle of what is expected in Syria should this bunch take over the country.

I am still waiting to hear comments from the pro regime. Yet this kingdom along the similar way of thinking Qatar are telling Syria how to fix its constitution and the political system:.

In Turkey, laicity was imposed with an iron fist and a cult of personality that has outlived its founder Ataturk and is almost a religion. For these groups, the Syrian track has become a strategic issue that embodies the new cold war between, on one hand, the United States and Europe, and, on the other, Russia and the so-called emerging countries. He deprived his mother and father from the joy of seeing him grow to become a good son, and the dream to see and hold his grand children.

As usual, your comment are full of good intentions but sound phony as obviously you have no arguments than comparing Syria to Iraq. Viewing the picture in the link is pretty painful, whether it is Bashar or someone else. He acted very smartly in refusing to make any compromise under threat.

In my history classes in the communist regime fe. Fake emotions or fake anything are repulsive. It looks we have many people that can provide entertainment for the cause. Is there an anti-apostasy law in Turkey? سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش request from her to return to her family home in Acton, west London, could present Britain with an interesting diplomatic and security headache.

It only show how intelligently you grasp the political reality of the region. As long as they are not against, they have no influence on the سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش of the events. When the regime used lethal forces, only then the people called for the downfall of the regime. Norman, please do not visit Syria yet. Building hopes on the defection of a personality close to Bashar al-Assad proves that all other means have failed, including the use of violence by the opposition.

It frequently has had difficulties with Western and Arab governments in a region where governments have traditionally kept tight control over state سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. You need modern laws for modern solutions. My Alawi friend is not fleeing culture and religion, he is fleeing a country that is in shambles: no mazot, no propane and no electricity to name a few.

But no power is yet able to take this role. And if the alternative to Assad is an anti-western, Sunni Muslim-led regime, then the US and Iraq, for different reasons, might also secretly prefer him to stay. Alternatively, Assad could make a dash for Iran, his long-time ally, or even Russia, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, which has consistently shielded his regime from international censure and has sent a naval taskforce to the Syrian port of Tartus سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش a show of solidarity.

I had a chance to listen to the speech again, certainly Bashar made concessions he admited that reform can not happen at the time of violence, he in this admits that the security solution failed and to do reform he must stop the oppression, I think he lies he is continueing the oppression so he does not want to do reform. The link to the video is at the end:. The US is such a great place, they can produce new weirdoes by the minute.

Israeli officials have said they do not expect his government to last more than a few months. Assad made it clear, no reforms, no election, no democracy. I just think some people enslave themselves therefore deserve to be slaves. So we all should celebrate Israel re-creation and its rise from the ashes, help them to set up own rightful Temple without any hindered or hostilities from Syrians.

But how true is that? I keep waiting for an article in the Columbia Journalism Review to no avail. Rice was speaking after Lynn Pascoe, U. She said the figure did not include more than two dozen people killed in a suicide bombing in Damascus last week.

A senior U. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said. Syrians are on their own. But his credibility is shot among many, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, if not most, Syrians after years of failing to carry through similar pledges. May be a Jew? Where is Bronco? As for al-Assad being secular, I say that is very debatable because the secular elements in Syria are older than al-Assads.

They know who they are. The Middle East is the place that best shows that the world is changing. I would not be so sure that the overall support is still in favor for him or the regime one has to seperate that to be honest the majority is silent, and does not want to get involved, they want to survive, and yet to say they are with the regime or Crot dalam memek smp president is an assumption one should be careful about.

It has failed to do justice between man and man and to eradicate friction from the international field. I do command the Moslem Brotherhood for refusing to meet with the Ayatollah representative. Their position is getting weaker and will continue to do so. But what is also curious is that Western media was desperate to deliver propaganda services to the cause of the Syrian National Council there is opposition in Syria beyond the council, of course.

The good news is that his opinion is not the main stream acceptable logic. I am glad to hear that from him,we need freedom and democracy,we need to put an end to inherting presidency,and an end to corruption, we need to unite the syrian people, we need to extend this revolution to Iraq and KSA, we need civil rule,not religious rule, we need protection to all minorities, we need to look forward, what ahead of us is better Syria for syrian to live in, better Arabic state where we could unite, I call on Others to support methe more we get togather the more the chance for peacefull change.

Dear Ghufran, Thank you for your response. What we have seen in the last 10 months surpassed human bearing. Here you need a constitution to draw the lines and makes the definitions. If all the misery and the problems are coming from armed gangs and infiltrators how come the security services famous across the ME for their efficiency have not been able to quell the violence? Secularism has nothing to do with elections and who is the victor.

Fundamentalist Islamic militants as there is no fuel to stoke their fire of oppression and alienation. The difference this time is that, so far at least, bloody repression has not worked and the unrest in not confined to one city or region. If Arabic speaking Christians become reformed and Protestants there will be better relations with Sunnis.

Needless to say that there were many brave people who lost their live by propagate how the nazis commit atrocities, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, there is the famous Sophie Scholl who produced leaflets and who got killed with her brother. Assad insisted in his speech that he was not going anywhere.

Israeli did a great job on the Golan, they developed it into a small Napa valley in a way, something Baathists will not ever do in their wildest corrupt dreams. Not one single model that is fit for our times now.

Just like we were in a war against Communism, and ideology was its basis. But it is less so that the media partake in the lying charade. This happened under al-Assad so do not tell me he is secular. Thus, Aljazeera and Al Arabiya declare a demonstration massive the day before it starts. To claim that those are also pro-Assad is beyond wishful thinking! Get it already. These are crimes against humanity. Anyway, SNP plan is not to fight and regain Iskenderun all back to Syria, but rather calls for one separate autonomous administrative state ruled by Syrians, Turkmen and Alevi or a geopolitically divided region in which Syria will gain part of the coastal area and the City of Antioch.

On the contrary, it was largely responsible for the two world wars in the last half century. In Tunisia? Go for the political lies and say Islamist will rule سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش Syria. I think your presence on 7ee6an would add another dimension and a deeper understanding to certain issues; however I fully understand your position. Norwegians and Finns and Swedes سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش come as well.

Black market arms dealers like Abu Rida are struggling to cope with a soaring demand from Syria that has driven the prices of weapons and ammunition in Lebanon to record highs over the past 10 months. I would like to invite you to 7ee6an. To In my Syria, there is no such division. God Bless You. This language survived via many other channels but mainly through: cuneiform writings on the stones and tablets ; Christian Church es liturgy and religious books written in Aramaic letters ; secular writings of songs, poetry, history, and literature; and the family dialects spoken since then over different geographical areas in various countries.

People are afraid of defying the will of Syrian National Council and its propaganda message. Industry analysts say Beijing is unlikely to support an oil embargo against Iran because such huge imports would be next to impossible to obtain from other sources. And they know their history. As for Islamist parties winning, I think Syria is not Egypt or Tunisia and the Islamists would do well but they may not win. They had a long carreer in abusing Sunnis, including some of their classmates.

In Algeria some guys have been arrested and charged last ramadan for eating in the street before iftar. It is repugnant.

To the March 14, it has already registered a victory Tattoo men successfully separating Hamas from Iran and by trying to bring the organization into its fold, after having for long refused to grant it an office thus having pushed it to settle Damascus and get funding from Iran.

He promised an iron fist like it was a soft fist before for the crackdown. Adding a personal touch, he chose to pin the culpability on سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش Blair, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش.

There was in the beginning just demonstrations for the change of the regime, for dignity which was a nonexistant word fopr more than 40 years in Syria. So far I have not seen anyone on this blog who can demonstrate to me that this national concept has taken hold. He should be forced to personally apologize to every man, woman and child on the face of the Earth….

Democracy has nothing to do with Secularism. As he stood before his سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش audience, at once strutting, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, monotone and hollow-eyed, Mr Assad showed that inconvenient thoughts had been banished from his mind. The facts show that the regime has been consistent in its approach and most western journalists admit now that it is holding very well after 10 months of relentless condemnations, unrests and media attacks.

Were dancers provided? It has to stop first and knowing that it is not going to stop there is no reason not to expect reciprocal violence. If there is an information dump, means it have prepared and have tried to count effect from this provocation. The sanctions have led to a clash of interests between Washington and key commercial and strategic partners in Asia. Sheila I looked at hitaan but I have yet to see the site condemning violence by anti regime armed gangs or see a single post that does not belong to the group thinking that infected hitaan.

Jesus, what a pathetically obscene pantload of shit Besho is. You have not made up your mind yet. Qatar, who chairs the committee in charge of the Arab Syrian track would be the driving force behind this project, seeking to recover the Arab resistance movements and confirming the current trend of promoting Sunni Islamist movements as emerging forces in the Arab world, facing Iran and the Shias in general.

How about regaining Mosul and Ninewa from Shia Iraq?

This is hard for us to understand — a country scantly years of age. I would love to hear what he can possibly say! Why are they insisting that the token Christian representative in the executive body of the Syrian National Council is a true representative of all Syrian Christians, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. We can recognise Israel but they will have to cede total control of Masjid al Aqsa if they want that.

The idea is to isolate the Syrian president by depriving him of his support within the regime. You would be much more effective when you show your true face as no one is being fooled, believe me. Which was done not by guys on knees, and the whole Institutes in the West. The revolution is against inheritance of authority, when people revolt they revolt against such inheritance, kings are no longer accepted, when Yazid inherited his father Ma3awiya Hussain revolted, Monarchy in Europe lost to republican system, Russian revolted against Caezar,power comes from bottom up, not from top down, Kings or presidents who act like kings,are no longer accepted, their system is where corruption grows, the people are against corruption, it is rare to have a good dictator, the rule is dictators are evil people.

My views reflect my anti violence philosophy and that makes me look like a fence sitter,I am more comfortable here and I see no reason to join hitaan until it becomes a diverse site,like SC with all of its limitations. Now half of the Sunni kids reads religious texts before going to bathrooms. I wont rule out that in the transition we will see more violence, i am certain that many are interessted in the status quo. This criticisms also applies to the news media of the Saudi and Qatari ruling dynasties.

The greatest losers of the Arab spring on Bf horny long run are going to be 1. The saying goes: he is a bastard, but he is our bastard…. There is no light at the end of the tunnel except with armed resistance. Ghajar, a disputed village of a couple thousand along the Syrian-Lebanese border, appears to be the last Alawite community in the region. The bodies of 6 soldiers, all Sunnis, who defected in October and later arrested by 3alawi commanded military Goku Vs bulma branch in Bab AlSsba3 neighbourhoos in Homs city.

The Army is strong and united despite the daily claim of 15, 20, 35, etc… defectors. I do not like that you can be arrested without a warrant and can be jailed without trial. If it is a popular uprising how come the armed gangs that are supposedly shooting at peaceful demonstrators not claiming any responsibility? There are way too many trends that would prevent a landslide like Egypt. Why is it difficult for the media to even inform the readers of what is happening?

He سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش Morocon to me. Well for 10 months everyone wanted to join and Assad refused to share with anyone else. Why the shortage in gas and fuel, because of the terrorist attacks against pipes and trucks transporting those materials between the Syrian cities are attacked on daily basis:.

He notoriously put down an earlier uprising in Hama inwhen up to 10, people are said to have died. After all the killings, no one wants to even talk with him, let alone joining his Baathist Mafia. Golan is okay though. The real ugly face of the gulf states, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, KSA Japanesse massag deporting Syrians according to their religions, sects and political views, Alawites, Druz, Christians and Ismaelis.

This is very incriminating. Qatari money and Saudi would play a role here to drive masses to elect so Salafis. Assad turning up on their doorstep would be an embarrassment for Saudi leaders who do not like himbut if it brought stability back to the region, it might be worth it.

The results of actions taken by the US at the request of Bibi, and his group of American[? It means to separate the religion from the state and the way the state view its citizens according to their religions or not.

Once this regime gone,Hezbollah would necessarily be weakened as well as its Iranian sponsor. How does one explain that there has been not one diplomatic defection and no major government defection notwithstanding the defection of an inspector general in an accounting department of the Syrian government. Israelis will remain on the heights, no evacuation of settlements is required, but financial compensation must be paid if these settlements are encroaching on deeds held by others in Syria.

They must be plotting against the country itself. Again to avoid further bloodshed, I would suggest that army units be withdrawn and for BRIC and Iran and Venezuela and Lebanese and Iraqi observers سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش their thousands come and help the monitoring of the situation.

This is quite pathetic. We must work our destiny in our own way and present to the world an economic system based on true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice. I am in this position because سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش Full video horney stepdaughter from the people and if I leave, it will be because of the desire of the people.

All of us do not like violence, but while some claim that ,they support the regimethe regime who is using violence so they are lying too. Remember the syrian revolution IS the greatest revolution, Pornographie vidéo Togo where history is truely will be made, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش.

The methods that would be used to combat an invasion could justly be used against this threat from within. Western media insisted that all claims about armed elements of the opposition were mere fabrications by the regime. Revlon said :. It is not an impression, it is a reality. January 10th,pm. Valerya said :. I can literally fill a book.

A country where the ruler is willing to burn the whole thing down to keep his throne. These families live in different geographical countries : Iraq in the north mainly in the Nineveh plains Mosul as a newly established Governorate and Regional Government in Kurdistan; Syria on the Euphrates banks and Habour; Iran in Urmia; Lebanon mostly in its mountains; Turkey especially in the South East, and in Israel as well and also in Russian and Azerbaijan.

I would say all religions would like to control their subjects, not just Islam. There was no attempt to reconcile the claims and the later reportage. Reforms means that mistakes and shortcomings have happened and therefore who is accountable and how do you make for accountability. Ron is my guy too,I am afraid we have more in common than either one of us is willing to admit,we still can disagree but all of us must help Syrians and insist on a better government in Syria,however,the devil is in the details.

Sheila You helped An Alawi friend thru christian friend, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, this is exactly what I believe Syrians are about, This revolution is not sectarian revolution, it is not about religion either it is about freedom and dignity,The regime and his supporters are trying Sengale depict it as salafist or as sectarian anti Alawite, it is not either.

Majed Was that you or another guy in the previous post?

Increasingly, regime opponents backed by defecting military personnel have resorted to armed resistance across the board. But for this it is necessary to find a significant personality ready to join the opposition. Thus far, Western media has been playing games in its coverage about Syria. I strongly suspect that the globe was harvested to be sold for corneal grafting. That was the speech today.

New TV has been criticized by both Orignal noora fateh hotxxx in Syria.

Every demonstration is massive, and every strike is successful, and every Friday has topped the previous Friday in the size of protesters. I agree that the most will care for their part of the cake, most will be happy with bread and a job to pay that. Yesterday I was working on helping an Alawite friend who is trying to flee the situation is Syria.

By the way, in our revolution in eastern germany few started to fight for civil rights, in the beginning we thought we could reform the regime, and some wanted just the same good life the west germans had with fanca cars and bananas, az the end with the masses there was no control anymore, and the calls for reunification were rising.

The buck Nude in public place with the President especially where the constitution vests so much power in the post.

On the propaganda front they might said so, but there is even secret economic deals with Israel, so i do believe they even had the best silent alliance with Israel. Al Jazeera, owned by the Qatari government, aired round-the-clock coverage of uprisings that brought down veteran rulers in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya last سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. Heck they have Indonesian maids already.

However, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, there was an article not too long ago regarding the Syrian economy and tourism. All the best.

What are they doing with their freedom? Why do they view their mission as primarily political and propagandistic? I do believe nonethertheless that everything will be better than this regime, i understand the fears for a transition, but if we have let always our fears guide us, we would have never dared to leave the caves.

Who can forget Baghdad Bob Mohammad Al Sahhafthat man had a major problem with reality like many on this site. In fact, the distinction between country and leader is non-existent: he is the nation and the nation is him. But, I am not thet expert in figuring people nationality based on their accent? Assad has also burned his boats with leading Arab states and western countries, including the US and Britain, which initially entertained high hopes of his leadership when he took over in They and neighbours such as Turkey now see no alternative but for him to stand down.

If the سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. You would be hard pressed to find a worst ruler for Syria. Because Mr Assad believes that all the protests against his rule are the work of malevolent foreign powers, it follows that he considers any Syrian taking part in the demonstrations to be a traitor.

They need to get more organized in order to provide a striking power. Once again 1. A friend of Damascus told me. Jr has ended the life of this kid. A thousand years is incomprehensible to us. This 30 percent is between traditional Ikhwan and Salafis.

Of course, one does not expect the truth from the Syrian regime media. I would also like to Brunette wife share you that many of us are anti-violence and some are big advocates for civil disobedience and peaceful demonstrations only.

After سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش of intense and feverish coverage of Syria, it is high time that we ask: how bad has the coverage been? Antisemitism is still an big issue in europe, we have it in our law, if you deny the Holocaust you could end up in prison. How about Indonesian troops as well.

Author and scholar Gene Sharp told RT in exclusive interview that non-violence is the only way for people to bring about a democratic change.

Send them all over to SNP, will trains them in the right ways, the peaceful ways, the other benevolent aliens among us ways that I met couple of times. I do not like any censorships, and fe Hitlers book is not on sale in Germany. If he does decide to leg it, a key consideration will be what to do with his British-born wife, Asma, and their three children.

Im sure potential tourists will not risk visiting with their families. The Syrian intelligence agents who tortured small boys — also recorded by the UN — will convince themselves that this was necessary punishment for treachery. Of course, in Arab media it is even worse: demonstrations are declared a success even before they take place, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. AlFatiha upon his soul, May God bless his family with solace and empower them with fortitude.

You cannot eat the cake and eat too; something that the former regime did and this regime thinks it can continue to do. Resettlement of Palestinian is to be under careful planning in every way and funded by all able nations to put the issue to rest once and for all. If in 10 months there is worsening of the situation I do not think that the military solution is going to work.

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It is not like SC at all. The rest will have to live with the mind control part and chase their tail for life. AlDabi the brave shall not find such sight feareful. We are way beyond that stage. They would only have an influence in free elections in March, that I am sure will be supervised by the AL observers.

The pathetic SNC and its military Robin Hood, Ryad Al Assad are the Hindi bhan or bhan sex who desperately try to show unity and strength while they are getting close to the first state of decomposition.

All of my classmates in elementary school whom I never knew to be 3alawi, went on to assume high posts in the intellingence system. Those who want the head of the Syrian regime consider in this regard that he is holding the reins of power with his army, which has proven to be an institution still solid. Nepalese troops may be needed. On a final note, the boundaries drawn by the colonial powers being purely fictitious and utterly artificial are going to disappear in a variety of ways beginning in the ME and continuing in Africa as we see in the Congo basin and on to other parts of the world.

The regime is not to be trusted. As for the economic policy or lack thereof, I do not like that to get a business license in Syria can take up to a year or more and a massive amount of Parboti. Especially since, according to the sources, the Arabs, Qatar in the lead, have decided to put all their efforts to reach this goal.

I wonder if Iranians are still on theri way to Zainab and Ruaqqayah tombs, may be some of the hotels have shifted to this religious tourism group, which i think until now has always outnumbered the amount of foreign tourists to Damascus. He withdrew because he was afraid turning to a Shabeeh. Are we now to trust the propaganda outlets of the ruling dynasties of Qatar and Saudi Arabia?

Occupied Lattakia: ALC were guests for supper at Rotana Hotel 5 star of the Mayor, Baath party branch secretary, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, heads of security branches and several businessmen. I talked to a Christian friend to ask for her help, which she gladly offered. Has there been one Friday that has not been successful? The first and most familiar refrain is that all سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش trouble has been got up by outsiders.

Yes, no سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش plans on trucking the Palestinians and dumping them on Jordanian side of boarder. Bashar is killing his supports to keep the chair.

He knows that his supporters and the silent majority are still on his side. Assad again floated vague promises of reform, including a constitutional referendum on a proposed multi-party system in March.

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Reading your posts, which I now rarely do, indeed trigger lots of negative emotions I never knew I can have. Why would the Alawites flood the Golan? Where these men all not called heretics, and persecuted by their respective established religions? Their history is that history. In a way Bashar today is acting like Sahhaf. If that is the case, should we also deny Iran the opportunity to feed its population? Assad is going no where and the Syrian army and the Baath party know that the goal is to their elimination Iraqi style, so the Egypt scenario is not an option, therefore there is no chance for the Syrian government to give up, they just have to move toward reform and whoever joins wins, the rest will lose.

Peaceful revolution is non- sense at this time. He could be Tunisian. He also said that the regime started to kill supporters to convince the mission of armed gangs. This should have been discussed with the delegate before arrival in Damascus.

Have the rules changed and are we to Search…indian actress mms scandal the thrust of Saudi media that only Arab republics are undemocratic and that the Gulf kingdoms, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, princedoms, sheikhdoms, and sultanates are an oasis of freedom?

This should not affect your contribution to SC. Many of سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش write on both blogs anyway. Just because Moslems Illegally built on top of it, it does not mean they can claim it now. I dont see that Tunesia is doing bad now, as i hear from Tunesian friends they arent from annahda they are quite optimistic and actually say that finally they come to terms with their own coutry.

Now it is the reverse process that is taking place, Qatar is offering to install the Hamas in Doha and is promising financial aid if that organization leaves Syria. The Tunisians and other Arab freedom seekers are starting to learn it. Reem Dababna, Dr. Amir Al MaliH, Dr. Simon Shamoun, Dr.

Milad Razkallah, Dr. Danial Mammo, Mr. Eddie Bet Benyamin, Dr. Michael Mammo, Dr, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. My thanks go o my students whether in Duhok or elsewhere in the world and In diaspora. I am now tired of typing, but if you do not سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش get what I do not like, I will be happy to explain further.

That is my estimate. For the Golan Heights, It will be returned to Syria proper, but will also be ruled administratively by the Vibrater hard sex Council and the Golan Development Authority, whereby both Syrians and Israeli will jointly administer the heights and its resources, development.

Although the United States remains a great power, these circles add, it is no longer able to decide alone the fate of the world. And we have no idea who they are…. It is also for these groups the words of a man sure of the strategic importance of his country and confident in its future. Western media felt that it would be useful to the regime to admit the obvious: that the regime has some bases of support. Al Mu3allem could not agree more! This looks like a new provocation towards the Palestinian refugees, no?

Western media have been mere cheerleaders for the Syrian National Council. The aircraft carrier group left from base in California on November, 30th last year. For your information, Iranian tourists that made the largest number of tourists in are still flocking in Damascus, filling the hotels in Marjah and shopping in Hamidiyah.

Yes, if it makes you feel better, keep dreaming, Soria bkhair. Apparently heedless of such nuances and of his need for support if he is to negotiate his way out this mess, Assad poured contempt on fellow Arab leaders in his speech.

Is he an Islamist, or neocon?

The Syrian regime had no official defections, except the mysterious Bakkour and another who has disappeared into oblivion after his show on Al Jazeera.

Dear Ghufran, You are one of very few people here who are still on the fence. I do not like that when you are arrested you are beaten and tortured and treated like a sub-human. As it has become a habit, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش, the Lebanese political class has closely followed the speech by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and,as expected,the reactions to the speech varied according to the political camp.

We will thereby be fulfilling our mission as Muslims and giving to humanity the message of happiness and prosperity of mankind.

سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش

Not after dead. According to plan, under the scenario. This suggests he still hopes for some face-saving regional formula that would enable him to stay in power. Juergen I guess your friends are not the ones who are after bread and suffering unemployment.

Given the improbability of this scenario, the most likely explanation is that Gantz was trying to tweak Assad — saying, in effect, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش Israel would offer relief to his people once he no longer could, سي كسب عراقي في المخره بنت صقيره عمرها اربعطعش. You cannot be the author and recipient of change. You sound exactly like the Iraqi minister claiming on TV that the Americans did not enter Baghdad, while the American tanks are moving in the background.

It makes strictly no sense in the present context of witch-hunt and supposedly pending international condemnations and extraditions… Or are these just more cynical jokes? After a three-day stop in Hong Kong where it has arrived on December, 30th, the group has gone to Indian ocean. I do not like the fact that we have no freedom of assembly which rendered the only possible political movement in Syria, the one that can meet in the mosque.

The delusions of dictators are, however, intensely harmful. The revolution appears to have succeeded, the violence mostly stops, and there is a big celebratory party. He quickly understood that offering quick reforms was never going satisfy the instigators of the demonstrations whose aim was his toppling.

Assad has faced 10 months of popular revolt in which more than 5, people have been killed, according to United Nations figures. Druze people are good. So far there is no sign the violent crackdown is working. Israel as it will have to bend to the will of the people of the ME 3.