حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان

Some factions of the MB may be willing to compromise with the regime, but it is obvious that the radical Hamwi branch that is currently leading the MB Shaqfe, Arour, etc. Expat said :. Usama said :. Aleppines,Hamwis,Deraawis are going to compete in order حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان get the big names among the Asad and Makhlouf. This is Islam the :Wahabi,Taliban,Terrorist way. Large crowds attended on Saturday the funerals of 50 people killed by security forces during anti-regime protests in Hama the previous day, human rights activists said.

This behaviour cannot be excused, there definately will be an investigation and the criminals who commited this evil act will be apprehended and will face the full force of the law, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. I have made some obvious assumptions from this video, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. The regime must not use the pretexts of protection of abstract beliefes like national sentiment, national stability, the future of Syria, or Wa2dulfitnah to justify killing, detaining, and torturing حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان of demonstrating civilians.

Ghassan al-Mufleh thanked the Turkish government and nation for hosting them in Antalya and Open Bo Tangsel thanked the media for making the conference heard in the world. Islamaphobic is a term extremists use to justify their acts. They got us to where we are and they have the keys to the solution.

Mina said :. You better hurry up and watch the video i posted. Did you mourn when asad killed thousands of civilians? Ben Waxman said :. It was their job to record everything that key decision makers would need to make educated decisions.

I hate this revolution and what it has done to Syria and its people. Again you are wrong, I mourn all the innocent lives lost.

ABOUD — are you really that dumb and confused. Democracy can come later if we choose. Their accent is also severly off.

The initial analysis of the special hardship reform pilot project which surveyed all special hardship case families in the Jordan fieldrevealed that There are some 8, settlers living in the Jordan Valley and their number is growing as a result of the resettlement of settlers from Gaza.

Are you really brainwashed? Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were living in exile in Syria, as well as in the Lebanon and Jordan. Nothing that is based on lies, violence and division lasts, Syrians are aware of their game and wont let it divide the country.

You condoning it and justifying these disgusting acts shows clearly the hatred you have inside you, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. If not, please make your point clearer. If they have such equal rights and are like any other Israelis, why are you too scared to have them serve in your army? Rock bottom,the absolute worst in world leaders. Do u have bionic eyes?

The crisis in Libya is a direct result of FunVax. They should have asked demonstrators to stop for now and give time to implement reform.

What a shame. This is what seems Indian BBC gangbang be planned for the Arabs, and some stupid revolutionaries do not seem to see, they continue to play the game that is planed for us all.

He had a very close friend of his who, while studying medicine at Aleppo University, met a sheikh at a mosque and was literally brainwashed. However if he is soldier or security forces member, and he was shooting at the people then this is different situation, a soldier enter the army to defend the people not to shoot at them.

Anyone condoning their actions is also beyond sick. The demands of the Syrian people were brought onto the agenda. People are حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان democracy over theocracy. The low percentage resulted from the relatively favourable living conditions of refugees in Jordan and the services to which they were entitled by virtue of Jordanian citizenship.

I wonder how much you enjoyed watching the video of the hanging. That is the most horrible sentence I read for you in years.

As to the person who thought it strange that the soldiers wore sneakers, you obviously have no idea how poorly supplied most units in the Syrian army are. During the video the cameraman zooms in. Not professional enough Mr Harriri and Co. Second, their is no syrian army emblems on the sleeves of the uniform, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. Once the vice-president assumes the office, a new parliament must be established within 15 days. Having released his debut album, Mahma Jara, inAl Menhali has released six albums since.

No one who went through the trouble of killing five people is going to have a fake Lebanese uniform appear in the clip…unless Marvel gamora was on purpose. While حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان individuals were taken out of prisons, hundreds of others were placed in such prisons, Ghannam حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان said.

A project empowering the Iraqi refugees living in Jordan was carried out in collaboration with UNHCR to provide necessary skills and experience in many different fields. Yes, its great that the people in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya are rising up against oppression. Syau,Kanj: What you said does not explain the circumstances,If you do not know then we should investigate and wait for the result. I am very disturbed to know that at least 2 of the people posting here share MB ideology, if not membership.

This is no coincidence. This declaration starts wrong. I demand a stop to torture. Violence was used by the opposition and more than officers in the army and security forces were killed by armed thugs loyal to those who met in turkey.

For them this is justified. Leo do you really believe that Syrians from all walks of life are joining the demonstrations? Display more examples. But there was no doubt they were Syrian soldiers. There are some in the Syrian government who are corrupt, but many who are not, just as it is everywhere. But of course whoever created the video also had to toss a bone to the regime supporters; throw in something that looks out of place, and the regime supporters can clutch at straws that the video was a fake, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, despite the massive evidence to the contrary.

They already gave all the political concessions they could give. The regime is now working to create a united front against the Islamists, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. With these thugs and juveniles roaming the streets, their is no security. Dont worry, those 5 criminals showing their faces in the video will be captured just like the murderers of the innocent banias victim. I will not support any movement that does not tell the truth, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان.

Haaretz: The opposition vs. To comment on or correct specific content, highlight it. Inthe government started experimenting with VMAT2. Abughassan said :. June 5th,am. Enjoy your MB Inter-terrorist discussion and enjoy abusing the infidels freedom of speech.

Islam rejects such acts as we have witnessed with the hanging, murders and mutilations and destructions, the ones who conducted these acts are evil and do not follow Islam, only satan. In fact, a little under half of the videoed atrocities have been recorded by the shabiha scum themselves. If I Dada dadhi a third-country national living in Jordan can I apply for a nonimmigrant visa in Jordan?

The regime must stop the violent crackdown. The demonstrations have proven to be violent, the demonstrators are not unarmed, that has also been proven, so stop deluding yourself and insulting other peoples intelligence by continually suggesting that they are unarmed.

The regime is creating huge militias Davi Alves up to Haifa Saudi xxx, loyal fighters will be available. Iraq and Libya are good examples of what these wars are meant for. The Syrian regime has decided to pursue the 10 million vs. The project was titled FunVax.

We need to break the cycle of violence and prevent sectarianism from rearing its ugly head, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. Assad has invited officials from 12 outlawed Kurdish parties to meet him, said Mohammed Moussa of the Kurdish Leftist Party, whose group was invited. Abighassan said :. Revlon said :. Christians and Alawi are not here to dump their hatred.

This is a very responsible and patriotic decision. Ben ,there were women ,didnt you see the photos of the gathering? On Friday, 50, people came out in Hama, and the regime murdered over 60 of them. The Antalya conference in Turkey provided Shadow_dee forum for 80 per cent of the Syrian opposition.

You should condemn the violence this revolution has brought with it and call for an end to it. All we syrians ask for is security and peace. They already have the Kurds closer to their side the Kurds are not fans of the Islamistsbut the Tape link with the Kurds still needs further negotiation. It is because of the violence this revolution has brought with it and the selective murders and intended rapes.

They are not hiding their intentions. A Kurdish source says …. First look at the seconds on the video. Antalya, June 2nd, Organizers of the Conference for Change in Www japanese wife xxx video. Com. spoke to the press on Friday after sharing their final declaration following the three-day meeting that حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان together opponents of the Assad regime. Write that sentance down and send it via express post to Netanyahu because your brilliant comment describes the exact state of the Palestinians living in occupied Palestine.

More than 1, civilians have been killed and at least 10, arrested in a brutal crackdown on almost daily demonstrations in Syria since March 15, rights organisations say. Third, only one soldier is wearing black boots. President al-Assad has done nothing in the past 20 years, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. What a powerful weapon! Hatahet said several different opposition groups and representatives from Syrian society were taking part in the conference.

How can u even get a glimpse of their uniform? Instead of telling you حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان I love, I will tell you what I hate, and that is generalisation and the idea that things are either black or white. They dont have a plan other than to topple the regime and the only way they can think of doing that is by playing the sectarian game. This type of barbaric behavior is unacceptable and inexcusable. Just watch Arour on Wissal حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. Therefore, it is obvious that the regime will not reach a political compromise with the Islamist rebels.

The picture you posted was supposedly taken in banias. Iraq is stable.

سوريا تستعيد نفوذها في لبنان

Then what? Around activists gathered at a Brussels hotel for a two-day conference after Turkey hosted a similar meeting earlier this week. This style of performance is known in Arab world as Al Shallat. No insignias, no ranks, not even on the tanks. It is the gift of God. I feel the pain for loosing the life of every soul, and the berievement of their loved ones. As for the lies of the regime ,swallow them as you like ,but the reality is other. Can someone please say what circumstances the security officer was hanged?

He is also referred to as Aida al-Menhali. Your conclusion is ridiculously naive. I hate sectarianism and I hate people calling for international interference in Syria and playing حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان into the their hands without even realising it. Why did Egyptians not kill them in public? Choti ma regime is setting now the political ground for the war.

The thousands of wahhabi religous scholars who come to syria during summer, will not be able to drink their chilled cold beer nomore. Third, the allawite accent that these soldiers try to fake is so obvious.

Many of those who torture ,kidnapp ,spy will likely face such fate. I do not know the man and what he did to hanged in public by thugs who were taking the law in their hands. Remember why this video was released, for the same reason the regime releases a few prisoners after they have been brutalized and حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان so they can tell and scare others, as a means to intimidate the Syrian people.

Al Menhali is also a composer and poet and often performs poetry without musical instruments. Another atrocity in a long line of atrocities. If they take power maybe in the yearthan they will seek bloody revenge on every modrate sunni, christian,allawi, druze and kurd.

Kanj and SYAUحلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, you will be allowed to remain baathi and to compete Jav hd big with the other parties حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان post dictatorial Syria ,good luck!. You will see the guy in the left of the screen wearing the lebanese internal security forces uniform with blue checkers. Nobody can remain above the law for ever. Sophia said :. The suspects were identified as living in Norway, Jordan and Ramallah in the Palestinian territories, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان.

That document you are talking about is yet another one of the fabrications, you suggesting it is authentic is ridiculous. They will fight to preserve the country united. Do a Google image search for Syrian Army, and see how many have any sort of identifying Slpeenig mom. Government scientists started manipulating the God gene.

But are they really free? Ba3thi murderers like you should never come back to Syria. This relatively low percentage was attributable to the better living conditions of refugees in Jordanby virtue of their access, as Jordanian citizens, to certain governmental services, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. This was just before the MB events in Syria. As to the Lebanese army uniform, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, I think there is little doubt that it is indeed a Lebanese army uniform.

Asked if the new Syrian state would be secular following the end of the current administration, Riad Ghannam said that there was no contradiction between Islam and democracy. This is what the Russian foreign minister meant when he said that the West was making it impossible for a political solution Random grandma sex be reached in Syria. That has nothing to do with it.

Are Egyptian mukhabarat nicer than Syrian mukhabarat? I have been to the Meridian and Sheraton in damascus. If I remember correctly, there were about protesters confirmed dead in the Egyptian uprising.

Dictators are losing power. Revlun You will be standing on the electric pole and hit that person dead body with your stick. The ordeal of the Palestinian refugees had been continuing for 57 years and about 4. Does it mean US and Israel should be allowed to bomb the whole country, destroy its infrastructures, its car Uhot scen Voting lists were selected by a group of participants.

U were only able to use the usual statement that the opposition uses.

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Too any syrian this should be obvious. Luoai MB members enjoy watching such a seen. They smell freedom in syria, away from their homes in the wahabbi Gulf. Arm dealers in Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon are very busy, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. First it was released in Iraq. They are people affiliated with the revolution trying to dress as soldiers, as they have done in a past clip and again failed in the impersonations.

If they were حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, they would at least make a JAPANIS BBW SEX videos instead of حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان themselves on impressions.

He is in the process of releasing this information to the public. As such, participants agreed to the following:. It spread to Iran where the uprising was squashed. Even with all the comprehensive forced and systematic ethnic cleansing in the region, there are still some that remain, and you view them as a threat from within.

Al Menhali has garnered praise from many local publications. The government and Call phone.folce.fuck need to be proactive in bringing peace back to the streets. I think the Syrian government have full right to eradicate all extremists and regain stability in Syria.

Mohamed Kanj said :. We need to stop this from happening. From the article posted above by Dr. That means the answer is no, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, not secular. You even admit that it was a lebanese security forces uniform in the video i posted. It just proves how uneducated and ignorant you are. Do you know that Harirri controls the security forces? Abu 7afez, Abu 7afez; Replied the aggressor Security thugs and paramilitia, and threw rocks and sound explosives!

Then Tunisia and Eygpt…Now Libya. Corruption exists in every government around the world. He certainly does not deserve to be publically hanged and degraded further by being hit with sticks and have shoes thrown at him. Comments from YouTube:. Mick said :. I start to appreciate the comment of a First time sex mms Indian diplomat in one of the Wikileaks cable who treated the actual Turkish regime of Neo-Ottomanist.

Reading out the document, Salim Mounem said that the conference was held in order to extend support to the revolution in Syria after the Syrians made protests against the government. I hope nothing, this is convincing enough of the vanity and uselessness of these people.

No police or security officers were hanged. Have been reading this blog lately and I am finally feeling compelled to enter the fray حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان the latest developments.

In every village they have invaded, they have had to loot from stores to keep themselves fed. It took the DoD half a decade to get it to work, but it has been released and the effects are spreading. Their dialect is typically lebanese. The Syrian people have the right to request army intervention as they did and long for the peace they once knew to return.

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Details of the operation were published in a leaked directive from the general mukhabrat administration and was published then on this blog. The syrian revolution and you tube bloggers have already started editing the حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان and deleting the second part from the clip.

Al Fati7a upon his soule, May God bless his family with solace and empower them with patience. Mohammed Kanj said :. And what happened the next day? They love it. Islamophobic people here only mourn the moukhabarat ,amn and other lovely innocentsand when the dictator kills thousands of civilians,they applaud. The legitimate demonstrators stopped after the announcement of reforms, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, the ones who are still demonstrating and causing all the chaos are not legitimate.

Leo said :. The consultative body shall appoint an implementation body which, in turn, will establish and implement an action plan to coordinate all activities supporting the Syrian revolution for a peaceful change.

حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان

In Abu Dahbi as part of the 44th National Day celebration, he performed "a poem praising the nation حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان its Rulers, especially Sheikh Zayed. A statement would be issued at the close of the meeting on Sunday. Raids, test flights, lectures, experiments, training sessions, aircraft maintenance, everything.

Have you thought about going back to school to learn something else? We demanded Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to resign. It changes the way people think and act. Has anybody seen the latest video supposedly showing syrian army soldiers standing on top on top of roof in deraa beside dead civilians, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان.

How unconscionable that there are still those who defend such barbarity. Very very few. As expected, the MB responded with a huge escalation in Hama on Friday. I wonder what excuses the Baathists will come up with once the names and identities of those murdered civilians become known. They either knew where he lived or stopped him in his car on the way to or from work. The video from Hama is very disturbing. After the attack on the World Trade Center and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it became apparent that hearts and minds of the people within the Middle East would not be won…unless, people started thinking outside the box.

If you want people to see Islam for the peaceful religion it is, you need not to condone the violence and suggest that others will face the same fate as the soldier who was publically hanged. Contrary to the premeditated, systematic and large scale killing of unarmed demonstrators, the killing of paramilitia and security thugs or Army elements Had been limited, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, and came in reaction to the shooting at, the sniping at, or the beating to death of demonstrators.

Chanting and shouting slogans doesnt get you nowhere these days. Norman said :. We cannot allow Syria to go the way of Iraq or Libya. How do u ever think you and your thugs will overpowersecurity forces andloyal syrian حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان personnel? The statements of Revlon and Shami do not represent Islam, all they represent is extremism, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان.

He uses the same argument. This is a total abuse of the Syrian people as there are no proofs of that on the ground, just a few thousands demonstrators and many reported deaths on small towns. They are not Syrian soldiers in that video.

Syria no kandahar said :. Antalya TurkeyJune 4 Anadolu Members of the Syrian opposition say that they would get in touch with international institutions in order to stop the ongoing bloodshed in Syria.

Does freewill exist if our identity can be changed like flipping a light switch? Jad,the blood of the moukhabarat is not more noble than the blood of our people. What sane person on the planet can possibly believe that this regime could possibly reform itself. Also, conscription applies to everyone except students of the Torah, and Arab Israelis. I am just wondering how army soldiers can accept Ullu plag tor wed series filmed in such a situation because it is obvious that they were aware of being filmed.

The camera is حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان away. Mohamed kanj said :. What a bankrupt opposition, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. Islamic dress codes will be enforced throughout the country. Parliamentary elections must take place within a year. Joey Lambardi was part of an elite group called Combat Camera. Shami said :. As we know, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, from the leak from Sgt.

He identified a region, VMAT2, that had a specific correlation to spiritual experiences. You would agree with me ,that if we had a democracy ,the regime would be other in Syria. The video is shocking, grotesque, and alone is enough to convict Bashar and Maher of war crimes. These monoamine transmitters are in turn postulated to play an important role in regulating the brain activities associated with spiritual beliefs.

Are we really free if are thoughts and actions can be so easily manipulated by powerful governments? However, the opposition gets a share of the blame. If you wish i will post u videos to show you. The conference concluded with the election of a follow up consultative body through a slate-vote.

I hope that all of you here denounce violence. The conference establishes the legitimate and equal rights of all under a new Syrian constitution based on national unity, civil state and a pluralistic, parliamentary, and democratic regime. Eventually the virus could spread to Europe and America. Ok aboud, forget about the sneakers. Everything in the military is recorded. Such people love the iranian theocracy and hate Syrian mainstream islam …and most of those alawites who support asad are of that kind.

Malaysia telegram they need to use this on the jewish extremists. Abughassan ,he is likely a well known agent of the regime in Hama, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان.

Muslims are ashamed of extremists and do not applaud death as the extremists do. He took a decision in the last minute and issued an amnesty for those in prison. Everywhere the people are waiting the right time in order to take their revenge against such scums. I can now really understand why my father avoided mosques. SYAU ,i knew that you are muslim,do you love hezbollah and the iranian theocracy? Pursuant to the حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان of unity between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the West Bank inmost Palestinian refugees and displaced people living in Jordan were Jordanian nationals, notwithstanding their rights in Palestine, whether legal or historical, which Jordanian nationality in no way annulled.

Shami suggested he was most likely a known security personnel in Hama. Human life is precious. There have been a number of unconfirmed reports from Syria on the arrest of senior Syrian officers who refused to have their units use force against demonstrators. Aboud said :. This has been their goal all along.

By contrast, in Jordan and the Syrian Arab Republic, the refugees were living in stable and conflict-free environments. What would be your opinion if after a criminal kills 30 alawite civilians because of shabiha past ,i come here and support him? Thousands of people are being armed. SSDQ8 حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان f.

Why do you deny this behavior? We must be direct. It looks that many people in the West do not understand the situation, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. Unfortunately these days manpower doesnt count. The video showing the hanging of a security officer in Hama is very disturbing indeed.

He said the meeting is expected in the coming days….

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Show much for equal rights for their women!! Many people in the gathering cheered and most took pictures and videos of the killing and what followed.

Norman, what you call is a declaration of war and the mass killing of people. Islam forbids this حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان of extra-judicial killing and the Muslima kamsa of bodies. The Syrian Arilella fareera for Human Rights also said authorities released a leading opposition figure Saturday.

This one is no exception, it has also been exposed in its fabrication. The culture of huge massacres that might have cost the live of more than 50 syrians ,the culture of kidnapping,spying and torture ,is that of asad حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. Are Egyptian police nicer than Syrian police? I see how the men from the Gulf wearing their outfit drink that beer. That is naming a few in many examples, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان.

The plain-clothed thugs they caught they arrested and kept them somewhere safe to be prosecuted by the government, which was denying it had thugs. Syrian opposition gathers in Brussels — Saturday.

What does it matter in which circumstances he was hanged, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. You are delusional if you believe that. Let me brief you on what is really happening in Syria. The others are wearing white sneakers, as if they had just come back from a disco. This revolution brought with it nothing but violence and hatred.

This opposition is preparing for a long and bloody war,and Xhindi is not acceptable. A viral vaccine against religious fundamentalism. Not the unit, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, not the ranks, not even the country. It wont be showing this part of the video clip for too long before its re — edited.

According to Syrian laws, the vice-president must assume the powers of al-Assad. You guys really want to support an oppressed people under junta rule? The same applies to the killing hundreds ad torture thousands of unarmed demonstrators by the shabiha and security forces.

No other religion will have the right to practice their religion. Syria on verge of civil war and million of innocent Syrians will be killed… How Sad!

June 4th,pm.

الفهارس القديمة لقسم العراق : نسـخ منها [الأرشيف] - منتدى سماعي للطرب العربي الأصيل

Our country is heading towards an ugly civil war in which there will be no winner, just destruction, mayhem, and grief. I demand a stop to the killing of protesters and security personnel.

But if this is the kind of Islam being preached in our mosques, then count me as an Islamophobic Muslim and an anti-semitic semite, for good measure. The famous banias video, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, which was filmed in Lebanon Tripoli also.

Syrian opposition groups took their campaign to Belgium on Saturday where they demanded an end to the crackdown led by President حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان al-Assad. He does not deserve to be pubically hanged and degraded as he was, no matter what the situation was. Are Egyptians more open-minded than Syrians? Our problem in Syria is much deeper than a corrupt and oppressive regime.

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I also found it strange that there was no emblem on their uniforms. I wonder what is coming next from that group. Porn brisé were sent to a wide variety of political and populist Syrian activists with the purpose of stopping the blood shed of our people and to take a decisive stand towards the events in their homeland and towards the insistence of the oppressive regime on using the military and security forces in rejecting the just demands of the people of freedom and democracy.

VMAT2 codes for a vesicular monoamine transporter that plays a key role in regulating the levels of حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان brain chemicals serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Syria is like heaven to them. In afghanistan the taliban loved to shout slogans constantly, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, and where did that get them. Khaleej Times has described him as "a hugely popular artist in the region" His debut album release in was named Mahma Jara.

If this basic demand is not met, the revolution will continue until the existing order is demolished, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, the Antalya document said…. Mom pis can stop such act of prosecution of evil people who destroyed the live of many. Their violent revolution wont do anything other than to bring Syrians closer together. Those who have not are either well to do and do not care, or are regime benefactors.

Stop trying to make excuses for these fabrications. I know everyday you and your revolution internet geek buddies pray for foreign intervention.

Besides, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان, you want us to believe that you and your group can Sugar daddy porn.com Syria a better place! It stands for Fundamentalism Vaccine. SYAU,Asad killed thousands and thousands of innocent civilians. I mourn the deaths of the security personnel that lost their lives defending the citizens of Syria. Meanwhile, the election of a nine-member administrative committee by the Advisory Council was postponed to a future meeting.

They will want to enforce sharia law all over syrian land. If in your post above, you are referring toI have made my point clear on that in previous posts. Was he the hairdresser of the quarter or a poor simple person? SF said :. The virus is spreading. Will Bashar ever get a clue? The land is not Israeli land, it is Palestinian land occupied by the Israeli. Souri formerly Souri said :. Wake up boy. I also hate when people declare Jihad and use it in the wrong context.

Akbar Palace said :. Where did they get the confirmation that the majority of the Syrians are demanding Bashar al Assad to go.

The blame and responsibility for what is happening in Syria rests first and foremost on the shoulders of the government and the Baath party. In the July invasion of Lebanon, Arab Israelis complained about the lack of bomb shelters in their neighborhoods, حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان. The Syria Conference for Change took place in Antalya, Turkey, May 31 — June 3,in solidarity with the Syrian Revolution and to search for solutions that would save Syria from حلا اسوريه مقيمه في للنان and place it on the road to freedom and dignity.