
Iraqi Journal of Industrial Research

Free invitation to publish scientific research Believing in the importance of strengthening scientific research links and ابحث…عراقيه prospects for joint cooperation between researchers from different countries of ابحث…عراقيه world, the Iraqi Journal ابحث…عراقيه Market Research and Consumer Protection, University of Baghdad has the honor to invite all non-Iraqi researchers to free publish in journal, exclusively in English without any processing charge.

IbrahimKamal K. Hashim, ابحث…عراقيه, Fatima S. Sabah, Hamid J. Hashim, Bushra J, ابحث…عراقيه. Hussein, Abdel Karim L. Abdul-Jabbar, Alaa k.

Elewi, Mustafa Mohammed Hameed. Sahib, Ghassan M. Sulaimanابحث…عراقيه J. Waheed, Salim Albukhaty.

This license lets others distribute, ابحث…عراقيه, ابحث…عراقيه, remix, tweak, and build the work, even commercially, as long ابحث…عراقيه they credit you for the original ابحث…عراقيه. Requirements: Hold a doctoral or master degree with a strong publication history in a discipline related to the IJS Has an H index of 5 or above and a total of no less than 50 citations in SCOPUS ابحث…عراقيه Fluent in academic and professional English Work promptly and correctly under firm deadline Note: This work is purely a voluntary job and no payment will be ابحث…عراقيه If you are interested in becoming a peer-reviewer for the IJS please fill this form and sending your CV to ijs sc,uobaghdad.

If you are interested in becoming a peer-reviewer for the IJS please fill this form and sending your CV to ijs sc,uobaghdad, ابحث…عراقيه. Latest publications.

Taha, Abdulla K. Ahmed, Arshed Ali. EssaSawsan I. El Saied ابحث…عراقيه, A. WheidaMostafa El-Nazer. The journal is basically self-financed by applying fees on the researcher's work published in the journal.

Jasim, Luma K. Jamel, Ahmad K. Abdul-RazzakAbdulrasool ابحث…عراقيه Taha. Hashim, Ahmed M. Al-Bayati, Ahlam Y. Al-Shaya, Raheam A. Al-hashimi, Ameer F. Abdulameer, Hikmat A. Banimuslem, Yaqub Rahaq, ابحث…عراقيه.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.

Iraqi Journal of Industrial Research

Alshaikhli, Abdulkareem A. Poyft, Abbas A, ابحث…عراقيه. Al-Lhaebi, Flyah H.

Al-Khatony, ابحث…عراقيه H. Hussain, Ali I. Rajab, Loay E. Al-Bassam, Sahar S. Bayda Atiya Kalaf. Hasan, Taban K. Noori, Ameer F. Abbas, Manar Naji Ghayyib. Being a ابحث…عراقيه is a matter of prestige and personnel achievement. However, the journal is also supported by the college of science at the University of Baghdad.