ليان انجل عراقيه

Equally exceptional is the number of fish species:90 of them endemic.

I don't know Arabic but I think it begins from th verse, isn't it? El sitio inscrito es de una excepcional belleza y ofrece a la vista paisajes espectaculares, en los que la cegadora luz del desierto y el color turquesa de las aguas hacen resaltar los acantilados escarpados de las islas y las playas de arena. Remarks about the translation, ليان انجل عراقيه.

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I am only questioning the fact that there are differences in your translation and other orthodox translations. Shall we O. I think we should stick to the Book text, ليان انجل عراقيه. Validated by dramati - 17 January Such are the rightly guided. So admin.

Thank you! The site is one of striking natural beauty in a dramatic setting formed ليان انجل عراقيه rugged islands with high cliffs and sandy beaches, which contrast with the brilliant reflection from the desert and the surrounding turquoise waters.

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It is home to vascular plant species, more than in any marine and insular property on the World Heritage List. Bijna alle grote oceanografische processen die zich voordoen in oceanen ليان انجل عراقيه aanwezig in dit gebied, waardoor het van buitengewoon belang is voor studie hiernaar.

History has taught us that wars have been fought because of a few changed words in a spiritual text, ليان انجل عراقيه. So I found a difference between the traditional translation in the approved English language prayer books and your translation.

The administrators cannot read Arabic, so please translate what you wrote into either English or French. We have already translated this Sura in the class at the University.

I think I had better get an oppinion from the administrators on this one since your translation is not the same as the accepted English translation of the same verses, ليان انجل عراقيه.

Good morning I agree with you Dramati. Can you explain before we put it to a vote?

I only do this because when dealing with spiritual matters one must be very careful.