
The site is one of striking دك beauty in a dramatic setting formed by rugged islands with high cliffs and sandy beaches, دك, دك, which contrast with the brilliant reflection from the desert and the surrounding turquoise waters.

It is home to vascular plant species, more than in any marine and insular property on the World Heritage List.

الانتقال بالوصول الى المعلومات للمستوى التالي من أجل ضعاف البصر

The site comprises islands, islets and coastal areas that are located دك the Gulf of California in north-eastern Mexico. Equally exceptional is the number of fish species:90 of them endemic, دك.

أصغر طبيبة في العالم، لاجئة فلسطينية في لبنان

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coelme-egic: مفاتيح التأريض (ES)

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The Sea of Cortez and its islands have been called a natural laboratory for the investigation of speciation. Open دك index.

الانتقال بالوصول الى المعلومات للمستوى التالي من أجل ضعاف البصر – IFLA

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