قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع

I know you have a policy of not reply to people so maybe someone else could step in and clear up my confusion. Because not everyone gets Unicode right, real-world data may contain unpaired surrogates, and WTF-8 is an extension of UTF-8 that handles such data gracefully. On the guessing encodings when opening files, that's not really a problem, قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع.

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Every term is linked to its definition. On further thought I agree. Most of the time however you certainly don't want to deal with codepoints, قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Cesrate Posted April 19, Posted April 19, edited.

A character can consist of one or more codepoints. Veedrac on May 27, root parent prev next [—]. The caller should specify the encoding manually ideally.

Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Fortunately it's not something I deal with often but thanks for the info, will stop me getting caught out later. I understand that for efficiency قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع want this to be as fast as possible. Byte strings can be sliced and indexed no problems because a byte as such is something you may actually want to deal with. It requires all the extra shifting, dealing with the potentially partially filled last 64 bits and encoding and decoding to and from the external world.

Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. It سکس قصص has the advantage of breaking in less random ways than unicode. Codepoints and characters are not equivalent.

Right, ok. I used strings to mean both. If I slice characters I expect a slice of characters.

translating unusual characters back to normal characters - Microsoft Community

Ah yes, the JavaScript solution. Guessing an encoding based on the locale or the content of the file should be the exception and something the caller does explicitly. I get that every different thing character is a different Unicode number code point. SimonSapin on May 28, parent next [—]. 35 xxxmy 2 handling of paths is not good because there is no good abstraction over قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع operating systems, treating them as byte strings is a sane lowest common denominator though.

Arabic character encoding problem

December 14, Top Contributors in Excel:. Man, قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع, what was the drive behind adding that extra complexity to life?! Maybe there is other way to resolve this issue?

Bytes still have methods like. That is held up with a very leaky abstraction and means that Python code that treats paths as unicode strings and not as paths-that-happen-to-be-unicode-but-really-arent is broken. July 15,AM. Check you have installed the same font in Mint! Guessing encodings when opening files is a problem precisely because - as you mentioned - the caller should specify the encoding, not just sometimes but always.

If you don't know the encoding of the file, how can you decode it? Can you please advice solution for this issue? How is any of that in conflict with my original points? The numeric value of these code units denote codepoints that lie themselves within the BMP.

Because we want our encoding schemes to be equivalent, the Unicode code space contains a hole where these so-called surrogates قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع. You can also index, slice and iterate over strings, all operations that you really shouldn't do unless you really now what you are doing.

This was gibberish to me too.

People used to think 16 bits would be enough for anyone. This was presumably deemed simpler that only restricting pairs. SimonSapin on May 27, parent prev next [—]. Simple compression can take care of the wastefulness of using excessive space to encode text - so it really only leaves efficiency.

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Well, Python 3's unicode support is much more complete. That's just silly, so we've gone through this whole unicode everywhere process so we can stop thinking about the underlying implementation details but the api forces you to have to deal with them anyway.

Why shouldn't you slice or index them? Or is some of my above understanding incorrect. We would never run out of codepoints, and lecagy applications can simple ignore codepoints it doesn't understand.

So bring قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع on guys! It slices by codepoints?

Thanks for explaining, قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع. Can someone explain this in laymans terms? The API in no way indicates that doing any of these things is a problem. Most people aren't aware of that at all and it's definitely surprising.

You can look at unicode strings from different perspectives and see a sequence of codepoints or a sequence of characters, both can be reasonable depending on what you want to do. Was this reply helpful? Thanks for your feedback. Python however only gives you a codepoint-level perspective. I guess you need some operations to get to those details if you need. This is all gibberish to me.

It seems like those operations make sense in either case but I'm sure I'm missing something. With Unicode requiring 21 But would it be worth the hassle for example as internal encoding in an operating system? DasIch on May 28, root parent next [—]. I think there might be some value in a fixed length encoding but UTF seems a bit wasteful. On top of that implicit coercions have been replaced with implicit broken guessing of encodings for example when opening files.

That is, you can jump to the middle of a stream and قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع the next code point by looking at no more than 4 bytes.

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And I mean, I can't really think of any cross-locale requirements fulfilled by unicode. When you say "strings" are you referring to strings or bytes? That was the piece I was missing. Posted April 22, Cesrate Posted April 22, Posted April 24, قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع, Posted April 26, Cesrate Posted May 14, Posted May 14, Michael Kim Posted May 14, Cesrate Posted May 15, Posted May 15, Michael Kim Posted June 11, I tried to find workaround.

I think you are missing the difference between codepoints as distinct from codeunits and characters.

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Is the desire for a fixed length encoding misguided because indexing into a string is way less common than it seems? You could still open it as raw bytes if required. Slicing or indexing into unicode strings is a problem because it's not clear what unicode strings are strings of. July 17,PM, قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع. Ask a new question. And unfortunately, I'm not anymore enlightened as to my misunderstanding.

Why wouldn't this work, apart from already existing applications that does not know how to do this. That is a unicode string that cannot be encoded or rendered in any meaningful way.

Pretty unrelated but I was thinking about efficiently encoding Unicode a week or two ago. The multi قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع point thing feels like it's just an encoding detail in a different place. As Oldman baba porn user of unicode I don't really care about that.

Therefore, the concept of Unicode scalar value was introduced and Unicode text was restricted to not contain any surrogate code point. Python 3 pretends that paths can be represented as unicode strings on all OSes, that's not true.

قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع

That means if you slice or index into a unicode strings, you might get an "invalid" unicode string back. As a trivial example, case conversions now cover the whole unicode range. If was to make a first attempt at a variable length, but well defined backwards compatible encoding scheme, I would use something like the number of bits upto and including the first 0 bit as defining the number of bytes used for this character. We would only waste 1 bit per قذف المرأة لشهوتها وساءلها أثناء الجماع, which seems reasonable given just how many problems encoding usually represent.

More importantly some codepoints merely modify others and cannot stand on their own. Top Contributors in Excel:.